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1、Unit 11.他们经常把需要学习的内容与有趣的事情联系起来。They often_what they need to learn_something interesting.2.每个人天生具有学习的能力。Everyone is _ _the ability to learn.3.我们应该关注青少年的心理健康。We should_ _to the mental health of the teenagers.4.知识来自质疑。如果我们敢于质疑,不怕犯错,我们会取得快速的进步,成为一个好的学习者。_ _ _ _. If we dare to ask questions and dont be _

2、 _ making mistakes, we will make rapid progress and be a good learner.5.你练得越多,你英语就会讲得越好。The more you practice, _ _ you will speak English.6.我们应该学好英语,以便能向世界讲述中国故事。We should learn English well _ _ we can tell Chinese stories to the world.7.汤姆,妈妈今天不在。我可以为你做饭,但不要依赖我做所有事。请去整理你的房间。Tom, Mom isnt in today.

3、I can cook for you, but never_ _ me to do everything. Go and tidy your room, please.8.战胜消极人生的秘诀,就是建立积极的人生态度。The _ _ overcoming passive life is to build an active life attitude.9.你可以写下诸如名字和数字之类的关键词。它们将帮助你理解和记住你所听到的。You can _ _ the key words such as names and numbers. They will help you understand and

4、 remember what you hear.10.我们发现在短时间内学好物理是不可能的。We _ _ impossible for us to learn physics well in a short time.11.即使你不擅长篮球,你也可以出来为你的校队加油。_ _ you arent good at basketball, you can come out and cheer your school team up.12.上课认真记笔记对我们很有用,这样我们以后可以复习。Its useful for us to _ _ carefully in class so that we c

5、an go over them later.13.如果你想说一口流利的英语,你需要尽可能多地与其他人交谈,比如你的老师和朋友。If you want to speak English well, you need to have many _ _ others like your teachers and friends as much as possible.14. 她脸上露出担忧的表情。你知道发生了什么事吗?There was a _ _ on her face. Do you know what happened?15.如果你希望提高你的英语口语,你需要每天练习口语。If you hop

6、e to improve your spoken English, you need to _ _ it every day.16.制作单词卡是必要的。它们可以帮助我们记住新单词。Its necessary to make _ _. They can help us memorize new words.17.阅读这篇文章时,不要停下来查新单词。它会让你读得慢。When reading the passage, dont stop to _ _ new words. It will make you a slow reader.18.正如我们所知,一个人通过犯错误和改正错误来学习很多东西。As

7、 we know, a person learns many things_ _ mistakes and correcting them.19.中国菜非常美味,许多外国人都爱上了它。Chinese food is _ delicious _ many foreigners fall in love with it.20.在教室里不允许大声讲话,请闭上你的嘴。_ _ is not allowed in the classroom. Please close your mouth.Unit 21.由于不健康的饮食习惯,我最好的朋友在过去的一个月里体重增加了5磅。Because of unheal

8、thy eating habits, my best friend has _ _ 5 pounds in the past month.2.她的发型和我的相似,我们都有一头长卷发。Her hairstyle is _ _ mine, and we both have long curly hair.3.当我去看望奶奶时,她总是把我最喜欢的甜点摆在桌子上。Grandma always _ _ my favorite dessert on the table when I visit her.4.在泼水节期间,人们互相泼水来洗去不好的东西。People throw water at each o

9、ther during the Water Festival to _ _ the bad things.5.一开始他们互不喜欢,但最后他们成了好朋友。At first they didnt like each other, but they_ _being good friends.6.我最喜欢古典音乐。它总是让我想起过去快乐的日子。I like classical music best. It always _ me _the happy old days.7.中国发展得多快啊!我们很幸运生活在这样一个伟大的国家。_ _ China is developing! We are so luc

