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1、知识点一知识点一:短语辨析 Put 相关Put sth on把.放在上put on穿上 /上演 put off 推迟,延后put out熄灭/出版 put up 建造/举起/搭建put away 放好/抛弃put aside搁置一边/储存备用 put down记下 make相关make it成功make up化妆be made of 由看的出材质的物品制成be made from由看不出材质的物品制成 be made by由谁制作 make out of制作 take 相关take off起飞/脱下/动身/匆匆离开take over接管 take down记下take place 发生 tak

2、e notes记笔记 take a break休息一下take uptake action采取措施 take away带走take care of照顾/照料 take charge 掌管 take in 吸收/欺骗4、look相关look after照顾/关心 look forward to doing 期待/盼望look ahead预测未来look as if看起来似乎 look at 看;着眼于 look around/about环顾四周look for寻找 1ook down/upon俯视/轻视look into朝.看去/调查look up查阅/查询look like 看上去像look

3、on旁观;观望lookout小心;当心look through浏览;温习;透过看 knock相关Knock on /at敲击(门窗等) knock sth off 把.从上撞掉/击落 knock off work 下班_Knock 10% off优惠10% knock sb over把某人撞到 give 相关give off释放give out 分发give away泄露/分送 give way让路/让步give in投降/交上/屈服 give up 放弃give sb a hand助某人一臂之力give lessons to sb给.上课7、get 相关get up 起床 get on wi

4、th 和相处 get married结婚 get on 上车get off下车 get/be used to do 习惯于做某事 get.into trouble陷入困境get out of逃避/避免get tired of厌倦 get through通过/到达;接通电话等 get away离开;逃脱 turn 相关turn on打开 turn off 关掉 turn up 调高/出现 turn down调低turn out结果是/证明是turn around转身turn over翻身turn to sb for help向某人求助 send相关send out发出 send a letter

5、寄信 send off寄出/给送行 send away发送/派遣/解雇10、keep相关Keep in mind 铭记于心 keep in touch 保持联系 keep sb from doing阻止某人做某事Keep an eye on留意/密切关注 keep on doing继续做某事keep up with跟得上/赶得上11、break 相关break down抛锚 break in破门而入 break out爆发 break up分手break into pieces破成碎片 break ones heart伤心.break off折断;突然结束12、pick 相关Pick out_

6、挑出/选出_ pick up_捡起/接/_ pick on_作弄_ pick at_找茬_13、way 相关In the way挡路 on the way在的路上 in this way用这种方法in a way从某种方面来说By the way顺便说一下all the way一直/总是/一路上in some ways在某些方面;在某种程度上in many ways 在许多方敏;用许多方法14、go 相关go out出去/熄灭/过时 go over复习/仔细检查 go on doing继续做某事go up增长/上升;被兴建起来15、make 相关make out理解;辨认出;make a li

7、ving谋生 make a mistake犯错make money赚钱 make fun of 取消make a noise发出噪音make progress取得进步make friends with与.做朋友16、think 相关Think about考虑 think of 想起 / 考虑think over仔细考虑17、carry 相关Carry on继续做某事 carry out执行 / 实践 /贯彻carry on with继续.18、call 相关Call on sb.拜访某人 call at sw.参观某地call out to sb.向某人大叫 call off取消知识点二:相似

8、词/短语的区分 lend 与borrow 的区别:主语(借出) + lend sth.+ to sb.主语(借出)+lend sb. + sth主语(借入)+ borrow sth. + from sb. a number of 与 the number of 的区别:“a number of +复数名词”意为“许多”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数;“the number of +复数名词”意为“的数目”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 in front of 与in the front of 的区别:in the front of 在.前面(物体内部的前面) The driver is drivin

9、g in the front of the front of 在前面(独立空间的前面) There is a boy running in front of the bus. receive与accept的区别:receive 指客观上收到某物 accept 指主观上接受如: I received his valuable gift ,butI didnt accept it. take /bring/get/ fetch/carry 的区别:take 指拿走 A B eg.Im going to take you to Beijing.bring 指带来 A B eg. Bri

10、ng me a cup of tea ,please.get 指到别的地方把某物或某人带来或拿来eg. She went back to get her handbag.fetch 去取来 A B 与get 相似 eg. Please fetch me some chalk.carry 不强调方向,带有负重的意思eg.The monkey carried the bag on her back. take part in/ join/ join in /enter for /attend 表示参加的区别:take part in 指参与某种活动并发挥作用eg. Tom took part in

