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1、四年级上海牛津英语每单元知识点汇总牛津小学英语 4B 单元知识点归纳4B Unit1 A new student、单词及词组18. come down (下来) 19. excuse me(对不起,打扰一下)4. a nurse(护士)8. a woman (女人)12. welcome (欢迎)16. sir (先生)1.a student(学生)5.a boy(男孩) (新的)13.tree(树)17. right (正确的)二、缩写词2.a teacher(教师)6.a girl (女孩)10.our (我们的)14.climb (攀登)3.a doctor (医生)7.a m

2、an(男人) (学生)15.again(再;又)1.4. she s = she iswho s = who is 2. you re = you are3. he s = he is 5. I m = I am 6. don t = do not、句型1.Whos that boy/ (那个?男孩 / 是谁?)He s/She s (他/她. 是 。) He s/She s( a他/她是一位 )2.Are you a student/ (你是?一位学生 / 吗?)Yes, I am. (是,我是的。) No, I m not. I (m不 a,我不是的。我是一位 )3.We

3、lcome to our school. (欢迎到我们学校来。) Thank you. (谢谢。)Unit2 At a party、单词及词组1.grandfather (祖父;外祖父) 2. grandmother(祖母;外祖母) 23. we(我们) 24. hurry (赶快) 25. wrong (错误的) 26. be late for ( 迟到) 二、缩写词1.we re = we are 2. isn t = is not 3. it its i s= 4. let s = let us5. where s = where is三、句型1. Who s the man/ with

4、( 那个?(身体部位)的 (男人 / )是谁?)He s/She s (/他my/她是 /我的 )2.Is that man/ your father/(那个男?人 / 是你爸爸 / 吗?)Which one? (哪一个?)The one in the (那个穿着 的。Yes, he/she is.(是,他 /她是的。) /No, he/she isn (不,t.他 / 她不是的。)一、单词及词组1. a policeman (policemen) (警察)3. a waiter (waiters) (男服务员)5. a driver (drivers) (司机)7. a cook (cook

5、s) (厨师)Unit3 What s your job?2.a policewoman (policewomen) (女警察)4.a waitress (waitresses) (女服务员)6.a worker (workers) (工人)7.a farmer (farmers) (农民)17. how old (几岁)18. how many (多少)19. look at (看)二、缩写词1. aren t = are not2. what s = what is3. they re= they are、句型3.Are they (他? /她们是 吗?) Yes, they are.(是

6、,他 /她们是的。)No, they aren t. They(不,re他/她们不是的。他 /她们是 )4.How old are you? (你几岁了?) I m(我 )How old is he? (他几岁了?) He s (他 )How old is she? (她几岁了?) She s(她 )5.What s yohuisr/her name?(你 /他 /她叫什么名字?)I m/He s/She (s我 /他/她.是 。)Unit4 Buying fruit一、单词及词组1. an apple (apples)(苹果)3.a banana (bananas)(香蕉)5.a grape

7、 (grapes)(葡萄)8.a watermelon (watermel*) (西瓜) (买) 10. some(一些)13.or(或者) 14. yuan (元)二、缩写词 I d = I would三、句型1. What are these?(这些是什么?) What are those?(那些是什么?)2.2. an orange (oranges)(桔子)4. a peach (peaches)(桃子)6. a pineapple (pineapples) (菠萝)8. a pear (pears)(梨子)11. fruit (水果) 12. kilo (公斤)15.gre

8、at(好极了)They re(它们是 )They re (它们是 )How many kilos? (多少公斤?)Here are you. (给你。)I d like some , (ple我a想se要. 一些 kilo(s), please.(请来 公斤。) 4B Unit6 Let s go by taxi一、单词及词组1. a station(车站)2. a supermarket(超级市场) 3. a library (图书馆)一、单词及词组1. a pie (pies) (馅饼)3. a sweet (sweets)(糖果)5. noodles(面条)7. a cup of tea

9、(一杯茶)9. a glass of juice (一杯果汁)、句型 1. Let s go to th(e 让我们一起去 )Good. (好的。) /Great. (太棒了。) How do we go there? (我们怎么去那里啊?) Shall we go to (the) (地点) by (交通工具) ?OK/All right. (好的)2. Is this (交通工具) for (地点) ?(这辆 是去的吗?)Yes, it is. (是,它是的。) /No, it isn (不,t. 它不是的。)Unit7 At a snack bar2. a hamburger (hamb

10、urgers) (汉堡包)4.a biscuit (biscuits) (饼干)6. a bar of chocolate (一块巧克力)8. a cup of coffee (一杯咖啡)9.a carton of milk (一盒牛奶)10.Something to drink? (要喝些什么吗?) 25. Anything else? (还要别的东西吗?)二、句型 1. What would you like? (你要什么?)I d like /A/Some , p(lea我s想e. 要 /请来一个 / 一些 )2. How much is it? (它多少钱 ?)It s yuan. /

11、 yuan, p(lea(s它e. ) 元。)How much are they?它们多少钱? They re yuan. / yuan, pl(ea(se它. 们) 元。)Unit8 Open Day一、单词及词组1. a chair (椅子)2. a blackboard (黑板)3. a picture (图画)4. a computer (计算机)5. a bookcase(书橱)6. a music room (音乐室)7. an office (办公室)8. a playground (操场)9. our (我们的)10. classroom(教室)11. open day(接待日

12、)12. bright (明亮的)13. TV (电视)14. sometimes (有时)15. watch (观看)16. piano (钢琴)17. near(靠近)18. window (窗户)19. songbook(歌本)20. lots of = a lot of (许多的) 21. T-shirt ( T 恤衫)22. smart(好看的)23. map (地图)24. them(他 /她 /它们)25. China (中国)26. box (盒子)27. table (桌子)28. read(读)28. I ve got = I have (go我t 有)二、缩写词there

13、 s = there is三、句型What s on/in/near the ( 上?面 /里面 /旁边有什么?)There s a on/in/near th(e 有一个 在 上面 /里面 /旁边。)There are some on/in/ntehaer (有一些 在 上面 /里面 /旁边。)Unit9 Breakfast、单词及词组1. a knife (刀)2. a fork (叉)3. a plate (盘子)4. a bowl (碗)5. a cup (杯子)6. a bottle (狭颈小口瓶)7. a spoon(匙)8. a glass(玻璃杯)9. a cupboard (

14、碗橱)10. chopsticks (筷子)11. rice (米)12. bread(面包)13. an egg(蛋)14. a fridge (冰箱)15. breakfast (早饭)16. no(没有的)17. a carton of (一(纸)盒) 18. use(使用)19. try (尝试)20. come(来)21. dinner (正餐)22. What s for breakfa(st?早饭吃什么?)二、句型1. Where s the (?在哪里?) It s on/in/near the(它在上面/里面/旁边。)2. Where are my (?我的 在哪里?)They re on/in/near the (它们在 上面 /里面/旁边。)3.There s no on/in/near (the上面/里面 /旁边没有 。)Unit 1 Helloyour / my name 你的/我的名字 a monkey一只猴子 an elephant 一头大象Unit 2 Nice to meet yougo

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