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本文(实用的珠宝营销专业英语口语.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、实用的珠宝营销专业英语口语实用的珠宝营销专业英语口语 实用的珠宝专业英语口语有哪些你知道吗?你对实用的珠宝营销专业英语口语了解吗?下面是为大家带来的实用的珠宝营销专业英语口语的知识,欢送阅读。 S:(1)What kind/Which would you like/prefer? 您想买什么样的? (2)What price/style/material/size/color doyou prefer/like? 您喜欢/想要什么价位/式样/材质/尺寸/颜色? (3)Whats the maximum price you have in mind? 您预算的最高价位是多少? C: (1)Im

2、not quite sure ,can I try some on/canI have a look? 我不太确定,我可以先试一些吗?/我先看看可以吗? (2)How about showing me some samples? 给我看些样品好吗? (3)Can youremend some to me? 你能不能给我推荐一些? (4)Can you give me some suggestion/idea? 你能给我点建议吗? (5)Can you advise me what kind fit me best? 你能建议下哪种最适合我吗? (6)Can youmatch me this?

3、Can you pick me one that goes well withthis? Can you select one for me that is suited forthis? 你能帮我挑一件配这个吗? S: Yes, of course. C:(1)I prefer/like 我喜欢 (2)Thisone is better for me. 这个对我来说更好。 (3)I likepearl better than diamond. 相比钻石物品更喜欢珍珠。 (4)Mychoice would be 我会选择 (5)As faras Im concerned/For me, the

4、best color is 对我而言,最好的颜色是 S:(1)What about?/How about/Do you like? /What doyou think of? /Would you like?It thisall right? 您觉得这个怎么样? (2)Wouldyou like to try it on? 您想试试吗? (3)Thisisyour size. 这个是您的尺码。 (4)Shall show you a sample of each? 要不要我每种都拿给您看看? (5)Herere some samples. 这些是样品。 (6)I couldremend som

5、ething for you. 我可以向您推荐一种货品。 C:(1)Do you have any cheaper ones? 你们有廉价点的吗? (2)Do youhave one for around 1000 yuan? 你们有一千元左右的吗? (3)Itstoo small/big for me. Do you have a bigger/smaller one/size? 这个太小/大了,你们有尺寸大/小一点的吗? (4)Do youthink itll fit me? 你觉得它适合我吗? (5)What kind is most durable? 哪种最耐用? (6)I dont

6、think this kind of style/color/size suits me. 我想这种款式/颜色/尺寸不适合我。 (7)Ilike/I love/I fancy/Im very keen on this one/design/color. 我喜欢这一个/这个图案/这个颜色。 S:(1)Its of good price/quality. 这个价格/质量很不错。 (2)Its very durable. 这很耐久。 (3)Its the latest fashion, very popular. 这是最新款,非常流行。 (4)Thisishand-made. 这是手工制的。 (5)

7、Itsuits you well. It looks good on you. 这非常适合您。 (6)I think this style/color/design/pattern goes well with/is well suited for that 我认为这个款式/颜色/图案/把戏很配那个 (7)We have manykinds of/a great variety of/a wide selection of 我们还有很多供你选择。 C:(1)你们还有吗? Do you have any more? (2)那是你们这里所有的货品吗? Thats all you have here

8、? (3)我要像这目录上一样的那个。 I want the same one as the one in the catalogue here. (4)我要蓝色的,跟这个图案相同的。 I want a blue one with the same design. S:(1)我要去查看我们的货,您介意等一会儿吗? Ill go and check our stock right now. Wouldyou mind waiting for a second? (2)请等下,我去找找看。 Just a moment, please. Ill go and check itout. Scene1:营

9、业员表示还有,去取货 S:(1)有,我们有。请等一下,我马上去拿来。 Yes, we do. Just a moment, please. Ill goand bring it right away. (2)抱歉让您久等,这就是(您要的)。 Im sorry to have kept you waiting. Hereit is/Here you are. (3)谢谢久等。这是您要的商品。 Thanks for the patience. Here is what youwant. Scene2:营业员告诉顾客没有货了 S:(1)抱歉,我们目前没有存货了。 Im sorry, we dont

10、have it now. Im sorry, but they are out of stock now. Im sorry, but we are out of them now. Im sorry, but we dont have any in stocknow. (2)抱歉,我们不进这类货。 Im sorry we dont stock such items. (3)抱歉,金猪已卖完了,但您也许可以在我们其他分店买到。 Im sorry we are sold out of gold pig. Butyou might be lucky at our other branches. (

11、4)抱歉,我们没有适合您的尺码,但我们可以为您订购,好吗? Were sorry. We dont have your size. But wecould order it for you, shall we? (5)我们有这个尺寸,但没有这颜色,很抱歉不能为您效劳。 I have the size, but havent the color. Weresorry we couldnt help you. (6)抱歉,这是目前我们存货中最后一个了,您觉得换另外这种如何? Im sorry, this is the last one we have atthe moment. How would

12、 you like that one, instead? (7)这是我们先有存货中最大的一个。 This is the largest one we have in stockright now. (8)抱歉,这是目前我们全部货品了。 Im sorry, but this is all we have right now. (9)我们没有这个款的,但我们有些同样好的货品。 We dont have this style, but we havesomething just as good. Scene3:营业员告诉顾客何时进货 S:(1)我们估计周五就会到货,您可以到时来看看。 We expe

13、ct have a supply this Friday. Please lookin/e back again then. (2)大概四五个星期到货,不过我不能保证哪一天。 We probably have a supply in four to fiveweeks, though I cant guarantee any particular date. (3)当我么有新货时,要我们打 告诉您吗? Shall we give you a call when we have somenew stock? Scene1:营业员说明可以订购 S:(1)它可以订购的。 It can be orde

14、red. (2)要我们为您订购吗? Shall we order it for you? (3)我们只剩两个了,要不要我们为您多订购一些。 We only have two left, so shall we order somemore? (4)我们已经定了一批货,应该很快就会到货。我去问问制造商还要多久。 They are on order, so well have a supplysoon. Ill go and ask/inquire of/check with the producer. Scene2:顾客问订购时间 C:我必须等多久? How long do I have to wait? S:要十五天。 It will take about 15 days. We expect to have it back in 15days. C:我何时回来拿? When should I e back? S:下周一会准备好。 Itll be ready by next Monday. Well get it for you

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