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1、电大高级英语2试题期末试题中央广播电视大学 2012-2013 学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试高级英语(2)试题1,Vocabujary and Gramma: Choose the best answer fur each bnank from the four choices given.Write your answer on the Answer Shect.(2 points each,30 points)1 .A: speak to the recruitment manager, please. B: Im sorry, Im afraid hes not in the of

2、fice at the moment A. I wonder if I could B. Im afraid I cant C. Do you think you could D. Thank you for 2. This time tomorrow well have handed in our assignments and in the park. A. well be relaxing B. were relaxing C. we11 relax D. we relax3. Just dirty dishes in the sink. I11 wash them.A. talk B.

3、 take C. leave D. lose4. Why are you your lunch? Arent you hungry? A. pigging out B. parting with C. picking at D. pointing out5. After they dinner, they went out. A. finish B. are finishing C. have finished D. had finished6. A:I really should go home now, or my namell be mud. B: A: oh, I mean Ill b

4、e very u flpopu1ar-Im late! A. What I meant was B. Are you with me? C. I am listening. D. Sorry, Im not with you.7. Im glad I saw that film, it really A. cheered up B. cheered me up C. cheered up me D. me cheered up8 admit that most people are not interested in being informed. A. You decide to B. Yo

5、u have to C. The other hand to D. As far as I9 it, its all about money-its pure greed. A. The way I see B.You have to say C. Talk about D. As far as I see1o. If Tony me a lift on his bike, I always say noA offer B. would offer C. offered D. offers11. I sometimes feel as if Toby Snt even aware of my

6、A. exist B. existence C. existing D. existed12. Do we really have to fill in all these forms? Its so A. simple B. appealing C. modern D. tiresome 13. You look a bit _.Maybe you should take some extra vitamins. A. worried B. run-down C. confident D. outraged14. Once the press find out his secret,he11

7、 never live it A. up B. on C. down D. off 15. There are mistakes in this TV guide: Ive found one on every page so far. A. quite a few B. not too many C. almost no D. very fewII .Reading comprehensionPassage One Read the article and then match 16-20 to A-E. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.(4 po

8、ints each,20 points)Do you realise that your body language is telling people a whole range of things that you may not be conscious of? In this introduction to her series on nonverbal communication, Rebecca Cripps gives us some tips for interpreting and using the unspoken code. 16 . We lean towards p

9、eople we find attractive and interesting and away from those we dont, Its that simple! 17 Holding your palms slightly up and outwards is seen as open and friendly. Gestures with the palms down are generally seen as dominant and possibly aggressive. Thispalm up,palm down distinction is very important

10、 when it comes to shaking hands and wesuggest you always offer a handshake upright and vertical, to convey equality. 18 Stand too close and you11 be seen as pushy. Stand too far away and youllappear unfriendly. Neither are what we want, so observe in a group Situation how close the other people are

11、to each other. If you move closer to someone and they back away, youve probably overstepped the mark and are just a bit too much in their personal space.19 even though most people cant move them much, if at all. However, youve got two ears and only one mouth, so try to use them in that order, If you

12、 listen twice as much as you talk, you come across as a good communicator who knows how to strike up a balanced conversation without being me me me or the wallflower. 20 We purse our lips and sometimes twist them to the side when were thinking. We might also use this movement to hold hack an angry c

13、omment. Then of course we smile: people smile for all sorts of reasons, only one of which is to signal happiness. But more of that next week.A. Mouth movements can give away all sorts of clues B. Hand gestures are so numerous its hard to give a brief guide but here goes C. Distance from others is cr

14、ucial if you want to give the right signals D. Angle of the body in relation to others gives an indication of our attitude towards themE. Ears play a vital role in communication with othersPassage Two Read the article and then judge the statements are true T),false F)or not informed(NI). Write your

15、answer on the Answer Sheet(2 points each,10 points). Amazing PeopleIn this weeks edition of Amazing People, we have decided to include some less well-known celebrities. They may not be world famous or household names, but as we often say, theres more than one way to be special!Disabled sailor crosses Channel On August 23rd 2005,a British woman who can only move her head, eyes and mouth, sailed across the English Channel and into the record books. Completing her journey in just over six hours, Hila

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