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1、山东省潍坊市高考英语完形填空一轮练习12山东省潍坊市2016高考英语完形填空一轮练习(12)【天津市蓟县二中2014高考英语模拟试题】完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。I always remembered the first time I took part in an English composition competition. “Right! Dean would be the 16 of our class to participate in the English composition competition

2、,” my classmates said. (Applauding) I was too 17 to speak when I heard what my classmates said. In order not to 18 short of my classmates 19 , I trained myself very hard for the hope of being the 20 of the competition, which would take place a month later. I 21 a lot of vocabulary, sentence structur

3、es and 22 rules and read many good or renowned articles. Not having I 23 pretty well, the day came. Every candidate 24 me looked so well prepared and 25 . “Only 1.5 hours. Start,” a supervisor suddenly said. Seeing the 26 “What do most teenagers concern nowadays?” I was nervous and got 27 block. Wha

4、ts worse, other candidates had begun writing. Moments later, I 28 myself, took a deep breath, and began brainstorming ideas 29 the topic. I quickly wrote down the composition structure, central theme, and 30 necessary elements. As the finishing time was 31 , I tried my best to accelerate my writing.

5、 Unfortunately, 32 my failure of time management, I left my composition incomplete. My final draft looked like a robot 33 legs were broken.The result came out two weeks later. To my surprise, I got the second prize! All my classmates cheered for me. This encouraged me a lot. 34 I was not the first p

6、rize winner, I could still 35 the scent of pride and happiness spreading around me.16Aplayer Bchoice Crepresentative Dperson17Aproud Bdelighted Cnervous Dsurprised18Aget Bbe Close Dfall2008042119Apromises Bexpectations Cdreams Dwords20Asuccess Bbeater Cwinner Dvictory21Amemorized Bcopied Cread Dwrot

7、e22Agrammar Bphrase Cpattern Dterm23Aremembered Bprepared Cstarted Dcompleted24Abesides Bexcept Cexcept for Das well as25Aeasy Bnervous Cinterested Dunconfident26Aproblem Bidea Ctopic Dtheme27Awriters Bteachers Cthinkers Dcomposers 28Apersuaded Btold Cencouraged Dcalmed29Awith Btowards Cat Dfor30Aan

8、other Bthe other Cother Dothers31Aapproaching Baccessing Cfinishing Dending32Athanks for Bdue to Cas a result Don account33Aof which Bwhich Cwhose Dthat34AHowever BAs a result CWorse still DAlthough35Asmell Btouch Csense Drealise 【参考答案】完形填空1620 CDDBC 2125 AABBA 2630 CADDC 3135 ABCDC【由上海市黄浦区2014模拟改编】

9、Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.In India, almost all marriages are arranged. Even among the educated middle classes in modern urban India, marriage is as m

10、uch a concern of the families as it is of the _1_. So customary is the practice of arranged marriage that there is a special name for a marriage which is not _2_: It is called a “love match”. On my first trip to India, I met many young men and women whose parents were in the process of “getting them

11、 married”. In many cases, the bride and groom would not meet each other before the marriage. _3_ they might meet for a brief conversation, and this meeting would take place only after their parents had decided that the match was _4_. Parents do not force their children to marry a person who either m

12、arriage partner finds unacceptable. But only after one match is refused will another be sought.As a young American woman in India for the first time, I found this custom of arranged marriage _5_. How could any intelligent young person _6_ to such a marriage without great reluctance? It was _7_ to ev

13、erything I believed about the importance of romantic love as the only basis of a happy marriage. It was also in conflict with my strongly held beliefs that the choice of such a close and permanent relationship could be made only by individuals _8_. If anyone had tried to arrange my marriage, I would

14、 have been _9_!Sita, one of my young friends, was a college graduate with a degree in political science. She had been _10_ for over a year while her parents were arranging a match for her. I found it difficult to accept the obedient(顺从的) manner in which this well-educated young woman awaited the out

15、come of a process that would _11_ her spending the rest of her life with a man she hardly knew, a total stranger, _12_ by her parents. In frustration and distress, I asked her, “Dont you care who you _13_?” “Of course I care,” she answered. “This is why I must let my parents choose a boy for me. My marriage is too important to be arranged by such a(n) _14_ person as myself. In such matters, it is better to have my parents _15_”. 1. A. classes B. individuals C. society D. country2. A. matched B. decided C. concerned D.

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