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1、大型广场防水工程施工组织设计技术标中英文大连某某广场项目防水工程 业 主:某某置业(大连)有限公司 Developer:Kardan Land (Dalian) Co.,Ltd (一)施工组织设计1、编制说明 Explanation to the Compilation 1.1 综合说明 Comprehensive Explanations首先,感谢某某(大连)房地产开发有限公司给我们公司提供了这次合作的机会,我们将全心全意为开发商和业主服务,配合设计单位和总包单位一起共同完成本项目的建设任务。First of all, we would like to thank GTC (Dalian)

2、Real Estate Development Co., Ltd for giving us such an opportunity . we will serve the Developers and Client whole-heartedly, execute the project with the design unit and the total package together .通过认真学习和研究了招标文件及有关图纸资料,并勘察了施工现场,在分析了各种外部环境和内部条件,以及工程施工的特点以后,我们有充分的信心保证高质量,如期完成本工程招标文件规定的工程范围的任务。Having

3、 seriously studied the tender documents and all the relevant drawing and data, physically visited the project site, fully analyzed the factors of the surronding enviroments and our internal conditions and the characteristics of the project, we are fully confident to guarantee the guarantee the timel

4、y completion of all the work with high qualities stated in the tender documents.我公司如果有幸与贵公司合作,我们一定会全力以赴,发挥我公司的管理优势,技术优势,队伍优势,材料设备等资源优势科学组织施工,配置足够的管理力量,技术力量和劳动力,强化计划管理,质量管理,在规定的合同工期内高质量高速地完成本工程。If we have the honor to work with your esteem company we shall go all out to make pre-construction preparat

5、ions and the examinations of all the schemes for the project execution. We are sure to exert our advantages in administrations, technologies, workforces, materials and equipments, organize the execution scientifically: deploy ourselves with adequate administrative personnel, engineers and technilian

6、s, and labor forces: stress the administration in the well-planned execution and the quality control so as to timely complete the project with high qualities set by the contract.1.2编制目的Preparation purpose本施工方案的编制是为了更好的规范施工流程,完善管理机制,确保工程安全、有序、快速地完成。For the purpose of better normalizing the constructi

7、on flow, perfecting the management system and guaranteeing that the project can be completed in a safe, orderly and rapid way, the construction plan is hereby prepared. 1.3编制依据Preparation Basis(1)大连市建筑工程设计院提供的设计图纸The design drawings provided by Dalian Construction Engineering Design Institute; (2)施工

8、现场条件和实地勘察资料。Conditions at the construction site as well as on-the-spot survey materials(3)建筑防水工程施工质量验收规范(GB50208-2002)Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Construction Waterproof Project(GB50208-2002)(4)建筑防水施工手册Construction Handbook for Building Waterproofing(5)建筑机械适用安全技术规程JGJ33-86Technica

9、l Specification for Safe Operation of Construction Machinery, JGJ33-86(6)大连市建委关于建筑施工现场安全管理的文件及规定Files and regulations regarding on-site safety management issued by Dalian Municipal Commission of Construction2、工程概况及材料特色 Project Overview2.1工程概况(1)工程名称:大连某某广场Project name: Galleria Dalian(2)工程地点: Projec

10、t site: (3)建设单位: The Employer: GTC (Dalian) Real Estate Development Co., Ltd(4)建筑面积:320,000Floorage: 320,0002.2概况说明(1)本项目防水要求:地下室防水等级一级,且需有防海水腐蚀功能,我们采用3mm厚SAR耐盐碱型高聚物改性沥青防水卷材+4mm厚SBS改性沥青防水卷材;隧道防水等级一级,且需有防海水腐蚀功能,我们采用3mm厚SAR耐盐碱型高聚物改性沥青防水卷材+4mm厚SBS改性沥青防水卷材;屋顶花园部分防水要求有耐根穿刺:我们采用3mm厚SBS改性沥青+4mm厚SBS改性沥青聚酯胎化

11、学阻根耐根穿刺防水卷材,达到防水一级;其它屋面采用防水等级二级,我们采用3mm厚SBS改性沥青+3mm厚SBS改性沥青防水卷材。3、施工准备 Preparations for Commencement3.1现场准备 Site Preparation a.按施工现场平面位置图搭建生产和生活临时设施,做好施工用水电的布置,现场安全防护设施的搭建等工作。 Set up the temporary facilities for site production and life as per the site layout. Prepare the water and power, the safety

12、 protection facilities for the commencement.b.组织施工人员进场,并做好各项教育工作,Organize the work force, move into the site and do well educational work and others.3.2技术准备 Preparations for execution techniques及时组织技术人员,预算员认真熟悉施工图纸,参与图纸会审和技术交底。Timely organize the technicians and quantity surveyors to get familiar wi

13、th the drawings. They shall participate in the drawings studying and examining, and explain all the technical details. 编制施工图预算和月旬作业计划,提供材料的需求量计划。Work out the project budget and the schedules for monthly ,and also the materials supply plan.根据施工图纸,配备与本工程相关的规程,规范及有关图集,并分发给项目经理部相关人员,相关人员根据规范,图集和企业标准,做好各

14、相应的技术交底记录。The drawing,regulations,code will be delivered to key personnel for keeping a record of technical clarification.做好各种进场材料的质量检验,合格证等准备工作。Do a good job in checking all those materials to be brought into the site, certificate and other preparatory work4、主要施工机具及劳动力资源配置Preparations for Major Con

15、struction equipment and work forces 根据本工程的施工规模及结构形式,为了顺利快速地完成本工程,拟投入的施工机具及劳动力计划表详见附表。As per the project scale and structural formation, in order to smoothly complete the execution, it is proposed to allocate of the following equipments and labor forces as the form listed below.4.1劳动力资源配备 Labor Force

16、s(1)集结精干的施工队伍,组织好劳动力进场,根据机构特点,建设单位工期要求及我公司项目部承诺条件,结合本工程的施工情况,合理组织一支强有力的施工队伍进场。The most capable construction units shall be selected for mobilization.The selection shall consider the local condition,the construction program and the promises we have made.(2)落实各级人员的岗位责任制Hold all-level personnel responsible to their own jobs.(3)做好劳动力的入场教育培训,搞好全员的各项交底

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