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第一章 名词.docx

1、第一章 名词第一章 名词正确区分可数名词与不可数名词、正确选择可数名词单复数、名词之前的限定词与名词数(单复数)之间的关系以及名词在句子中承担的成分是TOEFL中常考的内容 第一节 可数名词 考点一 单复数 可数名词与不可数名词的典型区别在于前者有单数和复数两种形式。 TOEFL考试中经常在不可数名词后面加了s,变为复数形式,其实这是再考你辨别可数名词和不可数名词的能力。TOEFL中还经常考可数名词是采用单数还是复数, 这往往要通过句意或者其他的一些指示词来辨别。 例如:various colors(various是各种各样的,后面当然要用复数形式) 下面我们会讲一下复数形式。 复数形式简而言

2、之就是在单数词尾加-s,但实际上细分起来还有一些具体的规则: 1结尾是s, o, x, ch, sh 的词, 加-es, 如:buses, tomatoes, faxes, matches, brushes 2结尾是“辅音字母+y”的词, 去掉y加-ies, 如: factory-factories 3结尾是f, fe的词, 去掉f, fe加-ves, 如: half-halves, knife-knives 4结尾是o, f 的词也有一些加-s, 如: photos, beliefs, chiefs 例题: (1) Flower have long been cultivated and b

3、red for their beauty and their fragrance. ABCD 答案:A 应改为:Flowers 解释:表泛指时,可数名词可用不定冠词加单数或直接用复数,因谓语是复数,故改为复数 (2) Doctor are discovering that there is a strong psychological component to chronic ABCD pain. 答案:A 应改为:Doctors 解释:表泛指时,可数名词用冠词加单数或直接用复数,因谓语动词是复数,故名词也用复数 考点二 复数形式特例 这部分主要考察学生对特殊复数形式的记忆,作为考题并不过多的

4、出现,但是在题干中的出现率却非常高,因此熟悉下列一些词的复数形式有助于理解题意 1单复数词形相同 如: people, fish, Chinese(某国人), aircraft, means, series, species,sheep, deer, aircraft等 2外来词保留了原来的复数形式, 这一点需要重点掌握, 如: basis-bases analysis-analyses crisis-crises medium(媒体)-media datum(数据)-data curriculum(课程)-curricula larva(幼虫)-larvae criterion(标准)-cr

5、iteria phenomenon(现象)-phenomena 3通常只以复数形式出现的词语, 如: clothes trousers compasses(圆规) scales(天平) savings(储蓄), statistics(统计数据), headquarters(总部), 4复数形式有特殊意义的词语, 如: goods(货物), manners(礼貌), troops(军队), authorities(当局) 5 不规则的名词复数 child - children mouse - mice louse - lice tooth - teeth foot - feet 6注意:有一些结

6、尾是-s的词, 但是要当作单数看待, 如: physics, politics, mathematics是表示学科的不可数名词 例题: (1) With the incorporation of jazz history into current academic curricula, leading ABC jazz musicians are now founding on the faculties of several universities. D (2) Like some other running birds, the sanderling lacks a back toe a

7、nd has a three-toed ABC feet. 答案:D 应改为:foot 解释:feet是foot的复数形式, 不定冠词a 之后应接可数名词的单数, 故将feet 改为单数 词汇:sanderling: 三趾滨鹬 第二节 限定词名词究竟要用单数还是复数, 与名词之前的限定词有很大关系, 限定词通常分如下几类:1之后肯定接单数: a /an, every, one, another, each, either, this, that, such a, many a, etc.例句:Each of them has two books.You can read either book

8、. (两本书你可以随便读一本)2之后肯定接复数: these, those, many, such, other,大于one的数词(ten, hundred, thousand, million),a few /few /fewer /fewest, a (great /good / large /small) number of, severalone of, all (of), some /any (of), most (of), a lot of, lots of, the rest of, plenty of3之后既可接单数又可接复数: the, no, his, her, their

9、, my, etc注意:这几类词大多不能同时使用考点一 否定限定词no (1) no既可用于可数名词复数前又可用于单数前, 表示否定意义. 例如: No flowers in the garden. 花园里没有花. No one is here. (2) no与否定副词not的区别是改错题的常见考点。 二者的区别在于: no直接修饰名词, 不能与其他限定词同时出现; not一般出现在be动词或助动词之后, a, an, any等限定词之前, 它是否定式的组成要素, 而不是名词的限定词 例题: (1) The mechanism by which brain cells store memori

