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1、conversation学习生活类CONVERSATION 课程询问、作业沟通、学习疑问等日常学习类场景常见词汇:slide幻灯片, discussion讨论, presentation个人陈述, lecture演讲librarian图书馆管理员Report报告office hour 教授答疑时间, submit上交 on disk在磁盘上 hard copy硬皮书, soft copy软皮书print打印,computer lab电脑实验室Project工程,计划 cover覆盖, re-write重写, research data研究数据, information信息, input投入,输

2、入, complete完整的;完成;Term paper学期报告, grade分数,成绩 credit 学分 complicated复杂的terrible mistake严重的(糟糕的)错误, edited version编辑过的版本, overtired过度劳累, stressed有压力的, rushing急急忙忙的against the clock争分夺秒, mark标记 分数draft起草,草图, final paper期末论文, maintaining average保持平均水平, application申请n, drop扔掉, re-take重上, due到期的, extension

3、延期, discuss讨论check back查阅记录, re-reading评价, submission上交 , exam schedule考试规划表, term术语,学期, date日期, book预定,书n, department部门,院系, invigilator监考人, sign up选择选修课程(required必须的/compulsory 被强制的course必修课)(selective/elective/optional course选修课), sheet纸张=paper(a sheet of 张,表量词), bulletin board公告栏, faculty lounge教

4、师休息室, square正方形,广场n, draft起草,草图, dean系主任=department chair(person), review评估, draw up起草=draft=first version, Manual手工(manufacture制造), consult咨询, Physiology心理学;sophomore大学二年级生, second year course第二年课程, first year student新生, transfer转变, begin my first lecture开始我的第一堂课, introduce介绍,引进, complete完整的,完成, ap

5、proach方法n,接近, laws of physics and chemistry法律的物理和化学, process of life生命的过程, vital force机体,生命力, philosophical approach哲学方法,scientific experimentation科学实验 Final exam期末考试, midterm期中, multiple choice question多项选择的问题, essay question问答题, comprehensive exam综合考试, the subject主题,科目, review评估, textbook教科书, clas

6、s note课堂笔记, the final will count for 50% of your grade最后的考试占50%的成绩, research project研究项目, run into problems遇到问题 School bulletin学校公告, required writing course必修的写作课程, first year student新生, third year student大三学生, research paper研究论文, sign up选择选修课, cover the entire process of writing a research paper写包含

7、整个过程的研究性论文, selecting topic选择话题, final format最后的格式, presentation个人陈述, hand in上交, assignment作业,任务, final grade期末成绩Class meeting班会, , different concept不同的观点, hand in上交, issue事件, revision 修订, grade成绩,分数 Research paper研究论文, proposed topics被推荐的主题, make comment发表评论, the most frequent problem最常见的问题, broad宽

8、阔部分, preliminary outline初步概括, schedule规划表, available空闲的,可利用的, appointment约定, final outline最后描述, no more than two pages long不超过两页长, thesis statement中心思想句,论文观点, precise statement明确的观点, conclusion结论 Workshop研讨会, intensive加强的,集中的, techniques and skills技术和技巧, personal attention个人看法, register注册, advantage

9、优势Consecutive连贯的, community center社区活动中心, seminar/workshop研讨会, beginning students新生, advanced students高年级学生,研究生, last four weeks最后四个星期, credit is awarded学分已获得, information信息 Discuss讨论, schedule规划表, midterm期中, administer管理, attendance出席,出席人数, optional/elective/selective class选修课学习、专业、作业等讨论场景summer se

10、ssion暑假班, bird course大学易学课程, splendor 壮丽,lecture hall演讲会堂, lab实验室, tough decision艰难的决定, pick选择, choose选择, grade成绩,学分, relaxed放松的, paper论文, final exam期末考试, advice建议,忠告, sign up选择选修课 Enquiry 询问,credit course学分制课程, off-campus在校园外, program程序,计划, remote远程, access进入,接近, internet 因特网,degree程度,学位, distance

11、education远程教育, diploma毕业证书,学位证书, requirement必要条件,format格式,板式, print materials打印材料, audio-tapes录音带, video录像, teleconferencing电话会议的, deliver发表, cost花费, fixed date指定日期, history 历史 Drop扔掉, fail失败, math数学, rough粗糙的, test测试, med school 医学院Use your advice用你的建议, do premed做医学预科生, introductory course基础入门课程, n

12、on-science major非科学专业, be weak in不擅长, do poorly in成绩不好, meet at the same time同一时间, modern drama course现代话剧课 Semester学期, , graduate course研究生课程, qualified合格的, hard time keep up, favorite interest最喜欢的兴趣, challenging挑战的, easy gradePermission to register允许注册, take the prerequisite前提条件, the beginning cou

13、rse第一次课, catalog 目录, instructor指导者, previous experience以前的经历, formal training正式的培训, decision决定Signature签名, schedule card计划表卡片, advisors approval导师的批准, quite a heavy load相当重负载, drop the course放弃课程, seminar讨论会Sign up for a noncredit course选择无学分的课程, intermediate level中间水平, grade成绩,学分, regular meeting定期

14、的会 Transfer转变, bachelors degree学士学位, associate同事, selective选修的, letters of recommendation推荐信 rehearsal排演, extra time额外时间, once a week每星期一次 Flight program飞行计划, degree学位, license执照, excellent reputation极好的名声迟到旷课场景cover覆盖,包含, lecture演讲, point out指出, chapter章,回, textbook教科书, part角色, divide分开, project项目,

15、 focus专注, due到期的, show up露面, note笔记, transcribe抄写, email电子邮件Oversleep睡过头, talk about谈论trouble with my car我的汽车有问题, lecture series系列讲座, attend参加, admission承认,入场卷 fill me in something做某事充实自己, dentist牙科医生, emergency紧急情况, missed somebodys lecture错过某人的演讲, note笔记, make sense有意义转学场景Public university公立大学, pr

16、ivate university私立大学, community college社区学院/社区大学, reputation名声, class size大小班级, personal attention个人看法, individual attention个人看法, interact互相影响, group discussion小组讨论, tuition学费, expense花费, cost费用, afford买得起, affordable负担得起的, location地点, environment环境, large city大城市, small town小城镇, college town大学城, top student尖子生, application申请, experience经验, special特别的实验室场景Laboratory实验室, research procedure调查步骤, lab assistant实验室助理, retrieve information检索信息, track the course跟踪过程, mo

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