10、ky to live in such a great country.8.艾伦的父母警告他在夏天不要独自在河里游泳。Alans parents _ him not _ swim in the river alone during summer.9.妈妈轻声地开门,因为她不想吵醒她的孩子。Mum opened the door quietly because she didnt want to _ _ her baby.10.如果你想和别人交朋友,你应该首先学会关心他们。If you want to make friends with others, you should learn to _

11、_them first.11.无论时代如何变化,雷锋精神永远不会过时。No matter how times change, _ _ of Lei Feng will never be outdated.12.空气污染曾经是一个非常严重的环境问题,但现在已经得到了改善。Air pollution _ _be a very serious environmental problem, but now it has been improved.13.我们学校足球队得了一等奖,这消息多么令人兴奋啊!_ _exciting news it is that our school football tea

12、m has won the first prize!14.贵阳是多么漂亮的城市啊!我们可以随处看到树木,呼吸新鲜空气。_ _nice city Guiyang is! We can see trees and breathe fresh air everywhere.15.看!一些孩子朝窗户扔石头。迅速阻止他们。Look! Some kids are _ stones_the windows. Stop them quickly.16.在一些国家,在愚人节这天人们互相捉弄。In some countries, people _ _ on each other on April Fools Da

13、y.17.后羿因为射下了九个太阳而得到了神药,然后逢蒙想偷走它。Hou Yi was given magic medicine for _ _ the nine suns, then Pang Meng tried to steal it.Unit 31.在好方法的帮助下,学好英语看起来不太难。With the help of good methods, _ _ not too difficult to learn English well.2.尽管英语已有2500多年的历史,但直到17世纪才出现第一本英语词典。Although English has a history of over 2,

14、500 years, the first English dictionary _ appear _the 17th century.3.在人生的旅途中,我们每天都会和不同的人相遇或擦肩而过。In our lives, we will meet or _ _ different people every day.4.打扰一下,你知道这附近有没有书店吗?_ _, do you know if theres a bookshop near here?5.彼得经常用自己的方式做一些复习。Peter often does some revision _ his own _.6.借助互联网,信息可以迅速

15、到达世界的每一个角落。With the help of the Internet, information can reach every _ _ the world quickly.7.蒂娜期待着9月份进入一所好的高中。Tina is_ _to entering a good high school in September.8.礼貌地说似乎比直接说更难。然而,学会如何在不同的场合说恰当的话非常重要。It might seem more difficult to speak politely than directly. However, it is important to learn h

16、ow to use the right language in _ _.Unit 41.我同意你的看法,青年人应该敢想、敢说、敢干。I agree with you that young people should _ _ think, speak and act.2.大多数人外出时不用再带钱了。Most people _ take money with them _when they go out.3.我们所有人都为我们国家的伟大成就感到自豪。All of us are_ _our countrys great achievements.4.作为中学生,我们不应该在公共场合有不礼貌的行为。A

17、s middle school students, we shouldnt have impolite behavior_ _.5.感觉他们好像不是在和听众说话,而是在亲自和我说话。It seemed that they were speaking not to listeners but to me_ _.6.对于我们而言,学会处理日常生活中的压力很有必要。Its necessary for us to learn _ _the stress in our daily life.7.上周日,我和我姐姐在购物广场闲逛。Last Sunday, my elder sister and I_ _

18、in the shopping mall.8.人们告诫 后浪(年青一代),如果他们放弃努力,世界就会失去希望。Younger generation is told that if they_ _making efforts, the world will lose hope.9.我们国家过去75年来经历了巨大变化,不再是过去的样子了。Our country has experienced great changes in the past 75 years and it is _ _it used to be.10.电影万里归途非常受欢迎,它得到了大量的关注。The movie Home Co

19、ming is so popular and it has got _ _attention.11.我们所有人都为神舟十六号的成功返航感到自豪。All of us_ _ in the successful coming back of the Shenzhou-16.12.如果你平常就足够认真,你可以避免犯粗心的错误。If you are usually _ _, you can avoid making careless mistakes.13.尽管我们不时有不同的意见,我们仍然是好朋友。Although we have different opinions _ _ _ _, we are

