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1、新概念二测试4答案完整新概念二测试4 答案 PRE(读PRE字母音)-UNIT TESTIF YOU CAN DO THIS TEST GO ON TO UNIT 4Key structuresA Word order in complex statements复合句1 He missed the train. He did not hurry. (because)He missed the train because he did not hurry.2 He ran fast. He failed to win the race. (Although)Although he ran fas

2、t, he failedto win the race.3 I was tired. I went to sleep immediately. (sothat)I was so tired that I went to sleep immediately.4 My neighbour went to Tokyo for a holiday. He could not return home. He did not have enough money. ( whobecause)My neighbour, who went to Tokyo for a holiday, could not re

3、turn home because he did not have enough money.5 I found the door unlocked. I went into the kitchen. (Finding)Finding the door unlocked, I went into the kitchen.6 I bought a picture. It was very valuable. (which)I bought a picture which was very valuabe.7 He walked quietly down the corridor走廊. He di

4、d not want anyone to hear him. ( so that)He walked quietly down the corridor so that no one to hear him.8 They cleared the ground. They wanted to build a house. (to)They cleared the ground to build a house.B CompositionWrite two or three sentences using the ideas given below.A workman was digging in

5、 a field-struck a 6000-volt electricity电力电流cable电缆with his spade铁锹-was thrown twenty feet-unhurt- town was in darkness-no one knew what had happened.One day, a workman who was digging in a field accidentally意外地 struck a 6000-volt electricity cable with his spade. Although he was thrown twenty feet,

6、he was unhurt. However, that night the neighbouring town was in darkness and no one knew what had happened.C Verbsa These things always happen.What is happening What always happensGive the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.Lets eat here, I said to my wife.Id (would) prefer(prefer) to have a d

7、rink first, she answered.Thats a good idea, I said. I picked up the menu菜单. Idont understand(not understand) a thing, I said. Its all in Spanish.Itdoesnt matter(not matter), said my wife.Whatdoesthat wordmean(mean) I asked.Idont know(not know), she answered.We called the waiter and pointed to the wo

8、rd on the menu.Two, I said, holding up举起two fingers.After some time, my wife said suddenly, Look! Heis bring(bring) us two boiled eggs!b What happenedThe verbs in parentheses tell us what happened. Give the correct form of each verb.My friend, Hugh, has always been fat, but thingsgot(get) so bad rec

9、ently that hedecided(decide) to go on a diet. Hebegan(begin) his diet a week ago. First of all, hewrote(write) out a long list of all the food which were forbidden. This list included (include) most of the things Hugh loves. Yesterday Ipaid(pay) him a visit. Irang(ring) the bell andwas not surprised

10、(not surprise) to see that Hugh was still as fat as ever. Heled(lead) me into his room and hurriedlyhid(hide) a large parcel under his desk. It was obvious that heembarrassed(embarrass).c What happened What has happened What has been happeningGive the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.Jackloo

11、ked(look) at his watch for the twentieth time. Suddenly Jillarrived(arrive). Ihave been waiting(wait) for over an hour, hesaid(say) angrily. You never come on time.Oh, is tat so Jillanswered(answer). Were(Be) you here at Jackwent(go) red. Well, he said (say), Igot(get) here five minutes late myself,

12、 but youwerent(not be) here.Icame(come) here at exactly , Jillsaid(say) and I waited (wait) for five minutes, but you did not come (not come).Whathaveyoubeen doing(do) since then Jack asked (ask)I justhave been(be) to the hairdressers, Jillanswered(answer) brightly.d What was happening What happened

13、 What used to happenGive the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Usewouldin place ofused towhere possible.可能的情况下,用would代替used to.Dreams of finding lost treasure almostcame(come) true recently. A new machine called The Revealer has been invented and it has been used to detect gold which has bee

14、n buried in the ground. The machinewas used(use) in a cave near the seashore whereit is said-piratesused to hide(hide) gold. The pirateswould often bury / often buried(bury) gold in the cave and then(would) fail/failed(fail) to collect it. Armed whit the new machine, a search partywent(go) into the

15、cave hoping to find buried treasure. The leader of the partywas examining(examine) the soil near the entrance to the cave when the machineshowed(show) that therewas(be) gold under the ground. Very excited, the partydug(dig) a hole two feet deep. They finallyfound(find) a small gold coin which was al

16、most worthless.e What will happen tonightGive the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.A lifeboatwill set/is setting(set) out tonight to search for the shipwreck失事船只. The crew船员will send(send) radio messages to the wreck失事船只 until theyreceive(receive) a signal from the men on board. As soon as theyreceive/have received

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