10、es is - clearly understood. (A) none (B) no (C) not (D) nor 答案: C 解释: 此句主谓完整, 据选项可知空白处需填入合适的词使原句变为否定, 只有否定副词not可以和is配合构成否定句, A、B、D 之后都需要名词词组, 不符题意 (2) Not woman held a presidential cabinet position in the United States until 1933, when ABC Frances Perkins became secretary of labor. D 答案: A 应改为: No 解

11、释: Not是否定副词应置于be动词或助动词之后, 且它与单数名词间需加冠词, 而no是形容词, 可以直接修饰后面的名词 考点二their等物主代词 1物主代词是常见的名词限定词, 其后既可接可数名词的单复数(his pen, his pens)又可接不可数名词(his time), 但不可与其他的限定词同时出现(部分数词除外), 例如:不能说no my car, my no car,但是可以说 My two red cars 2英语中许多习惯用法在表示特指时都用物主代词而不用the, 为的是更突出所属关系,这在TOEFL中是一个常考的点 例如:Manufacutrers of consume

12、r goods often change the styles of their products. 这里用their 而不用 the 例题: (1) A good exercise program helps teach people to avoid the habits that might shorten ABC the lives. D 答案: D 应改为: their 解释: 定冠词the指代不清, 用物主代词their作名词lives的限定语更符合英语习惯, 还可突出lives 与people之间的所属关系 (2) A liquid is similar to a gas bec

13、ause has molecules are not fixed to each other in any ABC specific way. D 答案: B 应改为: its 解释: has是动词, 不能修饰名词, 且与从句的谓语冲突, 依句意改为物主代词its作molecules的限定语 考点三 只接复数名词的限定词 a (large /small /great /considerable /remarkable) number of, a variety of, a set of, a few, 等表示数的固定词组之后总是接复数名词 例题: (1) In mathematical ter

14、ms, modern algebra is set of objects with rules for connecting or ABC relating those objects. 答案: B 应改为: is a set 解释: a set of是固定词组, 表示一套、一组, 后面接可数名词的复数, 与题中objects吻合 (2) At birth, an infant exhibits a remarkable number of motor response. ABCD 答案: D 应改为: responses 解释: 短语a number of 后面要求接可数名词的复数, num

15、ber前可加某些形容词如great, considerable, remarkable, small 等表示a lot of 或 a few 注意 “the number of” 和 “a number of”的区别 The number of boys in Class Five is 25. (五班男孩的数目是25, 后面谓语动词用单数) A small number of families are able to afford an apartment. (少数家庭能够买得起一套住房, ) 第三节 冠词作限定词冠词是一个虚词,本身不能够独立使用, 必须和一个名词连用。TOEFL出题主要集

16、中在a和an的区别,那些地方要加the那些地方不加。 考点一 不定冠词a / an 不定冠词a和an后面当然接单数,a和an 的主要区别是: a 用于以辅音开头的名词前(指发音而不是拼写), 如: a tower, a university an用于以元音开头的名词前(指发音而不是拼写), 如: an orange, an hour 不定冠词a / an与可数名词单数连用, 表示泛指 “一个”、 “某一个”, 有时还可代表一类人或事物. 在作表语或同位语的可数名词单数前一般都要加不定冠词(除非名词前已有物主代词作限定语, 如my pen). 例题: (1) How Native America

17、ns developed corn is a puzzling, for no wild corn has ever ABC been discovered, and it grows only where people plant and tend it. D 答案: B有错 应改为: puzzle. 解释: 不定冠词a应与可数名词单数连用, puzzling是分词, 不能单独与a 连用, 故改为名 词puzzle (2) Whether a healthy adult tends to feel hungry two, three, or four times a daily is a A

18、BCDquestion of physiology and of culture. 答案: D有错应改为: day解释: 不定冠词a应与可数名词单数连用, 而daily是形容词, 不能单独与a连用, 故改为 名词day (3) Pewter, a metal with an ancient heritage, is still practical medium for the ABCnonprofessional metal worker.答案: C应改为: still a practical解释: medium是可数名词, 在句中作表语, 其单数之前应该用不定冠词 a, an的误用是TOEF

19、L常见的改错题型 例题:(1) A emotion is not necessarily aroused by something in the outside world.ABCD 答案: A应改为: An emotion解释: emotion是元音开头的名词, 前面的冠词应用an (2) If a atom loses any of its electrons, it becomes positively charged and can combine ABC chemically with other atoms.D 答案: A应改为: an atom解释: atom是元音开头的名词,

