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1、高考英语完形填空基础练习题14及答案2014高考英语完形填空基础练习题(14)及答案完形填空(记叙文) (辽宁)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I was a single parent of four small children, working at a low-paid job。 Money was always tight, but we had a 1over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not a lot, always

2、2。 Not knowing we were poor, my kids (孩子们) just thought I was 3。 Ive always been glad about that.It was Christmas time, and although there wasnt 4for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with a family party. But the big 5for the kids was the fun of Christmas 6。They planned weeks ahead of time, as

3、king 7what they wanted for Christmas. Fortunately, I had saved 120 for 8to share by all five of us.The big 9arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and 10them to look for gifts of about four dollars each。 Then everyone scattered(散开). We had two hours to shop;then we would 11back at the “Santas

4、 Workshop”.Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits, 12my younger daughter, Ginger, who was unusually 13. She had only one small, flat bag with a few candies-fifty-cent candies! I was so angry, but I didnt say anything 14we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door, 15to

5、 be angry again。 This is what she told me.“I was looking 16thinking of what to buy, and I 17to read the little cards on the Giving Trees. One was for a little girl, four years old, and all she 18for Christmas was a doll(玩具娃娃). So I took the card off the tree and 19the doll for her. We have so much a

6、nd she doesnt have anything. I never felt so 20as I did that day。 1. A。 roofB。 hatC. skyD。 star2。 A。 littleB. lessC. enoughD. more3. A. busyB。 seriousC。 strictD. kind4. A。 effortB。 roomC。 timeD。 money5. A. improvementB。 problemC. surpriseD。 excitement6. A. shoppingB. travellingC. partiesD. greetings

7、7. A。 the otherB。 each other C。 one by oneD. every other one8. A。 toysB. clothesC。 presentsD。 bills9. A。 dayB. chanceC. chequeD. tree10。 A。 forcedB. remindedC。 invitedD. begged11. A。 drawB. stayC。 moveD。 meet12. A. includingB. besidesC. exceptD. regarding13。 A. quietB。 excitedC。 happyD。 ashamed14. A

8、。 sinceB. afterC. whileD。 until15。 A。 waitingB. readyC. hopingD. afraid16. A. outB。 overC。 forwardD. around17。 A. forgotB. stoppedC. failedD。 hated18. A. wantedB。 didC. gotD. played19。 A. madeB. searchedC。 boughtD. fetched20。 A. angryB。 richC. patientD。 bitter参考答案213.1-5 ACCDD 6-10 ABCAB 1115 DCADB

9、16-20 DBACB: A newly trained teacher named Mary went to teach at a Navajo Indian reservation。 Every day, she would ask five of the young Navajo students to _1_ the chalkboard and complete a simple math problem from 2 homework。 They would stand there, silently, 3 to complete the task。 Mary couldnt fi

10、gure it out。 4 she had studied in her educational curriculum helped, and she 5 hadnt seen anything like it in her studentteaching days back in Phoenix。 What am I doing wrong? Could I have chosen five students who cant do the 6 ? Mary would wonder。 No, 7 couldnt be that. Finally she 8 the students wh

11、at was wrong。 And in their answers, she learned a 9 lesson from her young 10 pupils about selfimage and a(n) 11 of selfworth. It seemed that the students 12 each others individuality and knew that 13 of them were capable of doing the problems. 14 at their early age, they understood the senselessness

12、 of the win-lose approach in the classroom. They believed no one would 15 if any students were shown up or embarrassed at the 16 。 So they 17 to compete with each other in public。 Once she understood, Mary changed the system 18 she could check each childs math problem individually, but not at any ch

13、ilds expense 19 his classmates。 They all wanted to learn, 20 not at someone elses expense。1 Ago to Bcome to Cget close to Dbring2 Ahis Btheir Chis own Dher3 Ahappy Bwillingly Creadily Dunwilling4 AAnything BNothing CEverything DNeither5 Aalmost Bcertainly Chardly Dnever6 Aquestion Bchalkboard Cprobl

14、em Dhomework7 Athey Bit Ceverything Deach8 Aasked Bquestioned Ctold Dunderstood9 Aoutstanding Bsurprising Cannoying Dfrightening10Asunburned Btender CIndian Dnaughty11Asense Bimage Cway Daspect12Ahad Bignored Crespected Dcared13Anone Bno one Ceach Dnot all14AEspecially BEven though CEven so DEven15A

15、lose Bwin Cachieve Danswer16Atime Bsituation Cchalkboard Dcondition17Arefused Brejected Ctried Dpromised18Aif Bso that Cunless Din case19Ain favour of Bof Cby means of Din front of 20Aand Bbut Cso Dor参考答案及解析15 ABDBB 610 CBABC 1115 ACDDB 1620 CABDB1A每天让五个Navajo Indian(纳瓦霍印第安)学生上黑板做简单的数学题2B根据上文中的five of the young Navajo students,这里用their.3D学生不愿意在黑板上做。4B;5B为什么学生不愿在黑板上做?ary弄不明白了。她在教育课程中学到的东西也不能帮助她弄清这个问题,且她在Phoenix教学生的那些日子当然不会遇到这样的事情。6C

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