11、 the sports meeting and won the first prize.Join 指参加某种组织;或加入到某个人群众,从而成为其中一员eg. She has joined the army.Join in sth /doing sth后一般接某种娱乐、游戏类活动。eg. Can I join in the game ?Enter for 指报名参加;eg. Almost everyone in the village enters for the nicest garden competition every year.Attend 指出席某种活动还可以表示上课eg. atte

12、nd class ; attend the report ;attend the meeting pay/spend/cost/take 表示花费的区别:Pay : 主语(人)+ Pay + 金钱+ for sthSpend: 主语(人)+spend +金钱/时间+ on sth/ (in ) doing sthCost: (1) 主语(物)+cost +sb. + 金钱 (2) Doing sth. +costs + sb. + 时间Take:(1) it +takes sb + 时间+ to do sth. (2) Doing sth.+takes +sb. + 时间 with pleas

13、ure / my pleasure 的用法区别with pleasure 与All right /No problem/Id like to 等习语用法相同。用于别人求你某事,你乐意去做的时候。Eg.Could you help me carry the bag?with pieasure.My pleasure 意思是有机会帮助你是我的荣幸,通常用于帮助别人后的回答。Eg. -Thanks for posting the letter for me ! My pleasure. except/ except for/ apart from /besides 的用法区别:except 表示“除

14、去,不包括”一般表示同类之间的关系。常与不定代词nothing、all、none、nobody、any 等连用以及every连用;Eg. The office is open every day except Sundays. She saw nothing except snow.Except for 也表示“除之外”后接的句子指从整体中除去一个细节、一个方面Eg. Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes.Apart from 在同类或者不同类都能使用;有两种含义(1)相当于besides 包括(2)相当于except 不

15、包括。Eg. Apart from my mother tongue, I speak several foreign languages as well.(包括)Eg. I like all the subjects apart from English (不包括)Besides 表示“除之外,还有”包括其中Eg.We all went there besides John.10.arrive at、arrive in / get to/ reach 的用法区别:Arrive at 后接小地点 arrive at schoolArrive in 后接大地点 arrive in LondonG

16、et 必须与to 一起表示“到达”之意后加地点Reach 是及物动词后面直接加地点做宾语注意:若后接地点副词如:home/here / there 时 get to 、arrive at/in 介词需省略而reach 后不能接地点副词11、little/a little / few / a few 的用法区别:Little / a little + 不可数名词 few/ a few + 可数名词A few / a little 表示肯定(一点/一些) few/little 表示否定(几乎没有)A little+ 不可数名词= a bit of + 不可数名词A little +形容词= a b

17、it +形容词12、pass / past 的用法区别:主要是词性不同 pass 是动词而past 是介词或者形容词Eg: I pass the shop everyday .You should be careful when you walk past the street 13、cross 与across 的用法区别:Cross 与across 表示“横越”、“渡过”时主要区别还是在于词性Cross 是动词 across 是介词且表示从表面横越Eg.He has crossed the boder into another territory. They live across the

18、central Plaza.14、because 与because of 的用法区别:Because 连词后接原因状语从句。 Because he is ill, he is absent today. Because of 后接名词性短语。 He is not at school because his illness.15、used to do / be used to do / be used to doing 的区别Used to do sth .曾经或过去常常做某事Iused to live in the country.Be used to do sth被用来做某事 Knives

19、are used to cut food.Be used to doing sth习惯于做某事 Im not used to eating too much at lunch time.16、some time / sometime / some times / sometimes 的区别Some time 表示“一段时间”eg. It took me some time to water the flowers.Sometime 表示不确定的“某个时候”eg. Tom went back home sometime last month.Some times表示“几次”eg. I have

20、been to the Great Wall some times.Sometimes 表示“有时候”频率副词,暗指动作发生数词 sometimes he comes by bike.17、exercise / exercises / experience / experiences / success / a success 的区别Exercise 动词或名词“锻炼”不可数。Exercise 名词表示“练习、操”可数,复数形式Experience 名词表示经验时不可数Experiences 名词表示经历时可数名词,故用复数形式Success 抽象名词表示成功,不可数Successes或a s

21、uccess 表示具体一个成功的人或一件成功的事可数18、ten minutes walk 与a ten-minute walk 区别(9 years old 与a 9-year-old)前者是名词短语后者是组合性形容词,后者前必须要加冠词同时前者强调距离或年龄,用于询问或回答距离及年龄时的Eg.Its ten minutes walk from my home to the school后者强调事件,用于询问事件eg. I took a ten-minute walk.19、match 、suit与fit的用法区别Match 多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配;人与人、物与物搭配用mat

