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1、跨文化交际导论含答案对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院2009-2010 学年第二学期跨文化交际导论 ( 英) 复习大纲课程名称 : ENG338a 【跨文化交际导论 (英 )】考核方式 : 开卷笔试 占总分的 70%复习范围: 以指定教材(第 1-9 章)为主,课件内容为辅。试题形式:客观试题 50 题,每题 2 分,题型共三种形式:I. Definition Matching. Match the terms with their definitions. (给术语配对定义, 10题,1题2分,共 20分)II True-False. Circle A if the statement is t

2、rue; circle B if itis false. (判断各句是否正确, 20题,1 题 2 分, 共 40 分)III. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correctresponse. (在所给的 4 个选项中选择一个最恰当的答案, 20 题, 1 题 2 分, 共 40 分)复习方法:认真学习指定教材,结合课件的教学内容,全面复习,从总体上掌握这门跨学科课程的特点;理解各讲中的主要教学内容,即每讲开始前的 Learning Objectives , 不要死记硬背,重理解、勤思考、细观察,从跨文化交际的角

3、度对文化 差异进行分析、记忆、总结;要力图将跨文化交际理论与交往实践相结合,将西方文化交际的理论与实践与中国的本土文化相结合,通过大量真实生动的交际的成败案例的学习,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力;参考指定教材各章后的练习以及书后附的两套模拟自测题,术语定义配 对题、是非题和多项选择题可帮助复习检验对所学内容熟悉的掌握程度, 熟悉客观题型,问答题和案例有助于进一步理解。跨文化交际导论课程期末考试模拟题(答案供参考)I . Match the following terms with their definition. (20% )1.the study of the way that peopl

4、e use physical space to convey messages. B2.the way in which time is used in a culture. A3.the actual practice of concepts or beliefs. E4.the total activity of learning ones culture. principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a culture. DA.Temporal language/chronemicsB.Behavior

5、 communicationC.Spatial language/proxemicsD.EnculturationE.Values6.between nations and governments rather than individuals A7.perceptions about certain groups of people or nationalities C8.a learned organization of rules for making choices and for solving conflicts B9.volume, pitch, and rate that af

6、fects message meaning E10.the idea that every act of communication must happen in some sort of surroundings DA.internationalB.contextC.valueD.stereotypesE.paralanguagen .True or FalseMark A if the statement is true; mark B if it is false.11.When engaging in small talk with a person of another cultur

7、e, remember that discussing ones family and political discussions are inappropriate topics in all cultures. B12.Transference of pragmatic rules refers to the transference of corresponding words and sentence structure from mother tongue to target language. A13.Since all cultures share the same basic

8、values, cultures attach the same meanings to these basic values. B14.Primary values are the most important. A15.Some countries officially recognize religious rituals that affect business encounters. A16.People in the United States place a greater emphasis on history and do not like change as compare

9、d with people of Asian and Latin cultures. B17.The behavior of John lying in bed and reading a novel is a two-way contact. B18.Linear Model is one of the earliest and still the most useful attempts to describe the communication process A19.International communication takes place between such groups

10、as African Americans and Latin Americans. B20.Intercultural communication as a discipline was not established in U.S. until the 1980s. A21.Without the cultural rules people also can behave properly. B22.Culture is not something we are born with, but rather it is learned. A23.Kisses and hugs are not

11、appropriate greeting behavior between males of any culture. B24.In Germany, business gifts are usually exchanged at the beginning of formal negotiations. A25.New and improved technology, growth in the world psopulation, and shifts in the global economic arena have increased globalization. A26.No cou

12、ntry is completely self-sufficient. A27.All cultures require and value politeness, but the ways in which the politeness is achieved may vary significantly. A28.International English is used only by businesspeople who practice English as a second language. B29.International communication takes place

13、between such groups as African Americans and Latin Americans. B30.The process of learning culture is always conscious. B31.Ethnocentrism leads to a objective evaluation of how another culture conducts its daily business. A32.The hierarchy is a theory has not been proven applicable to all the countri

14、es. A33.Cultures may differ, but communication practices do not differ. B34.Culture is ongoing and subject to change. A35.The term “-ccuoltures ” suggests the ineiqtyuabletween groups. B36.Chinese is an example of linear language. A37.Communication barriers are caused by the same communication havin

15、g different meanings in different cultures. B38.New and improved technology, growth in the world psopulation, and shifts in the global economic arena have increased globalization. A39.Power distance in the United States is comparatively high. B40.Pragmatic failure is the inability to understand what

16、 is meant by what is said. A41.Values motivate people. A42.Attitudes are the same thing as values. A43.Eventually, with the spread of technology everyone will have the same values. B44.In order to understand a cultures values, you need only to learn the dos and taboos of behavior in that culture. A45.Social class is unimpor

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