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1、高职高考英语真题.补全对话(5小题,共10分)阅读下列简短对话,从A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案,将对话补全。例:M:Hows everything going?W:Fine,thank you.How are you doing?M:.A. Im 16 B.Yes,it is good C.See you then D.Oh,not too bad答案是D.l.M: Could you please pass me the salt?W: .A.its rightB.No, please dontC.Yes,please D.Sure,here you2.M:Hi,My name is Iva

2、n,and Im from Russia.W:,Ivan. My name is Jane. Im from Canada.A.Nice to meet you B .Thank youC.I think so D.You are right3.M: Garden Hotel._?W: Yes, can I book a room for Saturday?A.Whats your name B. Pardon meC.Can I help you D.Whats the matter4. M: I want to have my hair cut,please.W: _.What kind

3、of hairstyle do you want?A.I am sorry B.All right C.Go ahead D.Thanks5. M: The dinner is so delicious.W: Thank you_.A.Id love to B.Take it easy B.Youre wele D.Im glad you like.词汇与语法(20小题,共40分)A)从A、B、C、D中选出划线的单词或词组的意义6.Last week a tennis ball hit me on the head, but I tried to ignore the pain,believi

4、ng that it would go away sooner or later.A.分享 B.忍受 C.忽略 D.治愈7.There seems to be a strong petition for senior high school students to enteruniversity.A.愿望 B.竞争 C.倾向 D主X8. Last night Peter not only finished the assignment but also read some poems by one of his favorite poets.A.家务 C预习 D.作业9.He spe

5、aks French so well indeed but of course not so fluently as a native speaker does.A.本土的 B.优秀的 C.外国的 D.专业的10. Mr.Smith is in charge of the project to be carried out next month.A.投诉 B.批评 C.负责 D.参与11.Tom often helps his parents clean and arrange the bedrooms on Sundays.A.粉刷 B.整理 C.打扫 D.调换12.My brother i

6、s leaving for Beijing on business in three days.A.读书 B.旅游 C.探亲 D.出差13. Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still observe the traditionalA.观察B.执行C.遵循 D.支持14.Surprisingly, the man dressed in a worn-out suit finally turned out to be amillionaire.A.出人意料 B.显然 C.最终 D.毫无疑间15.Caroline doesnt

7、have a gift for music, but she makes up for it with hard work.A.追上 B.背弃 C.弥补 D.剥夺B)从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。16.“Lets go to the zoo,we?”suggested MaryA.canB.shallC.doD.will17.Only in this way.A.can the puter repair B.he can repair the puter C.can the puter be repaired D.the puter can be repaired18.It

8、was on Sunday _ I received a gift from my friend.A.since B.when D.that19.If the bus to the airport hadnt been late,wethe plane.A.caught B.had caught C.would catch D.would have caught20.Notthe book, Alan doesnt know howto answer the B.having read read D.reading21.The letter

9、is in French. I I cannot read it.A.writing B.wrote C.written write22. The more you practice,you can speak.A.the betterB.the wellC. the good D.the best23. This is my son, is interested in your school.A.thatB.who C. which D.what24. I do not like the color of my new bikeit runs very fast.A.though

10、B.because C.if D.or25.I called some friends for help, but none of them agreedme.A .help help C.helpingD.helped.完形填空(20小题,共 30 分)阅读下列短文,并掌握其大意。然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。One day,as two little brothers were walking along the road they met an old womancarrying a large basket of apples.The woman looked

11、 very pale and 26 .The boys said to her :Are you going to town? If you are,we will help 27 your basket.“Thank you.”replied the woman.“you are very 28 .You see I am weak and ill. Then she told them that she was often ill, and had a disabled son to support.She lived in a village three miles away, and

12、was now going to the market to 29_ theapple which had grow on the only tree in her 30 .“We are going the same way as you are, “said the boys,”let us have the 31.”So they held it, and walked along 32 .The old woman was 33,and said that she hoped their mother would not be 34with them.”Oh, no, “ they r

13、eplied,“ 35 mother has taught us to be kind to everyone,and to be useful in any way we can.She then 36 to give them some of the sweet apples in return for their 37.”No,thank you.”said the boys, “ we dont 38anything for what we have done.”When the old woman got 39,she told her son what had happened.H

14、er son was 40 by the kindness of the two boys.Several days later,the old woman saw a little girl who 41 and picked up some banana skins in the middle of the road and threw them into a ditch(沟).”I hopepeople will not 42 these on the road,”said the girl.”Someone may step on them,and 43.”“Thats right,m

15、y dear.”the woman said. “Its a 44 but it shows that you have a thoughtful mind and a kind heart.Great things often 45 with little labors of love.” D.happy29.A.tasteB. orderC.fetch D.sell30.A.dreamB.mindC.gardenD.house31.A.basketB.foodC.jobD.apple32.A.quietlyB.hopefullyC.bravelyD.merrily33.A.proudB.gladC.excitedD.calm34.A.pleasedB.strictC.satisfiedD.angry35.A.ourB.theirC.your D.his36.A.m

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