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1、外研版必修一课本上听力原文必修一课本上的听力原文Module 1Listening and Vocabulary (Students Book p. 5)rob:Hi, Diane!diane:Hi, Rob! How are you doing?rob:Im fine. Ive just been to my first language class.diane:Oh really? So have I.rob:Really? Which language are you studying?diane:Spanish. Which language are YOU studying?rob:

2、Chinese.diane:Is that right? Cool! How was it?rob:It was good. The teachers name is Mr. Davies.diane:Mr. Davies?rob:Yes,(1) he isnt Chinese, obviously, but hes fluent in Chinese. And theres an assistant teacher called Miss Wang. She IS Chinese. Were going to see her once a week.diane:And what do you

3、 think?rob:Well, learning Chinese isnt going to be easybut (2)the first lesson was very enjoyableI liked it a lot.(3) Mr. Davies gave us a lot of encouragementhe made us feel really good about being there. (5)The most important thing at the beginning is pronunciation, getting the sounds rightand he

4、was very good at correctionhe said it didnt matter if we made mistakes.(4) I think we all made a lot of progressin just an hour!diane:Thats great.rob:What about Spanish? Did you start yet?diane:Yes, we did. The teacher is nice, but I already speak some Spanish and the rest of the class are really be

5、ginners. (7)I misunderstood the teacherI thought she said the class was for people who already speak Spanish. Im not sure if Im going to make much progress.rob:Oh, Im sure things will improve.diane:Maybeactually, (8)I was a bit disappointedshe explained everything in English.rob:Oh, thats too bad.Li

6、stening and Speaking (Students Book p. 70)boy:Have you joined any school clubs yet?girl:Yes, I have. Im really interested in photography, so I joined the Camera Club.boy:Thats interesting. Where do you have your meetings?girl:In Room 303.boy:Right. How often do you meet? Every week?girl:Yes, we meet

7、 every Thursday at 4 oclock.boy:Every Thursday at 4 oclock? Thats the same day that my club meets! But the time is different.girl:Oh? Which club do you belong to?boy:The Dance Society. We meet every Thursday at 5 oclock.girl:Where do you have your meetings? I guess you need a big place.boy:Yes, we p

8、ractise in the school gym.girl:The school gym? That should be big enough, I guess!Module 2Vocabulary and Listening (Students Book p. 11)I dont agree that all good teachers talk a lot. Some good teachers talk a lot and some dont. I do think that teachers need to be strict, but they dont need to be ve

9、ry strict. I do believe that discipline is important. Yes, I like teachers who are amusing. I think you enjoy the lesson more and so you learn more. And I agree with the statement that the most popular teachers are very kind. Everyone likes kind people. Of course, good teachers always return homewor

10、k quickly. I think thats very important. And the next statement is obviously true, a teacher must check that everyone in the class understands. What about the next statement? No, I dont agree with that at all. There are times when a teacher needs to talk without interruption. And the last statementI

11、t doesnt matter if a teacher is not organised. Thats really stupid. A teacher must be organised. How can a student learn if the teacher isnt organised?Listening and Vocabulary (Students Book p. 15)mr. stanton:Okay, kids, as you know, the exams are coming up soon, so we need to start work on revision

12、. This afternoon Im going to give you a choice. We can either do some revision or we can do some translation. Its up to you.student:Id rather do translation than revision, Mr. stanton:How many people would like to do translation?chorus:I would/Me/Id like to do stanton:Tha

13、ts eight of you. So the rest of you would prefer to do revision, is that right? stanton:Thats sixteen of you. So thats settled. Well do revision. Im going to give you a choice of topic, too. Do you want to revise Life in the Future or Travel?student:Id rather do Life in the Future.stud

14、ent:Id prefer to do stanton:Hands up for Life in the Future. (Students raise their hands.) Eighteen of you. The choice is made. But before we start, there are a couple of things I need to say to you. Firstly, have you all got your new timetables? stanton:Good. Can you take a

15、 look at them? OK. Now, at present you have a free period on Tuesday afternoons. Well, thats been changed and youve got French instead. Have you got that? stanton:Excellent. And theres one other thing. The headmaster wants to see everyone in the library at three this afternoon. OK? stanton:Right. Lets begin our revision of Life in the Future.Listening and Speaking I (Students Book p. 76)simon:Hi, Jane. How are things?jane:Fine, thanks, Simon. Hows everything with you?simon:Not b

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