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1、高考英语108个高分句型开头句入门1.Now there is a growingawareness/recognition of the necessity to.如今,人们越来越意识到的必要性。2. In the past 10 years, great changes havetaken place in.在过去的10年里,发生了巨大的变化。3.Nowadays.has become a problem we haveto face.现今,已成为我们不得不面对的问题4.The latest surveys show that.最近的调查显示进阶1.Recently, we have ha

2、d a heated discussion about whether it is necessary最近,我们展开了一场热烈的讨论,是关于是否有必要2. We find ourselves now living in a new era which requires.我们生活在一个崭新的时代,它要求我们3.It isimportant/necessary/difficult/convenient/possible our rapidly world.在这个迅速发展的世界里,对来说学是非常重要(必要、困难、方便)的。4. More and more p

3、eople are aware that it is important to./Many people are becoming aware of the importance of.越来越多的人意识到的重要性(很多人开始意识到的重要性了)。高级1.Views on the issue vary from person toperson. When my eyes caught this topic, mymind began its search for.对于该问题的看法因人而异。当我看到这个话题,我的脑海中想到的是.2.There is a publicdebate/controvers

4、y/discussion today on/as tothe issue of.As far as Im concerned. l am infavor of the opinion that.如今,有一场关于问题的公开的争论(讨论、议论)。就我而言,我赞同的观点。3. With the rapid development/growthof .has become a necessary part of our dailylife and work.随着的迅速发展,已经成为我们生活和工作中必不可少的一部分。4.Nowadays, it is commonly/widely/generally/

5、believed/thought/held that., but lwonder/doubt that.如今,人们普遍认为,但是我怀疑过度句入门1. .may further be supported by.可以进一步证实2.However, whyis.important/indispensable/necessary?但是为什么很重要(必不可少、有必要)?3.As a proverb says./As is well known to us.正如一句名言所说(正如我们所知)4.People should pay more attention to the.because.人们应该增加对的重

6、视,因为进阶1.Besides/In addition/Apart from this, other ways/aspects/functions are.除此之外,另外一些方法(方面、作用)是2. .is but one of many effects.Another i.只不过是其中一个影响。另一个是3.Another equally important aspect/function is.另一个同样重要的方面(作用)是4.Closely connected with/related to/associated with this factor is.与这个因素密切相关的另一个因素是高级

7、1.To understand the truth of., it is necessary toanalyze.为了了解的真相,有必要分析2.To get a full understanding of what/how., wehave to turn first to.为了充分理解,我们应该首先看一下3.A study of., perhaps, will make this pointclear.研究一下的情况,也许会说明这一点。4.Obviously, it is high/about time that we tooksome effective measures to solve

8、 the problem.显然,是采取一些积极的措施来解决问题的时候了。转折句入门1.But if., then.但如果,那么2.Rather than/Instead of.不是,而是3.On the contrary,/By contrast,.相反,4. Not only.but also.不仅,而且进阶1.Although this view is widely held, there is little evidence that.尽管这一观点被广泛接受,但很少有证据表明2.In spite of/ Despite all thedifficulty/problem/pressure

9、,.尽管有困难(问题、压力),3.And the opposite is also the case.反之亦然。4.What l really want to know is.我的确想知道的是高级1.For years, .have been viewed as.But peopleare taking a fresh look now.多年来,直被认为是但是现在人们对其持有一个新的看法。2. When asked about., the overwhelmingmajority of people say/think/believe/answerthat.But.当被问及时,多数人认为(回答

10、)但是3.But that is only part of the explanation.Perhaps the most significant/remarkable但这只是部分原因。或许,有关最引人注意的是4.Some people argue/claim that.But moreoften than not, the opposite/reverse is usuallythe case.有些人认为,而在许多情况下,事实正好相反。解释句入门1.There are probably several reasons/causes for this drama

11、tic/significant increase/decline in.引起显著增长(下降)的原因有几个。2.Some reasons can explain this trend.First of all, . Secondly, . . Furthermore, .一些原因可以解释这一趋势。首先,;其次,;另外,3.This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons. First.second.third.这一现象存在有很多的原因,第一,第二,第三,4.Perhaps themain/primary/fundamental/most importa

12、nt reason is.也许,最主要(根本、重要)的原因是进阶1.There is no doubt that .is going to be the biggest problem for.毫无疑问,正在成为的最大问题。2.You dont have to look very far to find out/identify the reason why.你不必花费很大的力气就会找到的原因。3.People seem to fail to take into account the fact that .人们似乎忽视了这一事实。4.The causes for.are varied.The

13、y include.The main cause is.造成的原因有很多,包括主要的原因是高级 is no easy task to identify the reasons forthis phenomenon which involves severalcomplicated factors.要找出这一现象的原因并非易事,因为它涉及若干复杂的因素。2.Certainly, .is not the sole reason for. .isalso responsible for the change/problem.当然,并不是唯一的原因。还有也导致了这一变化(问题)的产生。3.Th

14、ere are numerous reasons why. and lwould explore only the most important onehere.的原因有很多,在此我只想探讨其中最重要的原因。4.The reason for this is not far to seek. The firstreason is that.The second one is.The third is.For all this, the main cause due to.这一问题的原因不难发现。第一个原因是第二个是第三个是综上所述,最主要的原因应该是举例句入门1.Take.for e

