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1、英语选修8人教新课标Unit2湖南课件串讲第2课时21张本课栏目开关Period Two Integrating SkillsPart One Language Focus1. You owe the lady an apology.你欠这位女士一个道歉。归纳拓展owed.欠(账,钱,人情等);归功于owe sbsth/owe sb欠某人某物owe sb./sth.把某事归功于某人或某事owing to因为,由于本课栏目开关语境助记(1)She owes her friend Hye yuan.她欠朋友五元钱。(2)How much do I owe you for

2、 the books? 买这些书我得给你多少钱?(3)He owed his success to his hard work. 他把他的成功归功于他的努力。题组训练He owed me $300/owed $300 to me他欠我300美元。(3) Owing to the rain,the match was cancelled.比赛因雨被取消了。(4)He once told us that heB his success to several books heread in his childhood.A causedB owedC directedD devoted(2)1 we

3、everything to him. 我的一切都归功于他。解析 句意为:他曾经告诉我们他把他的成功归于童年时看过 的几本书。oweto意为把 归功于 ”,符合语境。本课栏目开关2 However, the problem that she later developed a serious lung disease bothered scientists.然而,她后来得了严重的肺病这 个问题让科学家们烦心。本课栏目开关归纳拓展bother vt.fX扰;可操心;宛烦扰bother sb. about/with sth因某事打扰或麻烦某人bother to do sth费心去做某事It both

4、ers sb. that使某人烦恼的是a bother讨厌的人或事 put sb. to any bother 给某人添乱本课栏目开关语境助记(1)1 don t want to bother you with my problem. 我不想因我的问题打扰你。(2)He didn t even bother to let me know he was coming. 他甚至都没有通知我他要来。(3)It bothers me that he hasn t been telling me the truth. 他一直没有对我讲真话,这让我很苦恼。题组训练 DorTt bother him (不要

5、打扰他)while he is working.You needn t bother to wait for me (费心等我).(讨厌的人).(3)His lazy son is quite a bother3.Did she die young because she was a clone?因为她是克隆的$ 所以才早逝了吗?归纳拓展young为形容词,在句中做状语。形容词(短语)或形容词化的分词有时起状语作用,表示原因、 时间、伴随、方式等或说明主语的状态、特征等。语境助记(1)We arrived home very late, safe and sound.我们回家很晚,安然无恙。(

6、2)He went to bed, exhausted.他精疲力竭的上床睡觉了。(3)Come to work happy and go back home safe.高高兴兴上班来,平平安安回家去。题组训练(l)After the long journey, the three of them went back home,本课栏目开关A hungry and tiredly B hungry and tiredC hungrily and tiredly D hungrily and tired(2)The frightened thief hid himself in the dark

7、corner of the yard, A ,staring at the open door.A quiet and cold B quietly and coldlyC. quiet and coldly D. quietly and cold解析quiet and cold为形容词短语作状语。4.The popularity of films such as Jurassic Park, in which ascientist clones several kinds of extinct dinosaurs, proves howthe idea struck a mixture of

8、 fear and excitement into people s hearts.在侏罗纪公园这部影片中,有一位科学 家克隆了好几种不同的绝种恐龙。类似这样的电影很受欢迎, 证明了这一想法使人们感到既兴奋又恐惧。归纳拓展 句中in which引导定语从句,how引导宾语从句。(2)strike v. (struck, struck)打;撞击;罢工;(灾难、疾病等)袭击;打动;擦,划(火柴);(钟)敲,鸣;仏罢工strike.into one,s heart 使 刻骨铭心It strikes sb.that某人突然想起 be struck by/with sb/sth被某人/某物打动 be o

9、n strike 在罢工go on strike举行罢工语境助记(1)The failure of their team stmck sadness into his heart. 他们队的失利让他很伤心。(2)It strikes me that there was no one in the office.我突然想起办公室里没有人。题组训练(钟)敲(1)写出下列句子中strike的汉语意思The clock has just struck 10.A plan struck me immediately.A plan occurred to me immediately.5but other

10、s will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generation. 但其他的将存活下来并把抵抗这种病的能力传给下一代。本课栏目开关归纳拓展resist vt抵抗;对抗;忍住(多与cannot, couldnt连用) be hard/impossible to resist 难以拒绝resist sb./Sth.抵抗/抵制某人/某物resist doing sth抵制做某事resistant adj.抵抗的,有抵抗力的be resistant to对 有抵抗力resistance n.抗拒,反

11、对语境助记(1)1 don t know how to resist m我不知道怎样抑制我的愤怒。(2)The bank strongly resisted cul 银行强烈反对降低利率。y angen ting interest rates.本课栏目开关题组训练(1)他能抵He is in good health he is able to resist disease 抗疾病).(2)There has been a lot of resistance (很多的抵制意见)tothis new law.(3)翻译句子我忍不住看了一眼她的日记。I couldnt resist having a

12、 look at her diary.The dodo became extinct fairly recently so its DNA is stillingood condition.渡渡鸟刚刚灭绝.因此它的DNA的状况良好。归纳拓展本课栏目开关in good/poor condition情况/状况很好/很坏out of condition 状况不好;健康欠佳on condition (that)在 条件下;倘若on no condition无论如何都不;决不 on this/that condition在这个/那个条件下本课栏目开关语境助记(l)The ship is in poor

13、condition to make a long voyage. 这艘船状况不好,不适宜远航。(2)They agreed to lend us the car on condition that we returned it before the weekend.他们同意借车给我们,条件是周末以前归还。(3)He is overweight and out of condition.题组训练(1)You must on no condition tell him what happened. 你决不能把发生的事情告诉他。(2)1 needn t buy a new car as my old

14、 one is still 泊 goodcondition“条件是,如果” O此短语中只能用介词om故选C。Part Two Writing写作目标 Write a report about an argument常用句式1 Different people hold different opinions.2.本课栏目开关People have different views on this question.3.We had a heated discussion about.4.Some believe that.; others argue that5 People who are ag

15、ainst it don,t think so.6 However, each coin has two sides.7. On the other hand, people object that What s more.典例展示假如你是李明,你班同学最近参加了某报组织的一场讨论。讨论的主题是:要不要克隆人类。请你根据下表提供的信息,给报社编辑投稿,客观介绍讨论的情况。40%的30%的30%的本 课 栏关学生认为1克隆人类非常有意义;2.能使世界变得更加有趣,给 人们带来更多欢乐;3.可以克隆一些著名科学家, 让他们为人类做更多的事 情。学生认为学生认为1不能克隆人类;2.每个人都是很特 别

16、的,被克隆的人 只不过是复制品 罢了;3.克隆人可能被坏人 利用。1现在还很难说克隆人类 是对还是不 对;2.也许我们只 能等着。在他们看来汨theiropinion使世界变得更力口有趣 make the world more interesting 给人们带来更多欢乐 讯叩people more pleasure 更糟糕的是whats worse范文展示 Dear editor,Recently we had a discussion on whether we should clone humans or not.40 percent of the students think cloni

17、ng humans is very meaningfuLIn their opinion 9 it can make the world more interesting and bring people more pleasure.Besides, we can clone some very famous scientists and let them do more things for humans.30 percent of the students think we can t clone humans.Each of us is special, and a cloned person is only a copy.What s worse, cloned people may be used by some bad persons.However,30 percent of the students think it is difficult right now to say whether cloning humans is right or not.Perhaps we will just have to wait and see.Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Ming

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