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学年 上海市16区初三英语二模题型汇编阅读完形填空考点汇编教师版.docx

1、学年 上海市16区初三英语二模题型汇编阅读完形填空考点汇编教师版2020-2021学年初三英语二模阅读完型填空考点汇编从题材设计角度: 区域体裁题材难度易错题奉贤议论文关于电子书与纸质书的讨论易70崇明说明文自闭症人群为何有特殊才能易 66、69普陀记叙文退休教师Frank十年来对学生们的帮助易67青浦记叙文有外貌缺陷Auggie如何与其他孩子相处中65、66松江记叙文一只蝴蝶的挣扎中66、67徐汇记叙文大阪先生带领学生们参加比赛的故事中68宝山议论文禁止中小学生使用手机的探讨中79、80长宁记叙文作者和弟弟远足冒险的故事易70金山说明文语言学习的好习惯易67虹口记叙文跆拳道课上的经历难65、

2、68、70杨浦记叙文Evelyn Garrids作为交换生要去美国前后做准备的事情易65嘉定记叙文捡石头给予的教训中67、68黄浦议论文人们为什么会不想意识到自己犯错以及面对措施易69闵行说明文如何保护鲨鱼难68、70静安议论文在家如何消磨时间中65、69浦东说明文探索考古学家的世界中68按题目设计角度1、后置性设空 (答案线索在空后) 例1:(2021崇明二模)When certain parts of the brain are (69) by autism, other parts of the brain might get stronger. Therefore, special a

3、bilities were born.69. A. rebuilt B. recognized C. repaired D. damaged【参考答案】D【思路解析】根据后文中“other parts of the brain might get stronger”可知,前后两句有个转折的关系,所以句意是“当大脑某个部分被损坏时,其他的部分可能变得更加厉害”。例2:(2021徐汇二模)Students were talking and laughing, but there was also a bit of (65) energy in the air. As the bus pulled

4、into the parking lot at the television studio, Mr.Osaka cleared his throat.“I want to thank each one of you for your hard work. 65. A. nervous B. magic C. happy D. naughty【参考答案】A【思路解析】根据后文中Osaka说的是比赛,所以“学生们正在笑着谈话,但是空气中也有一点_能量”,A选项“紧张的”,B选项“神奇的”,C选项“开心的”,D选项“淘气的”,因此选择A选项。例3:(2021长宁二模)We (66) the firs

5、t part without problems. Then it started to snow and the rocks became slippery. 66. A. examined B. accepted C. complained D. completed【参考答案】D【思路解析】根据后文中开始爬山,所以前面一部分完成了,故选D。例4:(2021虹口二模)I was (69) _ people telling me to go through the board. They sounded as if I wasnt trying!69. A. getting rid of B.

6、getting ready for C. getting into the habit of D. getting tired of【参考答案】D【思路解析】考察词组,根据句意,我已经厌倦了人们告诉我去击穿木板,他们的话听起来像我没有努力。所以选择getting tired of,故选D。例5:(2021静安二模)Taking a (67) _ You dont have to go anywhere to travel the globe. Want to see the Great Wall of China or some Alaskan glaciers? How about the

7、Louvre Museum in Paris? You can find virtual(虚拟的)tours of all these locales and many more. And for a full menu of travel,adventure, science, and art, check out Google Arts& Culture. Ill give you virtual experiences from around the world.67. A. shower B. seat C. trip D. photo【参考答案】C【思路解析】考查名词,根据后文你不必

8、去任何地方环游世界。且后文有在描述旅行的虚拟体验。Taking a trip会比较合适,故答案选C。例6:(2021奉贤二模)Paper books can also be very (69) objects (物品) to lovers of reading. Many people like to sign their names on the inside cover. Its as if readers of paper books make friends with them.69. A. creative B. personal C. common D. relaxing【参考答案

9、】B【思路解析】考察形容词,根据后句Many people like to sign their names on the inside cover,而且把书本当作朋友,所以书是比较私人的物品,故答案选B。例7:(2021宝山二模)Yes! Smartphones make it (77) _ for students to concentrate in class. Kids might play games, watch videos, or check out apps instead of paying attention to the teacher. They can easily

10、 miss important information. 77. A. difficult B. right. C. interesting D. disappointing 【参考答案】A【思路解析】考查形容词,根据后文,Kids might play games, watch videos, or check out apps instead of paying attention to the teacher, 所以选difficult,困难的。例8:(2021金山二模)One key to long-term success is working towards the goal (6

11、6) . Most successful language learners make sure to spend a few minutes practicing every day. 66. A. sooner or later B. all the time C. over and over D. in a hurry【参考答案】B【思路解析】考查词组,根据后文,大部分成功的语言学习这每天都花费一些时间在语言练习上面,所以是一直,选择all the time。例9:(2021青浦二模)Wonder tells the story of August, a ten-year-old boy

12、 who lives with his parents and sister in New York. August, or Auggie as his family call him, is a(n) (65) _ boy in many ways. He rides a bike and likes playing with his Xbox. But Auggie was born with deformities (畸形) of the face and looks very different from other kids. 65. A. shy B. clever C. ordi

13、nary D. naughty【参考答案】C【思路解析】根据后文转折的内容,Auggie是个面部畸形的孩子可知他在很多方面是个普通正常的男孩子,句中没有害羞和聪明的信息,故选C。例10:(2021松江二模)A man found a cocoon (茧)of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it tried its best to move its body (65) that little hole.65. A. into

14、B. onto C. across D. through【参考答案】D【思路解析】根据下文的hole可知,男孩坐着观察蝴蝶破蛹穿出小洞,答案为D。例11:(2021普陀二模)Frank is always there to give these students (68) . If they run out of certain basic things in life, Frank will drive to the nearest store and buy what they need.68. A. support B. advice C. freedom D. knowledge【参考

15、答案】A【思路解析】根据后一句“If they run out of certain basic things in life, Frank will drive to the nearest store and buy what they need.”可知,Frank还为学生提供支持,因此为 “give supports”,故选A例12:(2021闵行二模)Most sharks killed worldwide are hunted for their fins, which are used to make shark fin soup. The (69) _ is cruel: Fishermen cut the sharks fins off and then throw the shark back into the water

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