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1、研究生英语综合教程参考翻译it Four我国在世界上的竞争力很高兴有机会为贵校系列经济研讨会举行开幕式,因为我认为,在经济飞速变化的当今时代,教育界起着至关重要的作用。我国的企业和工人面临一系列强大力量,这些力量将影响今后我国在世界上的竞争能力。成功地使工人和管理人员做好准备,驾驭这些力量,将是决定结果的一个重要因素。其中最核心的力量,是计算机和电信技术的加速发展。人们有理由地期望,这种发展将使我们在21世纪的生活水平显著提高。但是,在短期内,飞速的科技变革产生这样一种情况,其中多数管理人员与工人借以工作的工厂和设备的更迭速度加快,给人这样一种感觉,即人的技能正以美国历史上前所未有的速度老化过









10、经济结构的种种转变自然会产生磨擦和精神压力,至少暂时会这样。但是,如果我们能够增加对人、思想、工艺和机器的投资,我国经济就能迅速适应变化,并支撑不断提高的生活水平。Key to the exercisesText Analysis and Comprehension1. inaugurate the economic seminar series; education2. the accelerated expansion of computer and telecommunications technologies; our standard of living; the stock of

11、plant and equipment; obsolete at a higher rate.3. cars (or other modern products); refrigerators(or other modern products); crop yields increased, steam power was developed, textile fabrication became more efficient, and available work hours were freed; less constrained by limits of physical bulk; m

12、edical care; education; entertainment; travel4. physical resources and manual labor; ideas and concepts; information; how to rearrange physical reality to achieve ever-higher standards of living5. vacuum tubes; transistors; thin fiber optic cable; less physical material than was required 50 or 100 y

13、ears ago; downsize6. costly product rejects and lost time; improve the efficiencies of moving goods through more sophisticated, just-in-time, inventory systems.7. business services and financial transactions now are transmitted almost instantaneously across global network.8. develop and to apply new

14、 technology; the forefront of new ideas and products; the rapid international diffusion of technology.9. considerable infrastructure; the part of managers and workers who have to implement new processes and who must be prepared to adapt, over their lifetimes, to the ongoing change that innovations b

15、ring10. cognitive skills; conceptual abilities; lifelong; keep pace with the new demands evolving in the job market11. child-rearing; basic education at the elementary and secondary school levels; the education deficiencies of all too many of our young people; the skills of workers who have not kept

16、 up with the changing demands of the workplace; business; education12. C13. people, ideas, and processesCloze1. defined 2. wealth 3. exchange 4. economic 5. because6. needs 7. infinite 8. automobile 9. commodities 10.Common11. that 12. satisfied 13. same 14. feed 15. desiresWritingI. Error Correctio

17、n1. A pen can be defined as something with which we can write.2. When I want to get away from it all, there are three solitary pleasures I enjoy: walking quietly in the country, reading a good book, and listening to fine music.3. Another reason why modern toys soon lose their appeal is that they are

18、 made of plastic commonly.4. Jack was so drunk that he fell off the bike and lay by the road until the next morning.5. By the time the applicant makes up his mind, the offer will have been cancelled.6. You would be irritated if you watched the mail pile up on your desk every day.7. To be qualified f

19、or the job, one needs to have profound knowledge in electronics.8. The decision having been made, what is to be done now is how to carry it out.9. It has been proved that once deprived of oxygen, the brain dies.10. He warned his son not to go into the forest alone because he was fearful that some wi

20、ld animals might hurt him.II. Sentence RefiningA) Refining by Combining1. We could spend our day off together shopping at the mall, or fishing.2. After keeping an item for just a few months, children want to throw it away and get something new.3. My sister, who is trying to teach me to play tennis,

21、says that my forehand and serve are all right, but I need to work on strengthening my backhand.4. Toni knows that she is not likely to get the vice-presidents job, but she wants the experience of applying for it.5. The boy kept his electric train carefully boxed so that he could give it to his cousi

22、n.6. Plastic costs almost nothing to make; and when painted in bright, vivid colors, it can see shiny and desirable.7. Pirates cove, a small town on the coast of Maine, resembles the old New England seaports depicted in paintings hanging in country inns and seafood restaurants.8. She had just arrive

23、d from a little town in the eastern Oregon, filled with ambition and dreaming of a great career in the theater.B) Refining by Eliminating Wordiness1. We must take a stand on this pressing issue.2. Mr. Henderson arrived late for work because he stopped at many red lights.3. The recently released repo

24、rt shows that many students like reading.4. Before the travel agent finished explaining the differences among the unique vacation packages his travel agency was offering, the customer changed her plan.III. Paragraph EditingIn modern society, more and more people think that the university should not

25、provide so much theoretical knowledge but give students more practical training. In my opinion, it is necessary for the university o offer students with more opportunities of practical training.University education aims at bringing up people well prepared for the society, which demands more practica

26、l ability now. However, many universities, without awareness of this fact, do not attach great importance to practical training, nor do they provide students with chances to practice what they have learnt. Students have to focus their study on books. Therefore after graduation, many students feel fr

27、ustrated when they find it hard to get a job or to adapt to the working requirements. This is the failure of university education.翻译技能要略之七:含义的反面表达1. 我们对生活要永远抱乐观态度。2. 当纳赛尔由别人介绍与海卡尔见面时,他只简单地说:“我读过你写的文章,想不到你这样年轻。”3. 正如没有经历过大事的人一样,他是经不起成功也经不起失败的。4. 她的注意力集中得过分了;她做这工作,精神上和肉体上都用不着那样紧张。5. 我愿意接受你的建议。实际上,我太赞成

28、你的看法了。6. 趁他还没来得及阻拦我,我已经跑出了教室。7. 我将诸位聚集一起的目的是,我们共同努力来解决危机影响的必要性远远没有结束。8. 通常,我们读书时并没有一个明确统一的思想:要求小说要真实,诗歌可虚构,传记应颂扬,历史则应强化我们的成见。9. 多年来,我们取得了巨大的成就,比任何其他人都繁荣昌盛,如果要找这其中的答案,那就是在这片土地上我们最大限度地解放了人的能量和才华,这是前所未有的。10. 我想让你们毫无疑虑地明白在我任总统期间,无论涉及到谁,正义将得到公正地、完全地、客观地伸张。这个职务是一种神圣的信任,我下定决心不辜负这种信任。11. Such a tour will be

29、 a most rewarding experience.12. The old lady fell down from the stairs before she knew it.13. I am afraid the matter has quite escaped his memory.14. These basic principles must be kept in mind in our discussion.15. This organization has not, so far, justified the hopes which the people of the worl

30、d place in it.16. Sometimes the wronged forgets more easily than the wrongdoer.17. No one of us should ever forget this bitter lesson and we must all take warning from it.18. We cannot fail to realize that the later developments in Chinese painting, especially those made by the poetic and idealistic

31、 landscape painters, have been great advances over the Tang artists.19. Yu Nan had a problem he couldnt talk about. His wife, Wanying, was just too virtuous; she gave him no pretext for divorcing her.20. The dethronement of Confucianism, therefore, will be assured when it is regarded not as the soli

32、tary source of spiritual, moral, and philosophical authority, but merely as one star in a great galaxy of philosophical luminaries.21. Great scientists of the past produced scientific ideas which were the basis for human advances, but their ideas sometimes had to wait for years before they were fully understood.22. More than sixty years have passed, and what happened in this drawing class is deeply engraved on my memory. Though Mr. Hu is no longer around, his smiles are still vivi

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