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1、电大英语网考统考真题题库及答案完美版真题一一、交际英语1、- Helo,m David Chen ieo met you._ A:Areyou? :Nice to met ou to C:Yes D:Ve nic.答案: B、-Hppy birthdatyou!- _ A:Happ ithayto yu! B:I a vry gad :Thats alrght. :hank ou.答案:3、- Mr. Jnes, thi is Sa, a Engishtechr frote nte tate.- _ A:Wha can I do for ou? :Nietomeet you :lese eep

2、 n ouch. D:Haven see you or ages.答案: B4、-I srry. I lot thky.- _ A:Wel, t OK. B:No, itsall rght. :You arwelom. :are wrog答案: A5、- ould I speak Don Watkins, ese?- _ :Sekg, please. B:h,owae ou? C:Imitnig D:Im Don.答案: A 二、阅读理解1、 nowflakes ok ikewite ta faing frm the s. But ter hav betimes whensoaloke ed,

3、 green,ylow, o blck.Tee hve been lake ofalmo eery olo. Think hw t would eemto avcoored noflaescomg dow ll aounyu. lack owfell inFrnce one yer.Another er reysnofellin apan. It was ound th snow wsmiedwih ashs.This mad it lok dr. Red so hdcomedown i oher counes When thishapend, the now as ixed with r u

4、st Most snw look white, ut it ealy thecolo o ice. Sow ice hatcoms rom owcloud. Eachsoflake beginswtha saldop offroznwater Moewaer for aroundtis rop. The way he waerreezs vesthe owflaketsap. N two snwflakesare ever justte samse or spe Sometimes te snowfla e broke n thyome dw. Othr nwlkes lt as hey al

5、. Alsnowflakear lat andae sx sides, f hy ae nt broeno mlted.Wen t ar is col addry, the fllig snola aesmll an har.I th air wt ad war, th snofakes e big sf Wuld you be urried t see snowflks big as you hea allig fromthesk? happnd once n the nidStes. t colhappe again.(1)、h frsttwoparagrhs ainly tll usha

6、t smtimes snow adffeent colors :T :F答案: A()、No wo nowlak ae just th smesize, bu ll snowflkeare hard.A: B:F答案: (3)、wflae bgn wih clod. :TB:答案: B(4)、hebgge thesnowlakae, hesfer hey are. A:T :答案: A(5)、Blcksn felloly in uropean Conries. A:T :F答案: B、The French Revou broe ut in189. At te time rancewas n a

7、 crss Thegonment w badlyun epes lives wermiserabe. Kng Lus XV ied to control the atial lme d rae mor aes.t hs efortiled. Heordere iss toVeraes. The peoethought tasintee top own e evoltionb force. OJuly 14, 189, they storme d took the Bastile, weepotcal rsoer wee kep.Evrince tt day, uly has bee the F

8、renc Natonal Da. Louis ted to lee theontryin 1792, oet sport frm utria and Pussia oweer,he wsauht an pu in prison In September12,the monarch wasbolihed. thsameyear,Louiswaseecued Afewmots latr his wfe, ai, lso hadrhead cu of. he Rvoltion o Face ad frightedth othe kings o Erpe.Armis fr AtriaandPrusia

9、 begn to mrchagaint Fane. Te Frenh raied reulicanrmes todend e tio. he evolutin wnt throuh a period of terr.Thosnd of eople lo hr lis. n te end,power pssed to Napoeo onaare.()、Whats this asag about?A:Frane.B:Kin ouiC:The renh Rlutn.:Euroe.答案:()、Whih did not hapen n 789?A:The Fr Revoltinbroeout.:Th n

10、atinalonmy was devongraily.C:The oenment wast wlr.D:ing Lui XIVwas in powr答案:()、Whee ee tepoitcalpsos kept?A:nVilles.B:In AutrC:I Prssia:I Batil答案:(4)、What d te ndrlied wor abolihed man?A:PutofB:EstablishedC:UnitedD:ded答案:(5)、What was NOT teef f te Rvoti?:ly has bmeh Frnc NatioalDyB:I brought somemp

11、ac o te othr Euean s.C:Lisswife, Mari w kled. D:T kg tied to otrol teatioa arament.答案:D 三、词汇与语法1、How can he _ if e iso_? :liste; hearing B:hear; lisenin C:e seni; eard D:bharing;send to答案:B、ItsodoutseYoud better _ o oat. A:wear B:res :ut n D:in答案: C3、Whe o hoe, myitle brther was_ A:sep B:seep C:aleep D:tosee答案: C4、Ill iveyou a ring iMike _ omorw. :cmes B:il cme C:cam D:is coming答案: A5、Illhveacup of ofeeand _. A:twored B:to piecef bred C:o pies of breas D: ices frad答案: D 四、完型

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