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1、人教版高中英语必修二测试题及答案 人教版高中英语必修二测试题及答案 本试卷分第卷和第卷两部分。 卷第 ) 分30共两节,满分(听力 第一部分共(第一节) 分7.5分,满分1.5小题;每小题5三个选C、B、A段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的5听下面秒钟10项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 What are the two speakers talking about? 1 How to keep fit. B How to kill the time.A How to handle pressure.

2、 C Where does the conversation take place? 2 On the phone. B At the womans home. A On a bus. C 3How did the man buy his last car? From a friend. B hand shop. From a secondA Through a newspaper ad. C What do we know about John? 4 He is ill. A Hes always on time. B Hes back from hospital. C What will

3、they probably do next? 5 Go back home. B Have a rest. A Go to the bookstore. C ) 分22.5分,满分1.5小题;每小题15共(第二节、A段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的5听下面听每段对话或独白前,并标在试卷的相应位置。三个选项中选出最佳选项,C、B秒钟的作答5各小题将给出听完后,秒钟;5每小题你将有时间阅读各个小题, 时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 题。7、6段材料,回答第6听第 What can we learn about Susan? 6 Shes traveled to many pla

4、ces around the world. A Shes traveled to many places in China. B Shes traveled to many places alone. C What kind of tour does she like now? 7 Specific tour. B Package tour.A C Yourself tour. ItDo 题。9、8段材料,回答第7听第 What can we know about the suit that the man bought? 8 Its light brown. A Its more than

5、$150. B It will be delivered in 24 hours. C How many shirts does the man buy? 9 One.A Three. C Two.B 听第 题。12至10段材料,回答第8 How did the man get the car probably? 10 He made it by himself. A He bought it from a car store. B C He bought it from another person. What does the price of the car include? 11 Al

6、l fees but no taxes. A Free service for one year. B month service agreement. A oneC What will the man probably do next? 12 Test out the car by himself. A Get the car keys for the woman. B Get the contract ready to sign. C 题。16至13段材料,回答第9听第 What makes the garden so untidy? 13 The dead flowers. B The

7、dead trees. A C The new trees. What is the man going to do this Sunday? 14 To cut off the tops of the dead flowers. A To pull up the roots of the flowers by the wall. B To dig up that dead tree at the bottom of the garden. C 15Why will the man not water those new fruit trees? Because he just watered

8、 them. A Because they dont need watering. B Because it is going to rain. C What will the man and woman put on? 16 Gardening boots. B Gardening coat. A Gardening gloves. C 题。20至17段材料,回答第10听第17Why are works of art displayed in the New Yorks subway? To brighten riders trip. A To attract artists to the

9、city. B To keep them in a good state. C How many works of art are there in the underground art museum? 1830.A 265. C 100.B What can be seen on the ceiling of Grand Central Terminal? 19 Native plants and flowers. A A huge painting of the night sky. B and metal creatures. ,rounded,SmallC 20What can we

10、 learn from the talk? Artists are active in creating works of art. A Visitors show little interest in the art collections. B Riders think highly of the underground art museum. C 听力原文 Text 1 I dont worry about anything.How about you? ,When Im playing the piano:W I go to the gym every day.It helps me

11、deal with stress. :M Text 2 bedroom house you said in yesterdays paper.It Im calling about the three,Hi:W sounds really nice. :Mespecially if you have children. ,It is Text 3 hand car? Can you help me figure out the best place to buy a second:W There are a lot of different ways to go.I bought my las

12、t one from an advertisement :M in the paper. Text 4 Will John be coming to class this afternoon? :W Hes supposed to.But actually he wont come to this class from the hospital until :M next week as the doctor has said. Text 5Oh:MI am so tired.Shall we go back? ,darling, But well have to buy some carto

13、ons for our boys. :W I would rather do it tomorrow. :M if you insist. ,OK:W Text 6 I heard youve been to many places in China during the past year. !Susan,Hi:M,Yes:WI have.I love traveling. Going on a package tour with a tour agency or going on ?Which do you prefer:M tour? ”YourselfItDo“a your ownI

14、usually took package tours but now Ive found Do,When I first came to China:W Yourself tours are more interesting. It a in freedom much so not independently.Theres traveling like are.I they ,Yes:M package tour. Text 7 sir.What can I do for you? ,Yes:W Im shopping around for a suit. :M sir.What size d

15、o you wear? ,Yes:W I think my size is 42.Id like something in light brown. :M I have something here that might suit you. :W Thats nice.It must be expensive. :M plus tax. ,Its only $150.00:W How long will it take to alter it by the tailor? :M You can pick it up in 24 hours. :W Good.I also need a coup

16、le of shirts. :M please.Do you know your neck size? ,sir.Right over here,Yes:WMIm not familiar with American sizes. ,No: sir. ,I can easily measure you.The shirts on this shelf are your size,Well:W Ill take this one and this one. :M OK. :W Text 8 shes a beauty.One previous owner kept it in the garage the ,as you can see,So:M and only drove it on weekends. ,who

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