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1、1.腊八节 The Laba Rice Porridge Festival/Laba Festival.2.除夕 New Years Eve3.春节 The Spring Festival4.元宵节 Lantern Festival5.清明节 Qingming Festival/Tomb-Sweeping Day6.端午节 Dragon Boat Festival7.七夕节 Double Seventh Festival8.中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival9.重阳节 Double Ninth Festival10.春联 Spring Festival Couplets11.拜年

2、Pay a New Year Call12.鲁菜 Shandong Cuisine13.川菜 Sichuan cuisine14.粤菜 Guangdong cuisine15.湘菜 Hunan cuisine16.淮扬菜 Huaiyang cuisine17.春卷 spring roll18.粽子 zongzi/rice dumpling19.月饼 moon cake20.馄饨wonton/Chinese dumpling soup21.北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck22.豆浆 soybean milk23.馒头mantou/steamed bun24.火锅 hot pot25

3、.麻辣烫 spicy hot pot26.炸酱面 noodles with soybean paste27.拉面 Lamian noodles28.豆腐 Doufu/bean curd29.米线 rice noodles30.白酒 liquuor and spirits31.米酒 rice wine32.糕点 cakes and pastries33.史记The historical Records34.诗经The book of Songs35.春秋The Spring and Autumn Annals36.论语The Analects of Confucius37.三国演义Romance

4、 of the Three Kingdoms38.水浒传Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh39.西游记Pilgrimage to the Wesst/journey to the West40.红楼梦A dream in Red Mansions/The story of the Stone41.山海经The Classic of Mountains and Rivers42.三字经Three-Character Scripture43.资治通鉴History as a Mirror44.长城The Great Wall45.秦始皇陵 Mausoleum of

5、the First Qin Emperor46.兵马俑Terra-Cotta Warriors47.敦煌莫高窟 Mo Kao Grotto at Dunhuang48.鼓楼 drum-tower49.故宫 the Forbbidden City/the Palace Museum50.天坛 Temple of Heaven51.西湖 West Lake52.日月潭 Sun-moon Lake/Riyuetan Pool53.明十三陵 the Ming Tombs54.苏州园林 Suzhou Garden(s)55.太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony56.养心殿 Hall o

6、f Mental Cultivation57.乾清宫 Palace of Heavenly Purity58.慈宁宫Hall of Consolation of Mothers59.御花园 the Imperial Garden60.四大发明 the four great inventionsof ancient China61.火药 gunpower62.印刷术 printing/art of printing64.造纸术 papermaking technology64.指南针 compass65.中国结 Chinese knot66.青铜器 bronze ware67.瓷器 China/

7、porcelain68.刺绣 embroidery69.中药 TCM/traditional Chinese medicine70.唐三彩 Tang Tri-color Glazed Ceramics71.剪纸 paper cuttings72.中国画 Chinese paintings73.丝织品 silk fabrics/silks74.景泰蓝 Cloisonne75.四合院 courtyard76.京剧 Peking opera77.皮影戏 shadow puppets78.太极 Tai Chi79.对口相声 cross talk80.杂技 acrobatics81.中国武术 Chine

8、se martial arts/Kung Fu82.越剧 Yue Opera83.唐装 Tang suit84.旗袍 cheongsam85.古筝 Chinese zither86.二胡 erhu87.甲骨文 oracle bone script88.世袭制度 hereditary system89.朝代 dynasty90.战国时期 the Warring States Period91.三国 the Three Kingdons92.秦始皇 the First Emperor of Qin93.皇太后 Empress Dowager94.士大夫 scholar-officials/lite

9、rati and officialdom(in feudal China)95.诸侯 seigneur96.宰相 prime minister(in feudal China)97.西域 the Western Regions98.武侠小说 martial arts novel99.八股文 stereotyped writing/the eight-part essay100.五言绝句 five-character quatrain101.七言律诗 seven-character quatrain102.朦胧诗misty poetry103.诗人poet104.六艺 six classic a

10、rts105.民间艺术 folk art106.中国文学 Chinese literature107.中国书法 Chinese calligraphy108.古装片 costume film109.国画 Chinese painting110.儒学 Confucianism111.孔子 Confucius112.孟子 Mencius113.法家 Legalism114.墨家 Mohism115.孝顺 filial piety116.中庸 Doctrine of the Mean117.神话 mythology118.玉皇大帝 the Jade Emperor119.美猴王 Hansome Monkey King120.才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies

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