22、chThe carpets should match the curtains.Suit 指颜色,花样或款式适合Eg. The jacket doesnt suit him. Have you got another style?Fit 指大小、尺寸合体。人与物、物与人搭配用fitEg. The dress doesnt fit me. Have you got a large size ?20、be strict with 与be strict in 的区别Sb be strict with sb某人对某人要求严格Sb. be strict in sth某人在某方面要求严格Sb. be st

23、rict with sb in sth. 某人在某方面对某人要求严格21、what 与how 引导的感叹句的区别What 的用法(1)what a/an +(形容词)+单数名词+主语(人称代词)+谓语!What an honest boy he is !(2)What +形容词+不可数名词+主语(人称代词)+谓语! What heavy snow it is!(3)What +形容词+可数名词复数+主语(人称代词)+谓语!What good students they are !How 的用法 How +形容词+主语+谓语! How cold it is ! How beautiful the

24、 girl is ! How副词主语谓语!How fast he runs! How +主语+谓语(陈述句)!How time flies! How he loves his son!22、such that .与so .that 的用法区别(1)Such +a(n)+(adj)+n+ that eg. She is such a good teacher that we all like her.So + adj/adv +that eg. He worked so hard that he got ill.(2) Such +adj. +n(复数/不可数)+thateg.They are

25、such interesting books that I want to read them again So + adj +a(n) +n +that eg.She is so good a teacher that we all like her.(3) So +many/much/few/little (表示数量)+n.(复数)eg.There are so few mistakes in his composition that the teacher praised him.23、have /has gone to 、have/has been to 、 have /has bee

26、n in 的区别have /has gone to表示去了某地还没有回来have/has been to表示去了某地已经回来了have /has been in表示呆着某地24、what do you think of ? 与how do you like .?两者是相同的意思,注意区分25、what does your sister look like ?等于什么?同义句为:How does your sister look?What is your sister like ?是指询问你姐姐是个什么样的人?(问品质)26、provide sb. withsth. 与provide sth.

27、for sb.的同义词短语是什么?同义短语,注意固定搭配27、How often/ How soon / How long / How far 的用法区别How often 每隔多久,对频率提问回答常有:once/twice/three times a month/ a year等How soon 再过多久,常对in +段时间提问How long 多长?对长度提问或多久对时间提问,如for +段时间;since+点时间;段时间等How far 多远对距离提问28、too much / too many / much too / very 的用法区别too much +不可数名词或者做副词性短语

28、放在动词后面 too many +可数名词much too+ 形容词表示“太.”Very +副词/形容词29、remember to do / doing 、 forget to do /doing 、 regret to do /doing 、stop to do /doing 、Mean to do /doing 、 go on to do / doing 、 cant help to do /doing 的用法区别Remember to do sth记得要做某事(事没做)forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事(没做)Remember doing sth记得做过某事(事已做) f

29、orget doingsth. 忘记做过某事(已做)Regret to do sth. 遗憾的要去做某事(没做) stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件事情Regret doing sth. 后悔做过某事(已做) stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事情Mean to do sth. 打算做某事 go on to do sth.接着做另一件事情Mean doing sth. 意味着做某事 go on doing sth. 接着做同一件事情Cant help to do sth.不能帮做某事 cant help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事30、alive ; live

30、ly ; live; living的用法区别Alive 意为“活着的”侧重说明生与死间的界限,可指人或物 He wants to keep the fish alive.Lively意为“活泼的”、“充满生气的”如:Jenny is a lively girl. /our English teacher always makes his class livelyLive “活着的”通常指物,不指人。常做定语;同时还有“现场直播的”意思A live wire 有电的电线 a live fish 一条活鱼 be covered live 现场直播Living“活着”强调说明“尚在人间”,“健在”可

31、指人或物all the living things on Earth / My first teacher is still living .31、lie (说谎)、 lay(平放、下蛋)、lie (躺、位于)的区别lie -lied-lied-lying(说谎)lay-laid-laid-laying(平放、下蛋)lie -lay-lain-lying (躺、位于)32、the key to the door/ the answer to the question / the ticket to the concert 的用法固定搭配望牢记33、in the tree /on the tree、 in the hair / on the hair 、 in the face / on the face 的区别In the tree (外来物到树上的) in the hair (外来物插到头发上)On the tree(长在树上的花、叶子、果实等) on th

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