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大学英语四级80 1.docx

1、大学英语四级80 1大学英语四级-80(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、Listening Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:4,分数:45.00)(分数:15.00)A.He doesnt think hes spent too much time on study.B.He doesnt know how to relieve himself.C.Hell be more stressful if he lags behind his classmates.D.Hell go out for some fresh air a

2、s advised.解析:听力原文 W: Youve spent too much time doing your coursework, Sam. Dont you think you should go out and get some fresh air? M: Thanks for the advice, Rose. But this is how I relieve my stress. Id rather not fall too far behind in my class. Q: What can be inferred about the man? 解析 女士建议男士不要拼命

3、学习,应该出去呼吸一下新鲜空气。男士说这正是他减压的方式,他不想在班级里太落后,即C项所说的落后于自己的同学,故答案为C。A.Whether the concert is as good as expected.B.Whether he can get access to the concert.C.Whether the tickets will be too expensive.D.Whether he has time on Saturday.解析:听力原文 W: Saturdays concert is supposed to be wonderful. Arent you going

4、 to enjoy it? M: But I havent got a ticket yet. Everybody knows its first-class, so Im afraid the tickets are not available now. Q: What is the man concerned about? 解析 男士说自己还没买到票,恐十白现在买不到了,可见他担心无法进入音乐会会场,故B正确。A.It is a rare opportunity.B.It is beyond their means.C.It is not decided yet.D.It is what

5、theyve earned.解析:听力原文 W: Bill, can we really afford a holiday? Were still paying for this house and the furniture is on hire-purchase. M: Now listen, Mary. You work hard and I work hard. We deserve a holiday. Were not talking about whether we can have one. Were talking about where and when. Q: What

6、do we know about the mans view of their holiday? 解析 女士担心他们没钱去度假,男士说:“我们工作都很努力,应该去度假。”所以D正确。A.He is timid.B.He is heroic.C.He is dangerous.D.He is clumsy.解析:听力原文 M: Victor is really something . He nearly got killed when he tried to rescue a drowning boy yesterday. W: Well, so far as I know, that was

7、not the first dangerous situation he was in for others. Q: What do we learn about Victor from the conversation? 解析 男士首先用really something“真了不起”评价Victor,然后具体例证:为了救落水儿童险些丧命。女士补充说:这不是他第一次为了他人而使自己身处险境。由此可知Victor非常英勇,B正确。A.Landlord and lodger.B.Receptionist and guest.C.Salesman and client.D.Policeman and

8、driver.解析:听力原文 W: May I move in this weekend, Mr. Penny? M: No problem, Miss, as youve already paid three months rent and one months deposit . Ill get everything in order and be expecting you at 9 on Saturday morning. Q: Whats the relationship between the two speakers? 解析 根据关键词move in“搬进来”,rent“租金”和

9、deposit“押金”,可判断说话人是租客和房东的关系。A正确。(分数:9.00)A.Take the safety of his parents-in-law into account.B.Ask his parents-in-law to make the decision.C.Invite his parents-in-law to a sight-seeing restaurant.D.Buy his parents-in-law some pets instead.解析:听力原文 M: I dont know where to treat my parents-in-law for

10、dinner this weekend. W: Have you ever been to the rotating Italian restaurant by the river? You can have a birds-eye view of the whole city while enjoying your meal. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 解析 选项都是动作性短语,问题应该与建议有关。男士不知道在哪里宴请岳父母,女士出主意去河边的旋转餐厅,可以顺便鸟瞰市容,故选C。A.She was running a fever.B

11、.She had to run a long way to the meeting.C.She was involved in a car accident.D.She had her car stolen near the supermarket.解析:听力原文 M: Hello, Tracy. How come youre sweating on such a cold day? W: Sorry Im late for the meeting . Just after I passed through the supermarket, my car broke down. So I de

12、cided to rush all the way here . Q: What do we learn about the woman? 解析 男士疑惑女士怎么会在大冷天满头大汗,女士解释说车在超市附近抛锚了,不得不一路跑过来开会,故选B。A.They dont go to see the films as often as they did.B.Theyve ever dreamed of going to the moon once.C.They lived in the same neighborhood when young.D.They like contemporary movi

13、es better than before.解析:听力原文 W: I used to go to the cinema a lot, but once in a blue moon now. M: Me too . The contemporary movies are incomparable to those made in my youth. Q: What do we learn about the two speakers? 解析 女士说自己以前常去看电影,现在难得去一次,男士说“我也是”,因此答案为A。即使听不懂女士话语中once in a blue moon“千载难逢”的意思,也

14、应该根据but一词猜出它的意思与前面的go to the cinema a lot相反。(分数:9.00)A.Education.B.Medicine.C.Technology.D.Food.解析:听力原文 W: So, have you found a job yet? M: No, but, I have a few leads, so things are looking up. W: What kind of job are you looking for? M: Actually, I want to work for a Web hosting company. W: What w

15、ould you do there exactly? M: Well, Id like to work in technical support , you know, helping customers resolve computer-related problems with their sites. And you know Im a good communicator. W: So, hows the pay for that sort of job? M: Well, most people I know start out with a very reasonable salary; you can earn pay increases depending on your performance. W: So, what about benefits? M: Oh, the benefits are pretty good. They provide health insurance, two weeks of paid v

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