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2、下中国政府经济职能转变面临的机遇与挑战 ,并进一步提出中国政府经济职能的转变实现途径关键词:经济全球化 政府经济职能 市场经济 公共管理20世纪90年代以来,随着市场与科技的国际合作增强和冷战格局的终结,全球性的经济合作在世界经济各个领域和各个层面均出现了迅猛发展的势头,达到了新的高度;经济合作正在打破旧传统疆域的束缚,逐渐形成一种多层次、宽领域的国际合作,在这种合作的带动下,投资和贸易区域自由化、金融国际化、生产一体化以及信息全球化等蓬勃兴起。The economic cooperation in various fields of the whole world has been deve

3、loping rapidly since the 1990s, with the increasingly enhanced cooperation of market and technology, as well as the end of the Cold War. Economic cooperation turns to be a multi-level and wide-ranging international cooperation, which leads the fast development of investment and regional trade libera

4、lization, financial internationalization, production integration and information globalization.世界经济的这一发展趋势对各国经济社会生活产生了深远的影响,经济全球化使得世界各国的经济发展之间形成一种更加直接和紧密的内在联系。产业的全球化使得以区域产业为纽带的区域经济联系更加密切。因此,经济全球化和新的国际产业分工的发展,为中国区域经济发展和优势产业的形成带来了新的机遇。经济全球化是经济发展与科技进步的必然结果。This developing trend of global economy brings

5、 profound impact on each country that is making all countries in the world connect each other more directly and close. Globalization of industry makes the connection of regional economy based on regional industry more tight. Thus, the globalization of economy and new international division of labor

6、bring challenges for the development of regional economy in China and the formation of advantageous industries. Economic globalization is an inevitable result of the progress of economy and technology.1.相关理论概述1.1政府职能(Government Function)亦称行政职能(Administrative function),是国家行政机关依法对国家和社会公共事务进行管理时应承担的职责和

7、所具有的功能。政府职能反映着公共行政的基本内容和活动方向,是公共行政的本质表现。主要体现为:对市场的培育作用;对经济活动的调节和干预作用;经济活动的协调者和仲裁人作用等。1. overview of relevant theory 1.1 Government FunctionGovernment Function, also known as Administrative function, is responsibilities and functions state administrative organs shouldered when they manage public affa

8、irs according to law. Government function is basic contents and activities and the essence of public administration. Mainly reflected in: cultivation effect on the market; regulation and intervention to economic activities; as the coordinator and arbitrator of economic activities.1.2政府职能的主要内容政府职能的主要

9、内容包括政治职能、经济职能、文化职能及社会保障职能。市场经济条件下政府职能的调整与转变:由直接管理到间接管理;由微观管理到宏观管理;由命令式管理到协调、监督与服务。胡锦涛同志在党的十八大报告中特别强调:“行政体制改革是推动上层建筑适应经济基础的必然要求。要按照建立中国特色社会主义行政体制目标,深入推进政企分开、政资分开、政事分开、政社分开,建设职能科学、结构优化、廉洁高效、人民满意的服务型政府。”这是对政府职能内容的进一步诠释。1.2 the main content of government functionsGovernment functions mainly include poli

10、tical function, economic function, cultural function and social security function. The transformation of government functions in market economy is form direct management to indirect management, from micro management to macro management, and from the command to coordination, supervision and service.H

11、u Jintao emphasized on the report to the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China: Reform of the administrative system is a necessary requirement for making the superstructure compatible with the economic base. To reach the goal of establishing a socialist administrative system w

12、ith Chinese characteristics, we should separate government administration from the management of enterprises, state assets, public institutions, and social organizations, and build a well-structured, clean and efficient service-oriented government that has scientifically defined functions and satisf

13、ies the people. This is the further interpretation of the content of government functions.1.3政府职能转变是指国家行政机关在一定时期内对社会公共事务管理的职责、作用、功能的转换与发展变化。包括管理职权、职责的改变,管理角色的转换,管理手段、 方法及其模式的转变等。十六大报告指出政府的职能主要是经济调节、市场监管、社会管理和公共服务;十七大报告要求形成权责一致、分工合理、决策科学、执行顺畅、监督有力的行政管理体制,加快推进政企分开、政资分开、政事分开、政府与市场中介组织分开,减少政府对微观经济运行的干预等

14、等。1.3 the transformation of government functions.The transformation refers to that state administrative organs responsibilities and functions of social public affairs change during a certain period, including adjustment of management authority and responsibility, management role and method. The repo

15、rt to the congress on behalf of the Fifteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) pointed out that main functions of government include economic regulation, market supervision, social administration and public services. The report to the Seventeenth National Congress of the Commu

16、nist Party of China (CPC) required bringing about a system which matches powers with responsibilities, divides work in a rational way, fosters scientific decision-making, and ensures smooth enforcement and effective oversight. AND accelerate the separation of the functions of the government from tho

17、se of enterprises, state assets management authorities, public institutions and market-based intermediaries,. reduce the number of matters requiring administrative examination and approval and standardize such procedures, and reduce government intervention in microeconomic operations.1.4政府经济职能政府经济职能

