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1、人教版英语八年级上册知识点归纳人教版八年级上册重点词汇第一单元1.wonder/wonderfulwonderv.疑惑,想知道a.后接who、what、why、where等引导的宾语从句。如:I wonder why Ann is late.我想知道Ann为什么迟到了。b.后接if或whether引导的宾语从句,常用来表示一种委婉的请求或疑问。如:She wondered whether you were free that morning.她想知道你那天上午是否有空。c.后接“疑问词不定式”构成的短语。如:Im just wondering how to do it.我正想知道该怎样做那件事

2、。wondern.奇观,奇景。为可数名词。如:The Great Wall is a great wonder in China.长城是中国的一大奇观。作名词时的一个常见用法为no wonder,表示“难怪”。如:Nowonderyoucant findanybodyhere;theyre allawayat a meeting.难怪找不到人,都开会去了。wonderfuladj.美妙的,极好的,非常棒如:I always think he is a wonderful actor.我一直认为他是一个非常好的演员。2.try/try ontry n.尝试have a try试一试You can

3、 have a try if you want.如果你想,可以试一下。v.尝试 try to do sth.努力做某事Tom tries to finish the work by himself.Tom努力自己完成工作。try doing sth.试着做某事He tries running as fast as he can.他试着尽量快跑。try on试穿Youd better try on the dress before you decide to buy it.你最好在决定买这条裙子之前先试穿一下。3.seem /seem to doa.“主语+seem+(to be)+表语”,表语

4、多为名词或形容词,有时是其他的词或短语,以说明主语的特征或状态。如:Tom seems(to be)a very clever boy.Tom看上去是一个非常聪明的男孩。b.“主语+seem+不定式”,此句型中的seem与不定式一起构成复合谓语。如:Mrs. Green doesnt seem(或seems not)to like the idea.Green夫人似乎不太喜欢这个主意。The young man seemed to have changed much.这个年轻人看起来变化很大。C.“It seems+that+其他”,其中it是形式主语,that后跟一个句子。It seems

5、that no one knows what happened in the park just now.似乎没有人知道刚才在公园里发生了什么。4.decide/decide to do sth./decisiondecide vt.&vi.决定,决心;decisionn.决定make a decision做决定1)跟名词或代词:It is the people who decide the fate of mankind.决定人类命运的是人民。2)跟不定式,decide (not) to do sth.决定(不)做某事He decided to give a one-man show.他决定

6、唱一段独角戏。3)跟介词短语(跟on或upon,表示“就某事做出决定”):Dont decide on important matters too quickly.重要的事情不要匆忙做出决定。4)跟从句:Lets first decide where we should go.(=Lets first decide where to go.)我们先决定一下到什么地方去。5.because of/because1. becauseconj.因为;由于;后接句子I bought the house simply because it was large.我买了这房子,只是因为面积大。2. beca

7、use of因为,后接短语Many fish died because of the serious water pollution.因为严重的水污染,许多鱼都死了。第二单元1.hardly/hard/almost2.least/at least/less/less than3.result/as a resulta.result n.结果They will announce the result of the vote tonight.今晚他们将宣布投票结果。 a result单独使用,后常接句子,表示“结果、因此”。He made one big mistake. As a res

8、ult,helost his job.他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。 a result of +sth.,表示“因此,由于;作为的结果”4.die/dead/deathdie死亡; died(过去式)dead adj.死去的 dying(濒临死亡的)death n.死亡5.point n.& v.point n.&v.点,分数;指向point at 指向(较近的物),侧重于指的对象; point to 指向(较远的物),侧重于指的方向;point out意为“指出”,out是副词。He is three points behind the leader.他落后领先者三分。H

9、e stood up andpointedhisfingerat me.他站起来,用手指指着我。She was pointing to a small boat that was approaching the shore.她指着驶近岸边的一艘小船。He was always very keen to point out my mistakes.他总是急不可待地指出我的错误。第三单元1.break(broke)/break downbreak可作动词和名词,作动词时意为“打破,违背”;作名词时意为“休息”。例如:Hughbrokethesilence. Isshealwayslate? hea

10、sked.Hugh打破了沉默,问道:“她总是迟到吗?”Theymaybeabletohelpwithchildcaresothatyoucanhaveabreak.他们可以帮忙照料孩子,这样你就可以歇一歇了。break down抛锚,出故障;(身体)垮掉;坏掉Theircarbrokedown.他们的车子出故障了。You will break down if you think too much.如果你想得太多,会崩溃的。break out爆发A war broke out between the two countries last year.去年两国间爆发了一场战争。

11、fully/care about/take care ofcaren./v.忧虑;关心,照顾carefuladj.小心的,仔细的carefullyadv.仔细地,小心地care for喜欢,照料;care about在乎;take care当心;take care of照料Do you care about me?你关心我吗?She met both dogs and did not care for either.两只狗她都见了,一个都不喜欢。The little boy cares about his pet dog very much.那个小男孩非常在意他的宠物狗。How can a l

12、ittle girl like her take good care of herself?像她这样的一个小女孩怎么能够照顾好自己呢?3.share/share.with.sharev.分享;共享;共用;分摊Britain and America share a common language.英国和美国共用一种语言。share sth. with sb.与某人分享某物Would you like to share your toys with your little brother, Tom?Tom,你愿意和你的弟弟分享你的玩具吗?4.different/be different from/

13、the same as/be similar todifferentadj.不同的London was different from most European capitals.伦敦同大多数欧洲国家的首都有所不同。be different from与不同He wants to push himself forward and be different from the others.他就爱出风头,显得与众不同。the same as与一样My stand on this is just the same as it was four years ago.我对此事的立场与四年前无异。第四单元1

14、.givev.给予,给give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb.给某人某物give in屈服,让步;give up放弃;give back归还give up doing sth.放弃做某事They gave me the impression that they were doing exactly what they wanted in life.他们给我的印象是,他们正在做自己人生中想做的事情。The government refused to give in to their demands.政府对他们的要求拒不妥协。Why dont you give up smoki

15、ng?你为什么不戒烟呢?I gave the textbook back to him.我把课本还给他了。2.rolen.角色,地位Which role do you like?你喜欢哪一个角色?play an important role in sth./doing sth.在方面扮演重要角色,在当中起着重要作用如:Language plays an important role in our life.语言在我们的生活中起着重要作用。Body language plays an important role incommunicating.肢体语言在交流中起着重要的作用。词组:role model模范,榜样3.closeadj.亲密的;v

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