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1、元旦假期英语日记元旦假期英语日记元旦中国最重要的传统节日,大家都不生疏。元旦带来了大家最喜欢的假期,下面小编搜集了有关元旦假期的英语日记,供大家参考。篇一:元旦英语日记ew ears ay, ew ears ay a little friends, cheering, shouting, ran, clamor! ew ears ay holiday, what would you use it the way to meet it? ut firecrackers, fireworks, hanging banners, hanging lanterns or reunion dinner

2、it? oday, our family reunion dinner to eat myself! ess than lunch time, ll call my grandparents say the elderly go to a restaurant and ask them a nice dinner, and they waited a long time to discuss, finally agreed! t noon, a clear division of our family, my father and drove over to pick my grandpare

3、nts, my mother went to a restaurant or choose the right location spot some dishes in advance. ortunately, we have to sit before dinner table, ordered all my favorite foods! or example: long beans, yam pork ribs, pickled pork, escargot . and so on! aybe m too much or because the save points, in addit

4、ion to her mother ordered two grandmother favorite dishes, but also no in order now! ong-awaited finally one dish on the table, see saliva down three thousand feet! randma seems to be a mind reader, immediately said: he dishes have come, eat fast a-a!. also rude, pick up the chopsticks to eat. (o no

5、t think can eat or rude oh) just those dishes too attractive! urnt to death myself! he old adage of good! at ot ofu ecause hot, so start a chat, tell the story to our class they listen, they heard a laugh! y mother said: ou still really little man!元旦了、元旦了小、朋友们欢呼着、叫着、跑着、闹着! 元旦节日,你会用什么样的方式来迎接它呢?放鞭炮放、烟

6、花、挂横幅、挂灯笼还是吃团圆饭呢? 今天,我们全家要吃团圆饭喽!不到中午吃饭的时间,我就给爷爷奶奶打电话说请他们老人家去饭馆吃顿好的,和他们商量了老半天,终于是同意了!中午,我们一家人分工明确,我和爸爸开车去接爷爷奶奶,妈妈先去饭馆选好位置或提前点些菜。 我们都坐好在饭桌前,我点的都是我最喜欢吃的!比如:长豆角,排骨山药,梅菜扣肉,田螺等等!也许是我点的太多还是因为节省,除了妈妈点了两个奶奶爱吃的菜,也就没在点菜了! 盼望已久的菜终于一个个上了餐桌,看的我口水直下三千尺!奶奶仿佛会读心术,立马说:“菜都来了,快吃吧!丫丫。”我也就不客气了,拿起筷子就开吃。(不要认为我很能吃或者没礼貌哦)只是那

7、些菜太有吸引力了!烫死我喽!有句老话说的真好!“心急吃不了热豆腐”因为烫,所以开始聊天,我把我们班的故事讲给他们听,他们都听的畅怀大笑!妈妈说:“你们还是真人小鬼大”!篇二:元旦英语日记oday is the first day of the ew ear, the morning of fresh air and sunshine, mother took me to feel the ew ears day outside the atmosphere. treet vehicle comings and goings, flowing very lively, mother took m

8、e to the supermarket to buy things, supermarket bustling, originally people rush to buy ew ear gift! y mother said he wanted to buy a toy, say: is the big kid dont car these toys, it would save some money to buy school things, then will take some learning supplies and a cake billet to do our own cak

9、e to celebrate ew ears day. n the way back to my grandmas saw many shops, supermarkets in glass written on ew ears day wishes everybody happy, return to my grandmas took the cake billet and brother in above the text is made. ess than half an hour a nifty bright homemade cake will appear in the prese

10、nt, this is really a happy ew ear!时间如同长了一双翅膀,飞到了年末。可是雪精灵却还未到,没有看到银装素裹的雪景真是可惜。但是一年一度的元旦节却是准时报到,只是年年元旦几乎都一样的度过,今年会有所不同吗?元旦有三天的小长假放,这着实让我开心了一把,要知道初三.下雪了。在那年元旦,我还在家乡的小城里苦读高三。因为离家较远,元旦的假期时间又短,我只好单独蜷缩在宿舍的一隅。空阔的宿舍,是那样的宁静。透过冷冰冰的窗子,凝望着窗外满世界飞舞的雪花,心中涌动着无限的酸楚和惆怅。老鼠们准备过一个快乐的元旦,就在这时,一件让人说不出是什么感受的事情发生了。这不,天气越来越冷,老

11、鼠哥哥穿上了小鼠奶奶给做的棉袄,老鼠妹妹也有一件,可是爱美之鼠怎会穿棉袄呢?老鼠哥哥可不爱美,只要能有穿的就行呗,哪里还管.伴着祥云朵朵,我们送走了,送走了旧日烦恼,迎来了新的一年,新的风光。年的第一天元旦,已悄然来临。起床了!起床了!妈妈大声的叫喊着,好事就九天之上的雷霆,轰隆隆!真是如雷贯耳!篇三:元旦英语日记istant bell, bid farewell to a memorable yesterday, crisp firecrackers, proclaimed a new era.ime is like a never-ending river, hastily and qui

12、etly flows from the people around them. nconsciously, a memorable 20XX hurried away, ushered in a new years, and began our journey.20xx, anuary 1 is the first ew ears ay after we entered junior high school, do you lie in bed in the memories of the past year sweat, joy and pain? row like a piece of b

13、lue and white squares soaked with tears - moist handkerchief and sad. ometimes a drop of passionate tears can grow out of a dye traces; sometimes laughter can be heard reciting draw beautiful rainbow.efore we committed errors will be turned into a pool of tears, greeted us just better future. ur liv

14、es should not be filled with tears, and some just more fun. hen we encounter difficulties, do not worry, stop and think about where we are not wrong. nd so quiet your mind, you may have to bury the hatchet and difficulties, so that your life will be colorful.riends, when ew ears bell will soon ring,

15、 and when we have to bid farewell to the past year, when in a hurry, this time youre thinking about? re sorry you yesterday? r think about the future? think hether you are in the sorry past, or in carefully painted a bright future, please firmly grasp all belongs to us today. specially tonight, because today we are happy, and be happy!n the new year, we have many things to do, there are a lot of learning tasks to complete, we will face many new challenges. et us unite, let us leave with a new hope! aising the future of sailing, angqi wisdom sculls, sail through the waves! tudents! e

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