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1、史上最强葡萄酒品鉴评价术语中英双语版对照Acetic: Tasting term indicating an undesirable vinegary smell. 醋酸的:一个用来表述不愉快酸味的品尝术语。Acidic: Used to describe wines whose total acid is so high that they taste tart or sour and have a sharp edge on the palate.酸的:用于形容葡萄酒的总酸度过高以至于尝起来具有辛辣或酸腐味且在口腔中具有锋利的边角感。Acids: Essential component o

2、f all wines. Several different acids are found in grapes and wine. Grapes are one of the few fruits to contain tartaric acid, the major wine acid and the most important source of acidity in wine. Smaller amounts of malic acid, citric acid and lactic acid can also be found, as can acetic acid. See al

3、so volatile acidity. 酸:所有酒中的基本成分。在葡萄和葡萄酒中能找到几种不同的酸。葡萄是少数含有酒石酸的水果的一种,(酒石酸是酒中主要的酸性物质,同时也是酒的酸度的最重要来源)。除醋酸外,还有少量的苹果酸,柠檬酸和乳酸。也可参考volatile acidity挥发性酸.Acrid: Describes a harsh or bitter taste or pungent smell that is due to excess sulfur. 辛辣的:形容一个粗糙或苦的味道又或者是由于过量的硫磺而产生的刺激性气味。Aftertaste: Sensation left in t

4、he mouth after wine is swallowed. A long aftertaste is a sign of a complex, high-quality wine. See also length. 后味:咽下葡萄酒后在口腔里留下的感觉。悠长的后味是复杂、高质量葡萄酒的标志。也可参考“length长度”。Age-Worthy: Describes the small number of top wines that have sufficient flavor, acidity, alcohol and tannin to gain additional complex

5、ity with time in the bottle. Most popular wines are meant to be enjoyed shortly after release and will only diminish with age. 值得陈年的: 形容少数具有充足风味,酸度,酒精和单宁的顶尖葡萄酒可随着在瓶中的陈年时间而增加其复杂度。大多数流行葡萄酒在上市后短期内就可以饮用且随着年岁的增大而逐渐衰退。 Aggressive: Tasting term, usually indicating a wine with high or excessive acidity or t

6、annin. Wines that are aggressive in their youth may improve with ageing. 凌厉的:品尝术语,通常指葡萄酒含有高的或过量酸度或单宁。年轻时凌厉的葡萄酒会随着陈酿而改良。Agreeable: Pleasant character of a well-balanced wine.惬意的:一款平衡良好的葡萄酒所包含的宜人特征。Alcoholic: Used to describe a wine that has too much alcohol for its body and weight, making it unbalanc

7、ed. A wine with too much alcohol will taste uncharacteristically heavy or hot as a result. This quality is noticeable in aroma and aftertaste. 含酒精的:用于形容一款葡萄酒由于相对于其酒体和重量而言含有过多的酒精,而出现不平衡的状态。过量的酒精会使葡萄酒出现非典型性地沉重或热(辣)的感觉。这种性质在香味或回味中相当明显。Appearance: Refers to a wines clarity, not color. Common descriptors

8、 refer to the reflective quality of the wine; brilliant, clear, dull or cloudy for those wines with visible suspended particulates. 外观:指葡萄酒的澄清度,而非颜色。常用于描述葡萄酒的反射性质:闪耀、清晰,那些带有明显悬浮粒子的葡萄酒通常描述为阴暗、阴沉。Apple, appley: Tasting term used to indicate the lively fruity acidity of a young white. Bruised apple tas

9、te can indicate oxidation, in reds or whites. 苹果味:品尝术语,用来指年轻白葡萄酒中含有的活泼的果酸。带腐败气味的苹果味用在红白葡萄酒中暗指氧化的意思。Aroma: Tasting term used to indicate the smells of a wine, particularly those deriving from the grape and fermentation. See also bouquet. 香气:品尝术语,用来指葡萄酒的气味,尤其是指从葡萄和发酵中获得的气味。也可参考“bouquet芳香”。Aromatic: Ta

10、sting term used to indicate a wine with a positive, agreeable smell. Also, a class of grapes (e.g. the Muscat family) which are particularly fragrant. 芬芳的:品尝术语,用来指酒中具有好的,使人愉悦的气味。同时也只具有特殊香味的葡萄种类(如麝香族葡萄品种)。Astringent: Tasting term used to indicate a sharp bitterness. Usually a fault, a wine may become

11、 less astringent with ageing. 涩(味)的:用来表示一种尖锐苦涩之感的品尝术语。葡萄酒中出现涩味通常被认为是有缺点的,经过陈年之后葡萄酒的涩感会减弱。Austere: Tasting term, usually indicating a lack of richness or sweetness. 简朴的:品尝术语,通常指葡萄酒缺少丰富度和甜味。Awkward: Describes a wine that has poor structure, is clumsy or is out of balance. 笨拙的:形容葡萄酒的结构差,显得笨拙或不均衡。Backbo

12、ne: Used to denote those wines that are full-bodied, well-structured and balanced by a desirable level of acidity. 有主干的:用于指均衡的葡萄酒中具有醇厚感,良好结构和一个宜人酸度。Backward: Used to describe a young wine that is less developed than others of its type and class from the same vintage. 后进的:用于形容同类以及相同年份的一类葡萄酒中发展较慢的年轻葡萄

13、酒。Balance: A wine is balanced when its elements are harmonious and no single element dominates. The hard components acidity and tannin balance the soft components sweetness, fruit and alcohol. 平衡:当一款葡萄酒的所有元素和谐共处且没有单一突出的元素就是平衡的。“硬”成分-酸度和单宁-平衡“软”成分-甜度,果味和酒精。Balanced: Tasting term, used to indicate a w

14、ine in which all the elements (fruit, acidity, tannin, etc.) are in harmony. 和谐的(均衡的):品尝术语,用来指一种葡萄酒中的所有成分(果味、酸度、单宁等)处于一种和谐的状态。Bead: The tiny bubbles found in sparkling wines; a small, persistent bead is an indicator of quality. 水珠:出现在香槟酒里面的微小气泡;小而持久的水珠是质量的象征。Beery: Tasting term indicating the malty

15、smell or taste of beer, usually considered a fault in wine. 啤酒味:品尝术语,指葡萄酒中含有啤酒的麦芽味或有啤酒味,出现在葡萄酒中通常被认为是个缺点。Berry: This term has two meanings. An individual grape is called a berry by grapegrowers. It also describes the set of fruit flavors found in many wines, which includes strawberry, raspberry, and

16、 blueberry. 浆果,浆果味:该术语有双重意思。一个单独的葡萄被葡萄种植者称为浆果。它同时又是描述在大多数葡萄酒里面发现的一系列水果滋味,包括草莓,木莓和蓝莓等。Big: Tasting term used to indicate a powerful wine with plenty of fruit and structure and possibly high alcohol.宽厚的:品尝术语,用来形容一款具有丰厚果味和构造,且可能酒精含量高的强健的葡萄酒。Bite: Tasting term used to indicate a powerful initial sensation of acidity or tannin, which grabs attention immediately the wine is tasted.尖刺感:品尝

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