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1、 America DietCulture(美国饮食文化)(美国饮食文化)Made by:Mao cui Contents1.American Fast Food(美国快美国快餐)餐)2.Chinese Food in America(美国的中餐)(美国的中餐)3.American Specialty Foods(美国特色美食)(美国特色美食)1.American Fast Food(美国快餐)(美国快餐)What is American food?At first you might think the answer is easy as pie.Tomanypeople,American f

2、ood means hamburgers,hot dogs,fried chicken and pizza.If you have a sweet tooth,you might even think of apple pie or chocolate chip cookies.Its true that Americans do eat those things.You are what you eat.StarbuckStarbuckBrief introduction Starbucks coffee is the world famous chain shop.It was estab

3、lished in 1971,the headquarters are located in Seattle,Washington.The retail(零售)(零售)products include more than 30 of global top coffee bean,handmade of coffee(手工制作咖啡)(手工制作咖啡)and a number of coffee drinks.Starbucks products are not just coffee,but a form of carrier via this carrier.星巴克星巴克美国连锁咖啡公司美国连锁

4、咖啡公司 Starbucks coffee provide a unique quality to customer.In some level,its a culture represent,to create a harmonious和谐的和谐的hrmonis environment to customers,and establish mutual trust(相互信任)(相互信任)relationship for each other.But are those the only kind of vittles you can find in America?Ham&Cheddar(火

5、腿和干酪)(火腿和干酪)smoked ham and egg topped with premium melted cheddar on an oven-toasted artisan roll(烤箱)(烤箱).Try a Breakfast Sandwich for onlyTry a Breakfast Sandwich for only$2$2 Sausage 美 美 ssd(香肠)(香肠)&Cheddar(切达奶酪)(切达奶酪)premium aged melted cheddar cheese and savory sausage on a toasted English muffi

6、n.2.Chinese Food in America Strong flavoredPopular among AmericansTraditional tastes are changedA rank of 10 most popular Chinese food in America(十大招牌在美国十大招牌在美国)美国人用餐的戒条主要有以下六条:其一、不允许进餐时发出声响。其一、不允许进餐时发出声响。其二、不允许替他人取菜。其二、不允许替他人取菜。其三、不允许吸烟。其三、不允许吸烟。其四、不允许向别人劝酒。其四、不允许向别人劝酒。其五、不允许当众脱衣解带。其五、不允许当众脱衣解带。其六、

7、不允许议论令人作呕之事。其六、不允许议论令人作呕之事。NO.1 Fried Sweet and Sour Pork 糖醋里脊 NO.2 Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁 NO.3 Spring Rolls 春卷 NO.4 Fried Rice with Egg 炒饭 NO.5 Ma Po Tou Fu 麻婆豆腐 NO.6 Dumplings 饺子 NO.7 Won Ton Soup 馄饨 NO.8 Peking Duck 烤鸭 NO.9 Chow Mein 炒面 NO.10 Fried Shrimps with Cashew nuts 腰果虾仁 Yao Restaurant&BarY

8、ao Restaurant&Bar is located in the United States of Houston,operated by Yao Mings parents Yao Zhiyuan,Fang Fengdi and their friends.It opens on May 21st 2005.3.America Specialty FoodsAll pictures are download at http:/ Baked Alaska(阿拉斯加焙阿拉斯加焙烤)烤)Cobb Salad(科布沙拉)(科布沙拉)Bacon,fried chicken,butter,egg,

9、blue cheese Buffalo Wings(布法罗鸡翅)布法罗鸡翅)Turducken(特大啃)Take a turkey,stuffed ducks in its stomach,then stuffed chicken in the duck,then deep-fried 2-3 hours Texas Barbecue Pork(德克萨斯烤德克萨斯烤肉肉)Reuben Sandwich(鲁宾三明鲁宾三明治)治)Bacon pieces,salad dressing,cheese Philly Cheeseteak(费拉德尔菲亚费拉德尔菲亚)Beef,Cheese,Onion C

10、hocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice CreamCut the dough into small pieces,mix in ice cream SmoresGraham crackers,Soft sweets(棉花(棉花糖)糖),Cinnamonsinmn pieces 肉桂片肉桂片 Corn DogCoated in a thick layer of the corn syrup on hot dogs,hot deep-fried for 5 minutes You are what you eat.Thank you for your attention!Hope you enjoy!

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