20、前面的冠词应用an考点二 定冠词the 定冠词限定名词时主要表示特指,针对TOEFL应注意以下几点:(1) the和可数名词单数连用,表示一类人或物,如:the fern(蕨类), the wallflower (2) 序数词之前必须用the,如:the first woman, the nineteenth century但前面有物主代词时除外,如 my first baby (3) 形容词最高级之前必须用the(有物主代词时除外),如:the largest city, the most advanced technology (4) of连接的名词前多用the, 如:the develo

21、pment of the watch, (5) 世界上独一无二的东西前应加the, 如:the globe(地球),the equator(赤道), the moon, the sun 在下列情况下,一般不用the:(1) 表示人名、地名、国家名等专有名词前, 一般不加,如:Dennis Chavez(人名),Alaska(地名),English(英语), February(二月), America(美国)但是在表示海洋、海峡、江、河、山脉、群岛等专有名词时要加上thethe Great Lakes(美国五大湖), the Changjiang River(长江) (2) 无特指的不可数名词前

22、,如:algebra(代数学), advertising, accounting(会计学)(3) 表示类别的复数名词前,如:Historians believe that, Amphibians(两栖动物) hatch from(4) 一些固定词组中,如:in history, in nature, at work, at home , go to school, go to bed, in bed乘车的词组:by train(乘火车), by car (乘汽车), by bicycle(骑脚踏车), by bus (乘公共汽车),by land(由陆路), by sea (由海路), by

23、water (由水路) , by air (通过航空)on foot (步行), by plane(乘飞机), by ship (乘船),打球的词组:play tennis, play baseball, play basketball 注意:表示职位的词之前的冠词有无均可, 如:He was elected (the) chairman of the committee. 例题:(D) Historically, - chief material for making furniture has been wood, but metal and stone have also been us

24、ed.(A) it was the(B) that the(C) there was a (D) the 答案:D解释:空格后是主谓句,A、C可先排除,B使原句只有从句没有主句,只剩下D可选,D是定冠词作名词material的限定词,表特指 (2) The Yukon River, which flows into the Bering Sea, gives its name to a region of ABAlaska and a territory of the Canada.CD 答案:D应改为:of解释:Canada是国名,属专用名词,之前不能加定冠词 (3) The develop

25、ment of professional sports in the United States dates back toABCnineteenth century.D答案:D应改为:to the nineteenth解释:nineteenth是序数词,之前应加the 第四节 不可数名词英文中常把抽象名词和物质名词视为不可数名词, 而其划分的标准往往与汉语的习惯不同, 因此是学习英文的一个难点, 也是TOEFL中常出现的题型抽象名词如:(不可触及的东西,表示动作、状态、品质、感情等)如:news(新闻), information(信息), population(人口), English(英语

26、), music(音乐), management(管理), enthusiasm(热情) work(工作), happiness(高兴)还有表达学科类的名词如: physics物理, politics政治学, mathematics数学,mechanics力学, statistics(统计学) bioloby(生物学)物质名词如:equipment(装备), chalk(粉笔), glass(玻璃), grass(草), jewelry(珠宝) wood(木头)考点一 与可数名词的显著区别 1. 不可数名词没有复数形式, 其数的表示必须通过 “数词+量词+of+不可数名词” 的结构或一些特定的

27、限定词, 如:a sheet of steel(一片钢), a piece of furniture(一件家具), two pieces of work(两份工作) an item of news(一条新闻) 2. 不可数名词不能直接出现在不定冠词a, an之后 不能够说:an advice(一个建议) ,而应该说 a piece of advice 3. 当表示一类事物时, 可数名词可以通过加a, an、加复数、或加定冠词the等方式, 而可数名词一般直接用原形表示种类 例题:(1)Historians believe that some forms of an advertising mu

28、st be as old as barter and ABCDtrade.答案:C应改为:advertising解释:advertising是不可数名词,不能加冠词词汇:barter: 实物交易考点二 限定词 不可数名词的限定词和不可数名词原形连用, 下面这些限定词后面一定跟不可数名词:much, a large amount of, a great deal of, a wealth of(大量的、丰富的)little /a little /less /least, a piece /sheet /slice /bar of, 属不可数名词专用 例题:(1) Because they are generally

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