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1、儿童节英语短信儿童节英语短信导读:本文是关于短信大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、儿童节了,老小孩们,尿床的不用惭愧,吃糖的早早排队,上学的允许早退,工作的偷懒别累,收到短信的尽情陶醉,转发骚扰的不是犯罪,六一,快乐万岁!Childrens Day, the old children, do not have to be ashamed of bed wetting, early queuing for sugar, early leaving school allowed, lazy work do not tired, the hearty intoxication of r

2、eceiving text messages, forwarding harassment is not a crime, 61, Happy Long Live!2、童年是一泓平静的湖面,映出你我干净的笑脸;童年是一片纯净的蓝天,衬出你我心情的灿烂。六一儿童节快到了,愿你笑容依旧纯真,尿床的日子一去不返。Childhood is a calm lake, reflecting you and my clean smiling face; childhood is a pure blue sky, reflecting the brilliant mood of you and me. Jun

3、e 1 childrens Day is coming. May your smile remain pure, and the days of bed wetting will never return.3、送你一首歌,叫做快乐,送你一首诗,叫做童趣,送你一段传奇,叫做孩提,送你一份心情,还你童真的过去。追忆童年过六一,开开心心童梦里。Send you a song, called happiness, send you a poem, called childlike fun, send you a legend, called childhood, give you a mood, re

4、turn your childlike past. Recalling childhood 61, happy childhood dream.4、人这一辈子都在学习。学习男人的坚强,学习女人的温柔,学习父母的关怀,学习朋友的宽容。今天儿童节,愿你学习儿童的天真无忧,绽放美丽笑容!People have been studying all their lives. Learn the strength of men, the gentleness of women, the care of parents, and the tolerance of friends. Todays Childr

5、ens Day, I hope you can learn from childrens innocence, and blossom a beautiful smile!5、儿童节到来之际,愿儿童般天真的微笑常挂嘴边,愿儿童般快活的心情总在心间,愿儿童般美好的憧憬变成你的未来,祝节日快乐!On the occasion of Childrens Day, I wish childrens naive smiles always hang on their lips, childrens happy mood always in their hearts, childrens beautifu

6、l vision into your future, I wish you a happy holiday!6、纯真的笑脸,定格在童年的一瞬间,曾经的莽撞少年,早已把青涩完全蜕变,儿童节,一个轻松的日子,放下负担,全心全意找回儿时的感觉,祝你节日愉快!Innocent smiling face, fixed in the moment of childhood, once reckless teenagers, have already completely transformed the green and astringent, Childrens Day, a relaxed day,

7、put down the burden, wholeheartedly find back the feeling of childhood, I wish you a happy holiday!7、当你回忆童年时笑了,说明长大了;当你回忆童年时哭了,说明怀念了;当你回忆童年时感慨了,说明成熟了;人成熟,心纯粹,儿童节,祝你童心永葆!When you recall childhood, you laugh, you grow up; when you recall childhood, you cry, you miss; when you recall childhood, you sig

8、h, you mature; when people mature, pure heart, Childrens Day, I wish you a childs heart forever!8、保留几分纯真的童心,让生活更有趣味;保留几个美丽的童话,让日子更有期盼;童年有限,童真无价。国际六一儿童节到了,愿你回归童趣,快乐无边!Reserve a little innocence to make life more interesting; reserve a few beautiful fairy tales to make life more hopeful; childhood is

9、limited, childlike priceless. International Childrens Day is coming. May you return to childish fun and happiness!9、曾经年幼无知,曾经莽撞少年;岁月于指间无声滑过,当儿童节走在街头,才意识到过去的日子不回头。开支红酒,为这不属于我们的节日干杯!儿童节快乐!Once young and ignorant, once reckless teenagers; years slipped silently between fingers, when childrens day walki

10、ng in the street, only to realize that the past days do not turn back. Expenditure on red wine. Cheers to this festival that does not belong to us! Happy Childrens Day!10、保留一颗童心,少一点世故,多一点纯真;保持一分童趣,少一点深沉,多一点率真;保有一张童颜,少一点成熟,多一点天真。儿童节,祝你开心!Keep a childlike innocence, less sophisticated, more innocent;

11、keep a childs interest, less deep, more frank; keep a childs face, less mature, more naive. Happy Childrens Day!11、六一儿童节到,为你买了二尺布,做个小小开裆裤,漏着性感小屁股,迈着细细小碎步,跳着儿童秧歌舞,天天无忧傻幸福。提前祝超龄儿童儿童节快乐幸福!On June 1, childrens day came to buy two feet of cloth for you, making a little open crotch pants, leaking sexy lit

12、tle buttocks, marching on tiny broken steps, jumping childrens dance songs, and being happy without worry every day. Best wishes for a happy Childrens Day for overage children!12、送上幸福快乐平安吉祥如意五色糖,送上喜乐和美顺高升健康七色花,天天开心,天天都是儿童节,年年欢笑,永远都是小时候,祝你六一儿童节快乐!Happy, happy, safe, happy, happy, happy, happy and hap

13、py. Every day is childrens day, and every year is a happy day.13、小时候盼望:一觉醒来,随便赖床;长大了盼望:一觉醒来,人在课堂。亲爱的,儿童节来了,不管啥愿望,愿你快乐天天一个样。Hope in childhood: wake up and lie in bed at will; grow up and hope: wake up, people in the classroom. Honey, Childrens Day is coming. No matter what you wish, I wish you happin

14、ess is the same every day.14、岁月中的点点回忆,用一颗童心珍藏;成长中的丝丝甜蜜,用一颗真心品尝。在儿童节的这一天,绽放灿烂的笑容,重温童年的清闲,尽情享受快乐的今天!Years of memories, with a childs heart treasure; growing silk sweet, with a sincere taste. On this day of Childrens Day, we will have a brilliant smile, review the leisure of childhood and enjoy the hap

15、piness of today!15、光阴似箭,日月如梭,时光如白驹过隙般飞逝,童年已离我们远去,然而,童年的幸福时光历历在目,让我们一起重温儿时的欢乐,愿儿童节开心!Time flies like an arrow, the moon flies like a shuttle, time flies like a foal through a gap, childhood has gone away from us. However, the happy time of childhood is always in sight. Lets review the joy of childhoo

16、d together and wish Childrens Day happy!16、童年不但是最美妙的,充满自信;童年也是最开心的,无忧无虑。童年是花朵,童年是种子,充满生机,富有活力,追忆童年,回味童年,快乐儿童节!Childhood is not only the most beautiful and confident, but also the happiest and carefree childhood. Childhood is a flower, childhood is a seed, full of vitality, vitality, recall childhood, recall childhood, happy Childrens Day!

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