18、,是指政府从社会经济生活宏观的角度,履行对国民经济进行全局性地规划、协调、服务、监督的职能和功能。它是为了达到一定目的而采取的组织和干预社会经济活动的方法、方式、手段的总称。其职能包括(1)政府收入分配职能。(2)政府经济稳定与发展职能。(3)政府资源配置职能。(4)市场管制职能。1.4 The economic function of governmentThe economic function of government refers to the government performs functions of overall planning, coordinating, servi

19、ng, and supervising the national economy. It is a general term of methods and manners by which the government organizes and intervenes socio-economic activities in order to achieve certain purposes. The economic functions include (1) income distribution, (2)economic stability and development, (3) re

20、source allocation, (4)market regulation.2经济全球化对政府职能转变带来的影响经济全球化的发展,毫无疑问将进一步深化中国的市场经济改革,规范市场经济秩序,扩大市场竞争范围,加剧市场竞争力度,促进国内区域经济的一体化发展。在此背景下,作为区域经济发展的主要推动者,政府必须相应调整职能,充分反映市场变化的要求,通过提高政府管理与服务的效率,提高本地区适应和使用国际规则的能力,最大可能地增强本地区的市场竞争力。2.The impact of economic globalization on the transformation of government fu

21、nctions.Economic globalization will, with no doubt, further deepen the reform of market economy in China by standardizing the order of the market economy, expanding the scope and depth of market competition and promoting the integration of domestic regional economy. In this context, the government,

22、as the main promoter of developing regional economy, must adjust its functions adequately in order to meet the demand of market changes. Market competitiveness in local region can be enhanced by improving the efficiency of government administration and services and improving the ability to adapt to

23、and use of international rules in the region.2.1政府职能更多转向社会公共政策经济全球化进程的推进,政府在政策制定过程中的地位与作用发生变化。以往,政府是一国经济制度与政策的唯一制定者,但是,在经济全球化背景下,政府从以往唯一的规则制定者变为政策制定的合作者,行业组织等准政府机构、市场主体在政策制定中的作用日益增强。随着经济全球化的不断深化,市场范围由一个国家扩展到区域甚至世界,政策范围也相应扩大。因此,如果政府将政策重点更多地转向教育、社会保障、交通、环境保护、 食品安全等社会领域,有利于间接提高本地区经济的竞争力。2.1 government

24、functions transform to social public policythe status and role of government in the policy-making change in the process of economic globalization. In the past, government is the only maker of one countrys economic system and policies, but in the context of economic globalization, the government turn

25、s to one of partners in policy-making. Quasi-governmental agencies, such as industry organizations, and market participants are playing an increasingly important role in policy-making. With the deepening of economic globalization, the range of market expands to a region and even the whole world rath

26、er that one country any more, accordingly the range of policy also expanded. Therefore, it will indirectly improve the competitiveness of local economy if the government focuses more on social areas such as education, social security, transportation, environment protection, food safety etc. 2.2地方分权化

27、改革趋势加强随着中国体制改革力度的加强,政府的地位逐步提高,地方分权化改革成为一个世界性的趋势。其原因在于:首先,经济全球化背景下国际竞争越来越激烈,需要调动各级政府的积极性来提高本国的竞争力,向地方政府分权有利于调动其积极性;其次,国家层面的政策受到越来越多国际规则的制约,而地方政府的政策受到的制约却较少;第三,未来本国或地区经济的竞争力主要表现为区域产业的竞争力,而区域产业竞争力的提升,必然要求作为区域经济发展的主要组织者政府发挥其中心作用。2.2 the trend of decentralization reform is strengthenedWith the deepening

28、of political reform in China and the gradually increased status of the government, decentralization reform has become a worldwide trend. Reasons are as follows: first, increasingly fierce international competition needs all levels of government take active steps to improve the countrys competitivene

29、ss and decentralization reform can mobilize their enthusiasm. Second, there are more constraints to policies made by the state than local government from international rules. Third, economic competitiveness of one country is mainly reflected by its regional industry in the future while local governm

30、ent, as the major organizer of regional economy, should play a dominant role in improving the competitiveness of regional industry.2.3政府的调控范围和调控对象逐渐扩大政府的公共政策视野的逐步扩展,在经济全球化的推进过程中,使各种要素、服务与商品的跨国流动更加容易。从而为各地区吸引外部资源,解决区域内的经济发展问题提供更多选择条件,同时经济全球化还使区域与区域之间、国际间的合作日益重要,区域组织与国际组织的大量涌现,促使国际组织功能越来越强大、职能越来越复杂,这些

31、趋势本身即揭示了区域之间、国际化之间合作的重要性。由于金融危机的国际间传染最具典型性,因此,各国政府防范金融危机的国际化之间的合作发展也最为引人注目,不同国家区域对外资金融机构的监管进行了各种各样的合作。总的来说,经济全球化,使得政府的在政策调控范围迅速的拓展,其调控对象不仅仅局限于本地域,本国,其已经跨出了国境,走向了世界。2.3 regulation scope and regulation objects expandThe increasingly expanded range of public policy during promoting the process of econo

32、mic globalization makes various elements, services and goods transnational flow easier, which provides more possibilities to attract external resources and address issues about economy developing in local region. Besides, economic globalization makes cooperation between different regions and even co

33、untries more important. A large number of regional organizations and international organizations surface and functions of international organizations become more and more powerful and complex. These trends reveal the importance of cooperation. Given that financial crisis spread fast in the world scope

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