20、still good friends.14.新年伊始,我打算培养一个爱好,比如画画或拍照。At the beginning of the new year, Im going to _ _a hobby, like painting or taking photos.15.你应该早点回家,不然你父母会担心你的。You should go home early, or your parents will _ _ you.16.他们仍然是最好的朋友,尽管他们只是偶尔联系一下。They remain the best friends _ _ they just connect with each o

21、ther once in a while.17.初中的时光要结束了,和我们亲爱的老师和朋友分别很难。Junior high school days will be over and _ _ to separate from our dear teachers and friends.Unit 51.无论发生什么事情,你的家人会一直在你身边。_ _what happens, your family will be there for you.2.当叶子长好了,它们被手工采摘。When the leaves are ready, they are picked_ _.3.唐代诗人张若虚以诗作春江花

22、月夜而广为人知。Zhang Ruoxu, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, is widely _ _ his poemA Moonlit Night on the Spring River.4.我们珍惜日常生活中与家人和朋友在一起的时光。We value the time we spend with our family and friends in _ _.5.汤姆昨天买了一辆玩具汽车。它的轮子是由木头制成的。Tom bought a toy car yesterday. Its wheels are _ _ wood.6.当遇到麻烦时,诸葛孔明放天灯来寻求帮助。Zh

23、uge Kongming sent out sky lanterns to ask for help when_ _.7.天灯是用竹子做的,并用纸覆盖着。Sky lanterns are made of bamboo and_ _paper.8.老师想查明是谁弄坏了门。The teacher wanted to_ _ who had broken the door.9.凡事都有两面性。有时候坏运气出乎意料地变成了一件好事。Every coin has two sides. Sometimes the bad luck can unexpectedly _ _a good thing.10.许多

24、中国人通常在窗户、门和墙上贴一些剪纸,作为好运的象征。Many Chinese people usually put up some paper cuttings on windows, doors and walls as _ _ wishes for good luck.11.为了避免交通事故,每个人在路上都必须小心。_ _traffic accidents, everyone must be careful on the road.12.多亏了互联网,来自世界各地的人们可以方便快捷地搜索各种信息。Thanks to the Internet, people from _ _ the wo

25、rld can search for different kinds of information easily and quickly.Unit 61.令人惊讶的是,一些科学发现是偶然被发现的。Surprisingly, some scientific discoveries were discovered_ _.2.毫无疑问,中国现在更加擅长制造高科技产品。_ _ , China is much better at making high technology products now.3.当我跑过草地的时候,我看见一只兔子掉进了洞里。I saw a rabbit_ _the hole w

26、hen I ran past the grass.4.她用了不到一个小时就拿下了这场比赛。The game took her_ _an hour to win.5.据说篮球是在1891年被发明的。_ _basketball was invented in 1891.6.张欣的话真有道理。我完全同意她。Zhang Xins words really _ _ _. I totally agree with her.7.近四十年来,中国发生了巨大的变化。Great changes have_ _in China in the past forty years.8.这一切发生得太突然了。他无法接受。A

27、ll happened_ _ _ _. He couldnt accept that.9. 这个女孩今天把我的伞还回来了。她昨天错拿了它。The girl returned my umbrella today. She took it_ _yesterday.10.她努力工作,最终实现了她的梦想。She worked hard and finally _ her _.11.老师把蛋糕分成了许多份儿。The cake was _ _many pieces by the teacher.12.在龙舟比赛中,两支队伍同时到达终点。Two teams reached the finishing line at the _ _ in the Dragon Boat Race.13.许多青少年钦佩像袁隆平那样的科学家, 希望成为像他们一样的人。Many teenagers_ _ to the scientists like Yuan Longping and hope to be like them.14.科学家们总是提出新的想法,给我们的生活带来巨大变化。Scientists always_ _ with new ideas and bring great changes to our life.1

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