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1、Aadvise 劝告;建议advise sb to do sth:The doctor advised me to rest for a few days.医生建议我休息几天。advise doing sth:I strongly advise buying the ticket at once.我强烈建议立刻买票。allow允许allow sb / sth to do sth:People arent allowed to eat food on the underground in Nanjing.在南京,地铁上禁止人们吃东西。allow sb sth:My father allows h

2、imself three cigarettes a day.我爸爸给自己规定,一天抽三根烟。ask 询问;要求;请求ask sb sth:They see a lady. They ask her the way.他们看见一位女士,向她问路。ask (sb) about sth:They call me about twice a month to ask about my study.他们每个月给我打两次电话来询问我的学习情况。ask (sb) to do sth:Kate asks her father to stop smoking.凯特让她的父亲戒烟。ask (sb) for sth:

3、Now I am writing to ask you for help.我现在写信请你帮忙。agree同意;赞同agree to do sth:Mum and Dad have agreed to have a party at home.妈妈和爸爸已经同意在家里举办一次聚会。agree on对达成一致agree to 赞同;赞成agree with 同意;赞同Bbegin(began, begun)开始;开始进行;开始出现begin doing / to do sth:Bill began learning / to learn to play the piano at the age o

4、f five.比尔五岁时开始学习弹钢琴。to begin with 首先;第一believe相信it is believed + (that)从句:It is believed that the Internet hasboth advantages and disadvantages.人们认为互联网有利也有弊。believe . to be sth:She was believed to be the first H7N9patient in China.她被认为是中国首例H7N9患者。believe in sb / sth信任某人/相信某事物的存在believe it or not信不信由

5、你borrow借;借入borrow sth from sb:I borrowed some interesting books from my friend.我从朋友那里借了一些有趣的书。break(broke, broken) 破碎,坏掉,打破,违反break away (from)离开();脱离()break down (汽车、机器等)出故障;垮掉;打破;消除;分解break into 强行闯入;突然起来break off (使)折断;中断break out (火灾、战争等)爆发break up (使)破碎;(使)破裂bring带来;拿来bring sb / sth with sb:Don

6、t forget to bring an umbrella with you.别忘了随身带把伞。bring sb sth / bring sth for sb:Sports can bring us friends. / Sports can bring friends for us.体育运动能让我们交到朋友。bring sb / sth to sth / sb:Can I bring a friend to your birthday party?我能带个朋友去参加你的生日聚会吗?bring about 引起;造成bring along 带来;带上bring back 把带回来;使回忆起;使

7、恢复bring in 引入;赚得bring out 把拿出来;使表现出bring up 抚养;养育;提出(供讨论等)buy(bought, bought)买;购买buy sb sth:I must buy myself a new sweater.我必须给自己买件新毛衣。buy sth for sb / sth:I want to buy a red rose for my mother.我想给我妈妈买一枝红玫瑰。Ccall 打电话;命名call back回电话call off取消call on / upon 号召;要求call up打电话给care 在意;关心care about sth:A

8、s a student, its very important to care about what we do in public.作为一名学生,注意我们在公共场合的行为很重要。care about sb:He taught me to care about other people.他教我关心别人。care for 照顾;照料catch(caught, caught)抓住;捕捉;赶上;感染上;领会be / get caught in 处于困境;遭遇catch acold感冒catch sbsattention /eye引起某人的注意catch up (with)赶上;追上change 改变

9、;更换change (from sth) to / into sth:The traffic light has changed (from red)to green.交通信号灯(由红)变绿了。change sb / sth into / to sth:It only takes less than 30 seconds tochange a car into a plane.把汽车变成飞机只需不到30秒钟的时间。change sth with sb:Can I change seats with you?我可以和您换下座位吗?change sb / sth (for sb / sth):Th

10、is shirt is too small. Ill have tochange it for a bigger one.这件衬衫太小了,我得换一件大点的。choose(chose, chosen)选择;挑选choose (sb) to do sth:Half of the students choose to go tobig cities.一半的学生选择去大城市。choose sb as / for / to be:They chose Roy as / for / to bemonitor.他们选了罗伊当班长。come(came, come)来;来到;到来;达到;处于come to do

11、 sth:Many people came to watch the birds.许多人前来看鸟。come across 偶然遇到;碰见come along 跟着来;出现come back回来come by顺路拜访come down 下来;下降come down with染上come from 出生于;来自;产自come in进来come on 快点;加油come out 出版;发行come out of从出来come over 来访;拜访come up (to sb)走近(某人);靠近(某人)come up with 想出;提出when it comes to (doing) sth 在某方

12、面;说到(做)某事compare对比;比较compare A to / with B 把A同B作比较:Compared with / to Fetion, WeChat ismore popular now.与飞信相比,现在微信更受欢迎。consider 考虑;认为consider doing sth:Have you ever considered studyingabroad?你考虑过出国留学吗?consider sb / sth (as / to be) sb /sth / adj :He is considered (to be) one of thegreatest writers

13、in American history.他被认为是美国历史上最伟大的作家之一。consider it + adj / n + to do sth:Arabs consider it very bad mannersto eat with left hands.阿拉伯人认为用左手吃饭很不礼貌。continue继续;持续;延续continue doing / to do sth:If we continue making too muchrubbish, the problem will only getworse.如果我们继续制造太多的垃圾,问题只会变得更严重。She continued to

14、work after her longvacation.长假过后她又继续工作了。cost(cost, cost)价钱为;(使)花费cost (sb) sth:The dictionary didnt cost me muchmoney.这本字典没花我很多钱。cost sth to do sth:It costs 20 yuan to enter the swimmingpool.进入游泳池要花费20元。cut(cut, cut)切;割;剪;砍;割伤;剪短;削减;减少cut down 砍倒;减少;缩减cut in line插队cut off 切掉;切断cut out 剪下;(从文字作品、文章中)删掉;剪出cut up 切碎;割碎Ddecide决定;选定decide to do sth:He decided to be a firefighter.他决定当一名消防员。decide on / upon 决定;选定depend依靠;依赖;取决于depend on依靠;依赖;由决定;取决于Your success depends on how hard you work at your lessons.你的成功取决于你学习的努力程度。It / That (all) depends. 那得看情况。 How

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