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1、钻井英语常用语when will you spud in? 你们什么时候开钻? when will you finish this project ?这个项目(工程)什么时候完成? what is the type of the drill bit ?这只钻头是什么型号? What is the size of the drill bit ?这只钻头尺寸多大? measure that joint,量一下那接头, Take that drill collar up to the derrick floor?把那根钻铤拉到钻台上来, What is the weight?钻压多大? Contro

2、l the weight at 15 tons ?把钻压控制在15吨。 Keep the pump pressure under 20Mpa.把泵压保持在20兆帕以下。 Is oil-base mud or water-base mud ?这是油基泥浆还是水基泥浆? What is the mud weight ?泥浆比重多少? What is the depth now ?现在井深多少? Record all the date ?记录所有数据。 The total drilling footage today is 50m今天的总进尺是50米。 We will pull out the dr

3、ill pipe in 3 hours.3小时我们就起钻。 Fill in the shift form carefully .仔细填好值班报表。 What is the average penetration rate today ?今天的平均机械钻速是多少? We drilled into a zone of very great pressure at 1800m.我们钻到1800米深遇到一个高压层。 pay much attention to the formation pressure密切注意地层压力。 We are going to stop the lost circulatio

4、n tomorrow?我们明天堵漏。 Wed better weight the mud now ?现在我们最好加重泥浆。 Prevent the well blowout at any time 随时注意防止井喷。 We are conneting the blowout line .我们正在安装放喷管线。 We are trying to cap the well .我们正设法压井。 The pressure is too high / we have to open flow 压力太高我们不得不放喷。 Your task today is to kill the well 你今天的任务是

5、压井。 Kill the well with drilling fluid .用钻井液压井。 Divert the gas into the pipeline .把天然气导入管线。 We are going to set it ablaze.我们将开始点火。 We have succeeded in capping the well .我们已经成功地压住了井。 Shut the BOP( blowout preventer ) immediately立即关上防喷器, The bit is worn out 钻头磨光了, Well have to trip the pipe我们只好起钻了。 Pu

6、t the Kelly in the rathole把方钻杆放在鼠洞里。 One of the cutters is lost in the hole牙轮掉在井里了。 A fish is in the hole。井里掉了东西 。 Get the fishing tools ready把打捞工具准备好。 Go and fetch the fishing tools去取打捞工具。 Were going to fish for the lost cutter 我们将打捞牙轮。 Bring the slips here 把卡瓦搬来。 Trip out the string.取出钻头。 The engi

7、ne is running very well 柴油机运转正常。 There is still an hour for tour change 离换班还有一个小时。 Were going to kiCK off on this tour 我们这一班开始造斜。 You must consider the problem of hole deviation。你必须考虑井斜问题。 Keep on the mud ciroulation 保持泥浆循环。 There must be a pipe stick 很有可能是卡钻了。 Caloulate the free point 计算一下卡点。 Wed b

8、etter increase the pump pressure我们最好提高钻压。 Do you have enough mud additive?你有足够的泥浆添加剂吗? The mud is in good shape 泥浆情况良好。 It is necessary to check the mud tanks有必要检查一下泥浆罐。 We shall start coring at 2100m我们将在2000米取芯。 Check the drill cuttings and cores carefully仔细鉴定岩屑和岩芯。 There is a large reservoir with

9、a great many oil wells in this area 这个地区有一个大的油气藏打了许多口井。 We are at the logging depth我们已经到了测井深度。 Check the casing tube carefully before cementing固井前仔细检查套管。 Take those casing pipes here 把套管搬到这儿来。 When shall we begin to cement ?我们什么时候开始固井 ? Install the suction lines安装上水管线。 Were waiting on cement。 我们正等待固

10、井。 Let me know when you have trouble 有问题告诉我。 Id like to have a look at your shift record。我想看一下你们的值班记录。 Ill report this matter clearly to you later 呆会我将就此事向你做简单汇报。 How long have you been drilling on this well ?这口井你们钻了多久? The jobs of roustabout includes杂工的活包括。 scraping rust 刮锈, hosing down 冲洗钻台, paint

11、ing涂油漆 , carrying cans of dope扛润滑油脂罐 , unloading materials and supplies ect卸车等。 The jobs of a roughneck includes 钻工的工作包括。 operating the cathat操作猫头。 handling the slips and tongs 提卡瓦/打大钳。 standing pipe back in the derrick 排立柱。 assisting in mixing the slush and so on 帮助搅拌泥浆等。 The jobs of a derrickman i

12、ncludes井架工的工作包括。attaching or detaching the elevators 扣上或卸下吊环。 when pipe or casing is run into pulled out of the hole 在起下钻杆和套管的过程中。 cleaning 涂润滑脂。 oiling greasing 上油, inspecting and repairing the pully blocks and cables 检修滑车组和钢丝绳, and the derrick man usually hus a special responsibility for the slush

13、 pumps and tanks 通常还要专门照管。泥浆泵 。 when he is not busy 井架工在不忙时. NO NAKED LIGHTS 严禁烟火。 DSD 灾难事故紧急关闭。 BELTS ON 必须佩带保险带。 FIRE ONLY仅供消防/不得他用。 SMOKE箭头方向有一可供抽烟处。 KEEP OUT切莫入内。 HANDS OFF切莫动手。 KEEP AWAY 切莫靠近。 MIND YOUR 小心碰头。 RADIOACTIVE SOURCE 心放射性物质。 PIG APPROACHING 勿用金属靠近。 CORAOSIVE 小心腐蚀性物质。 HOT WORK 小心此处为热作

14、业地点。 I am a driller我是司钻 floor man场地工derrick man 井架工 motorman柴油司机。 We have to do some maintenance work on traveling block today今天我们必须对游车进行保养。 Bring me that wrench please 把扳手递过来。 Go up to the monkey board immediately 马上到二层台上去。 Push out the slips把卡瓦拉出来。 We will change the biting about five hours 大约5小时后

15、换钻头。 The out temperature of mud is too high泥浆温度太高了。 Whats the torque now ?现在扭矩多大 ? Is the engine all right ?柴油机正常吗? Its necessary to separate the gas from the crude oil有必要把气从泥浆里分出来。 We have to control the rate of flow .我们必须控制流量。 Do you have enough space parts ?你有足够的零件吗? Take these drill pipes here 把钻杆搬到这儿来。 The well has been out of control 井已失去控制。 Keep away from these/ its dangerous危险/请离开那儿。 Everyone must put on your safe hat when you on the well site 在井场上班时/人人必须戴上安全帽。 Safety is first 安全第一 We must do according to operation procedure 我们必须按操作程序办。 Anyone who disobey

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