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1、外研版英语七年级上册语法总结M1语法1】Where are you from? 你来自哪里?回答:I am from Beijing. / I come from Beijing.2】What about going swimming? 去游泳怎么样?回答:Good idea! / Sounds great!/ Great!用法:what about= How about, about 是介词, 后接动词 ing.例: What about _ _listening _ ( listen ) to music?3】Everyone is here. 每个人都在这里。Everyone :每个人,

2、是单数, 谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。例如: Every one _ likes_ _(like) music.4】and/but的用法and:和,表示并列或顺承关系。 but:但是,表示转折关系。例如:He is from China, _ but _ he isn t Chinese.5】It s nice to meet you all. 很高兴见到你们。句型:It s + 形容词+ to do sth.例如:It s difficultto learn_ _ ( learn )English.6】My name is Tony Smith.My first n ame is Tony

3、my last n ame is Smith .7】Be的用法1.Be 包括 is , am, are.2.Be 搭配口诀:I用am, you用are, is 用于he, she, it. 单数和不可数名词用 is, 复数全用are.3.Be 的肯定变否定,be + not4.Be 的缩写:I am = I m ; you are = you res; what is =what she is = he s ; she is =she s ; it is =it5.Be的疑问句:Be +主语+其他?回答:Yes,主语 +be. / No, 主语 +be not.M2语法1What/How引导的

4、感叹句What + a/an + 形容词+名词+ (主语+谓语)=How +形容词/副词+主语+谓语!What a big family ( it is ) ! =How big the family is!What fine weather ( it is )! = How fine the weather is!2】in front of 在前面 / in the front of在前部3】名词所有格两人共有:A and B s + is 两人分别有: A s and B s +are例如: Mrs Gree n is _ A mother.A.Lingling and Lucy sB.L

5、ingling s and Lucy sC.Lingling s and Lucy4】合成词合成词变复数,一般情况,后面的单词变复数。boy student boy students_ bus driver _ _bus drivers 2.含woman和man的合成词变复数,两个都要变复数。man teacher men teachers woman doctor _ women doctors 5】What s your father s job?你的爸爸是做什么工作的?= What does your father do?= what is your father ? 回答: He is

6、 a teacher.6】Beijing is the capital of China.China Chin ese En gla ndJapan - Japanese AmericaAfrica - African7】This is a photo of my family.a photo of 的一张照片8】名词所有格有生命的:Lingling s books 无生命的 : a door of classroom 表示时间和距离的:我爸爸的一个朋友:北京是中国的首都-English-American这是我的一张全家照。9】方位介词on the left 在左边;two hours tim

7、ea friend of my fatheron the right 在右边in front of 在前面 ; n ext to = n ear 紧靠in the middle of 在中间10】She and Daming s mother are at the same hospital. 她 和大明的妈妈在同一家医院工作。11】 My father is a bus driver, and he works in a bus station.(职业的单词: policema n; doctor; nu rse; teacher; actor; man ager.)M3语法1】数字one,

8、 two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen , sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,nin etee n, twe nty.thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seve nty, eighty, nin ety, hun dred.2】What s your classroom in England like? 你在英国的教室是什么样子的?be like = look like 看起来像3】a lot

9、 of = lots of 许多a lot of / lots of 后接可数名词复数时,等于 many;后接不可数名词时, 等于much.4】furniture 家具(总称);food ; drink; information 信息,这些词都是不可数名词,用is5】some / any 一些1.Some :用于肯定句(表示请求和建议,希望对方肯定回答的句子)Would you like some milk?What about some milk?Can I have some milk?2.any: 用于否定句和疑问句中例如:I haven t got _ any_ (some/any)

10、apples.Would you like _som (some/a ny) apples?6】on the wall / in the wall 在墙上/在墙里例如: a door is _ in the wall a map is _ on the wall_ 7】with / a nd 的区别with和and都有和”的意思with 强调前者。 例如:Jack with his father _ goes (go) to park.and 强调两者都。例如: Jack and his father go (go) to park.8】There be句型There be 表示 有” (th

11、ere is / there are )含义: 表示某地存在某人/某物(have:强调某人/某物拥有)句型:(1) 肯定句 :There is / are + 某人/某物(2) 否定句 :There isn t / aren t + 某人 / 某物(3) 疑问句:Is / Are + there + 某人/某物?Yes, there is . / No, there isn t. Yes, there are . / No, there arent4.就近原则:is和are的选择由最靠近它的名词的单复数决定。例如: There _ _is a pen and two books.There _

12、 _are two books and a pen.M4语法1】food/drink 不可数名词(1) drink 饮料”,是不可数名词,用is(2) drink : have a drink(3) drink: 喝” ,drink tea.2too much /too many 太多(1)too much + 不可数名词(2)too many + 可数名词复数(3)much too + 形容词(much too big3kind种类(1)a kind of 一种不同种类的对某人和蔼(2 ) different kinds of(3 ) be kind to sb.4health / heal

13、thy 健康/ 健康的(1) I t is good for your health , please keep healthy.(2 ) stay healthy; keep healthy; healthy food.5a bit of 一点 mon ey. = a littleShe has _ a bit of6remember 记得remember to do sth. 记得去做某事 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事7】or或者;还是在肯定句中: 表示”或者”在否定句和疑问句中,常用 or来代替and : I haven t got a pen or a book

14、.在并列句中:表示否则” :Hurry up, or you will be late.8】have got/has got 句型1.; has got =has定义: 拥有。 have got = have2.句型:肯定句:主语 + have got /has got + 其他否定句:主语 + haven t got /hasn t got + 其他疑问句:Have /Has+ 主语 + got + 其他?回答:Yes,主语 +have/has.No, 主语 +haven t / hasn t.3.There be 和 have got 的区别There be(某地存在某人/某物;强调存在)

15、 ;have got (某人/某物拥有;强调拥有)9】特问词what (什么)where (哪里)when (何时)who(谁)which (哪一个) How (方式或状态)What time ( 什么时刻) How old (多大)What colour ( 什么颜色)How ofte n (多少次)once / twice / three times10】is good for 对有益反义词is bad for 对有害11】名词1.可数名词-单数变复数规律:(1)一般情况:加s(2)以 s, x, ch, sh 结尾: 力口 es (buses , boxes, watches )(3)以辅音 +y” 结尾的,变 y 为 i, 加 es. (family -families, city- cities )(4)

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