15、xample.以为例。2.A good case in point is.一个很好的相关例子是3.There are many instances supporting my opinion.有许多例子可以证明我的观点。4,Perhaps the most important example of.i.有关的最重要的例子可能是进阶1.l can think of no better illustration of this idea than the example of.要说明这个问题,是一个最好的例子。2.As one writer/scientist/psychologist wrote

16、/commented/noted.正如一位作家(科学家、心理学家)写的(说的、指出的)那样3.The latest surveys that.最近由开展的调查显示4.I have fully realized that .is essential to our future.我充分认识到对我们的未来是多么的重要。高级1.The majority of people believe that .willprovide them with more opportunities to.,which may pu

17、t them in a favorable position inthe future.大部分人相信会使他们有更多机会发展,而这对他们未来是非常有好处的。2. We are blessed with new opportunities andfaced with new challenges that.我们被赋予新的机会和面临着新的挑战3. What will happen to.? Nobody really knows.But one thing is certain.会发生什么事情?没人确切知道。但有一件事可以肯定:4.Nothing could be more obvious/appa

18、rentthan the evidence that.再没有比这个更明显的例子了。比较句入门1. .is no more.than.is绝不比更2.On the one hand.on the other hand.一方面,另一方面,3.Similarly/Likewise/In the same way,.同样,4. .bears startling/striking resemblance to.与极为相似。进阶1.Although.enjoys a distinct advantage,.尽管有明显优势,但是2.Some hold that., while others argue th

19、at.一部分人认为,另一部分人则认为.3.Nothing/Few things canequal/match/parallel.没有什么能与相比。4. l think we should balance well between.and.我认为我们应该平衡好和两方面。高级1. Serious as the problem may be, itpales/disappears into insignificance bycomparison to.问题可能很严重,但与相比就微不足道了。2. The advantages gained in.are much greaterthan the adv

20、antages we gain from.的优点远远超过我们从中获得的。3.Indeed, .carries more weight than.when.isconcerned.的确,就而言,的重要性要超过4.Depending on personal experience andconcern, we find that some people hold the ideaof., while others prefer.基于个人经历、关注的不同,我们发现有人持的观点,而另外一些人则更喜欢判断句入门1.In short/In any case, we should/must/oughtto.总

21、之(无论如何),我们应该(必须)2. We will try our best to overcome/conquer thedifficulties.我们将竭尽全力克服困难。3.Any government, which is blind to this point,may pay a heavy price.任何政府忽视这点都将付出巨大的代价。4.There is an increasing tendency that .的趋势在不断增长。进阶1.No matter what you do in the future, .will always be important.不管你将来做什么,

22、都是很重要的。2.Anyhow, whether it is positive or negative,one thing is certain that it will undoubtedly.总之,不管它的作用是积极的还是消极的,可以肯定的是,它必将3.It is time that we put/urged an immediate end to the undesirable situation/tendency of.该是结束这种不良情况((趋势)的时候了。4. We cant imagine what the world is going to be without .我们无法想象

23、没有,这个世界会变成什么样子。高级1. It is high time that. Here are a few examplesof some of the things that might be carried outimmediately.该是的时候了。这里有几件事情可以立即着手执行。2. It is necessary/essential/important thateffective/proper actions/steps/measures shouldbe taken to end/correct thesituation/tendency/phenomenon.非常有必要(重

24、要)采取措施结束(纠正)这种状况(趋势、现象)。3.Perhaps it is time we remembered the oldsaying.And everybodys business!As for., we should strive to.我们应该记住这句古语了。与作斗争是每个人的事情。至于,我们应努力4.Yet our job is not to wait these things tohappen, but to devise a way to obviate them, atthe very least, to alleviate them becau

25、se Godhelps those who help themselves.然而我们的工作并不是坐等事情发生,而是想办法来解决问题,至少减轻问题的程度,因为天助自助者。建议句入门1.We should spare no effort to我们应该不遗余力地2.The best way to.最好的方法是3.We should get into the good habit of .我们应该养成的好习惯。4.It is suggested that the government should make efforts to.人们建议政府应该做出努力去.进阶1.The signific

26、ance of.cannot be will., it will.的意义再怎样评价也不过分。它会,还2.In view of the seriousness of this problem,effective measures should be taken before things get worse.考虑到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采取有效的措施。3.Therefore, in order to., effective means should be taken to.所以,为了,必须采取有效措施来4. lf everyone is willin

27、g to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.如果人人为社会做出贡献,世界将变得更加美好。高级1.Following these suggestions may notguarantee the success, but the payoff might beworth the effort. It will not only benefit., butalso benefit.也许这些措施并不能保证取得成功,但是值得一试。它不但会造福,而且也会受益。2.To reverse the trend is

28、not a light task. Ltrequires a good awareness of.要想扭转这一趋势并非易事。这需要充分意识到3.People are coming to realize the importanceof.They have begun to try their best to.Webelieve that.人们开始意识到的重要性,正竭刀。找们相信4.I suggest the department concerned takingsome effective measures to improve thepresent situation.我建议有关部门采取一些有效措施改善现状。结尾句入门1.Therefore, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that.因此,不难得出以下结论2.Recognizing the fact that.should lead us to conclude that.承认这一事实,我们能得出以下结论3.The evidence upon all sidessupport

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