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1、八年级英语下册第三单元练习题及答案-文 章来源莲山 课件 w w w.5Y k J.C om 八年级英语下册第三单元练习题及答案姓名 命题: 编审: 一.汉译英(10分)1. 到达_ 2. 在(外部)前面_3. 从 出来_ 4. 起飞_5. 一个不同寻常的经历_ 6. 从跳下_7. 沉默地_ 8. 保持沉默_9. 发生_ 10. 成为国家英雄_二.用所给单词的适当形式填空(5分)11. You cant get out of your seat during the _ (fly), because its dangerous.12. When that plane took off, thi

2、s one has already landed in the airport_ (safe).13. Im going to the _ (barber) to get my hair cut.14. This film is very _ (surprise) and Im _ (surprise) at it.15.三.单项选择(15分)( )16. I met a friend of mine_ I was walking in the park.A. before B. when C. after D. if( )17. I met Li Lei_ hospital last Sun

3、day. He was ill_ hospital then.A. in the, in the B. in, in the C. in the, in D. in, in( )18. Grandma is now at _.A. the doctors B. the doctors C. the doctor D. a doctors( )19. You go to see a doctor in a hospital. When he asks you, “Whats your trouble?” You should say“_.”A .Im feeling terrible B. Do

4、nt trouble me.C. Give me some medicine, please D. Please take care of me( )20. When you are_ trouble, why not phone the_?A. at, police B. in, policeman C. in, police D. at, policeman( )21. _ useful invention the computer is!A. What a B. What an C. How a D. How an( )22. I cant find_ to sit on the cro

5、wded bus.A. nowhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. everywhere( )23. My mother was cooking while I_ the radio.A. listened to B. have listened to C. was listening to D. is listening to( )24. _ TV at that time?A. Did you watch B. Have you watched C. Were you watching D. Are you watching( )25.They arrived_

6、 Paris _ a winter evening.A. at, in B. to, on C. in, on D. in, at( )26. Mr. Green told us_ too much time_ reading novels.A. dont take; on B. not to take; in C. not to spend; in D. dont to spend; on( )27. Do you know_? x k b1.c omA. what he happened B. what the matter is with him.C. what happened to

7、him D. what did he happened( )28. The thief_ the purse and _.A. drops, run after B. droped, ran away C. dropped, run away D. dropped, ran away( )29. Ted _ while he _ his bicycle and hurt himself.A. fell, was riding B. had fallen, rode C. fell, were riding D. had fallen, was riding( )30. You must hav

8、e _ Beyonce, and she is a very famous singer who sang a song for the 77th Annual Academy Awards(第77届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼).A. heard fromB. heard C. heard onD. heard about四. 完形填空(10分)I always believed in UFOs, but I didnt see one. My husband didnt believe in UFOs before that 31 .Last Friday night, he drove home

9、 32 work. He drove near a gas station (加油站) when he saw a bright light. It looked33 a light. It was low, and it wasnt moving. He didnt 34 too much about it. He thought maybe it was a street light, so he 35 up farther and then the light went off. But a few minutes later, it was on. He stopped the car

10、. He 36 and looked around, but saw nothing.After a short while the 37 was on again. He got on the car and drove another 2 miles to our house. He sat in the 38 for a few minutes thinking of what he saw. He got out of the car and the moving light went off. Then when he looked back, he could 39 it in t

11、he sky. Then he was40 it must be a UFO. He went into our house and told me about it. ( )31. A. morning B. afternoon C. night D. year( )32. A. before B. then C. of D. after( )33. A. like B. of C. out D. over( )34. A. watch B. look C. think D. guess( )35. A. drove B. ran C. walked D. jumped( )36. A. g

12、ot in B. got down C. got off D. got on( )37. A. noise B. train C. car D. light( )38. A. gas station B. car C. bedroom D. office来源:学科网( )39. A. watch B. hear C. see D. look at( )40. A. bored . sure C. interested D. surprised五. 阅读理解(20分)(A)The date was like any other day in his life. After school Davi

13、d walked pa st the shop on the street corner. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have a new pair for his birthday.He sadly walked away and thought of how to tell his mother. He knew she would give him anything if she could. But he also kn

14、ew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and he didnt want to make his mother worry about it. So he went to the park and there he sat on the grass. Then he saw a girl in a wheel chair. He found that the girl moved the wheels with her hands. David loo

15、ked at her carefully and was surprised to see that the girl had no feet. He looked down at his own feet. “It is much better to be without shoes than without feet.” It was not right for him to feel so sorry and sad. He went away and smiled, thinking he was luckier in life. ( )41. David was so sorry that _A. he walked past the shoe shop. B. he forgot bring any money with him. C. his mother couldnt buy h

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