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unit 3 what are you doing for vacation 教案人教新目标八年级 2doc.docx

1、unit 3 what are you doing for vacation 教案人教新目标八年级 2docUnit 3 What are you doing for vacation单元教案课时安排4课时 第一课时:Period1(Section A 1a/1b/1c /2c SectionB1a/1b/4) 第二课时:Period2(SectionA2a/2b/SectionB2a/2b/ 2c /Selfcheck2)第三课时:Period3 (Section B2c / Section A 3a/3b/ 课外阅读(go camping)/4) 第四课时:Period 4(Just fo

2、r fun/SectionB3a/3b/3c/ Selfcheck1/自编的Selfcheck) 单元目标与要求 掌握有关假期生活的动词且能熟练运用;掌握wh-特殊疑问句的运用。 能运用所学词汇询问和表达未来打算,学会使用现在进行时态表示未来计划。 能围绕未来计划这一话题作较具体的描述。 能读懂介绍未来打算的文章和日程安排。 学会书写即将发生的假期安排或计划和科学安排自己的假期活动。通过本单元的学习让学生运用所学语言,积极投身到实践活动中去,实践自己的价值。能在描述自己的计划和打算时,激起学生更加热爱祖国的美好河山和地球,从而为人类的美好明天贡献自己的一份力量。 Period one教学内容与

3、分析教学内容: Section A 1a/1b/1c /2c SectionB1a/1b/4教学目标:a.掌握新单词:babysit, camp, bike, ride, sightseeingb.掌握新句型:what are you doing for vacation?/ Im visiting my cousins house.Whats she doing? Shes going camping./ What are they doing? Theyre going fishing.c. learn to talk about future plans.教学重点、难点分析:教学重点:

4、present progressive as future教学难点: where what questions. 课前准备教师准备教学课件。教师准备磁带和录音机。 教师设计 教学步骤 建议和说明 Step 1 lead-inWhat are you doing for vacation?T: Lets sing a song “what are you doing?”(show flash card)激发学生兴趣,让每一个学生都动起来。Step 2 Revision(pairwork)Revise something about vacation then ask: Where did you

5、 go on vacation?How was your vacation?Lets practice their vacation.复习一下有关vacation的内容。Step 3 Brain stormCollect the names of activities which said by students. T: Lets have a competition?Which group can give the most vacation activities? Then show three pictures about go to park/yellow mountain /Tian

6、anmen Square.通过竞赛让学生说出尽可能多的活动。Step 4 Lead-in Show students a big calendar and say:T: Today is Friday, Tomorrow is Saturday, Im staying at home on Saturday. And I am relaxing at home on Sunday. (Teach new words: camp and babysit) then ask students:T: what are you doing on Saturday and Sunday?S: Im ba

7、bysitting.Show some pictures and ask:What are you doing?What are they doing?What is he/she doing?通过一张日历引出今天的主题。Step 5 Practice Now, Lets work in pairs practiceWhat is he/she doing?What are you/they doing?不断反复操练,巩固句型。Step 6 Presentationfinish section A la, look at the vacation activities in the pictu

8、re. Make a list and add some more then check the answer.finish section A 1b. listen to the conversations and number the pictures (1-3).Step 7 Guessing T: Now, Lets play games. I will show you some pictures and you guess.What am I doing?学生对猜游戏都比较感兴趣,让他们都来动动脑吧。Step 8 SurveyLets boast (吹牛皮)1.If you go

9、tripping, What are you doing for vacation?2.If you go tripping, What shall we take?3.If you go tripping, Where are you going? When are you going? Who are you going? How long are you staying?Discuss in groups and make a vacation plan?Then give a report.尽情地吹吧,吹得越多越好。这部分训练学生的口语表达能力。Step 9 Home workWrit

10、e an e-mail to tell you pen pal about your groups vacation plan or write a conversation about telling your friend your vacation plan.- Period Two教学内容与分析教学内容:Section A 2a/2b/SectionB2a/2b/ 2c /Selfcheck2教学目标:a. To master the new words: plan、 Tibet、 go hiking 、go away 、get back 、postcard 、sendb. To ma

11、ster the sentences:Whats she/he doing for vacation?When is she/he going?Who is she/he going with?How long is she/he staying?c. Learn to talk about future plans.教学重点、难点分析:1、 Master the new words and the useful expressions.2、 Present progressive as future. 课前准备教师准备教学课件。教师准备课文中的有关的表格。教师准备磁带和录音机。 教师设计 教

12、学步骤 建议和说明 Step 1 Revision and lead-inLet Ss guess what I am doing for vacation?Ask: What are you doing for vacation?According to the students answers, the teacher can go on asking: That sounds interesting /exciting. Who are you going with?When are you going?这部分是对第一课时重点句型进行必要的复习巩固,同时自然地引出另外两个新句型who和w

13、hen。教师在导入过程中应注意难度的逐步加深。Step 2 PairworkHave Ss work in pairs to make up short dialogues. Try to use the three questions:What are you doing for vacation?Who are you going with?When are you going?Then choose some of them to act.Ask the other Students to write down some information about the dialogues.通

14、过这个练习让学生初步熟悉由who和when提出的新问题。同时为了让学生的对话表演所引起更多同学的关注,有意识地要求学生记录相关信息,为下一个memory game 作铺垫。Steps 3 Memory gameAfter some students act out their dialogues. Have Ss play a game.The teacher can ask three questions:What is XX doing for vacation?Who is XX going with?When is XX going?Let Ss use shes or Hes to

15、answer. If the student can answer the most questions, She/He can get a present.这个游戏可以检测学生在第二步中听的情况,又可活跃课堂气氛,更主要的是操练了第三人称疑问句的答句。Step 4 ListeningPlay the tape twice. Let Ss finish 2a and 2b. Then check the answers together.这一练习是为了进一步巩固上面的三个新句型,同时为学生汇报他人的假期计划做准备。Step 5 Group workSay: I think you want t

16、o know more about the other students vacation plans.Now I want you to go anywhere in class to ask anyone about their vacation plans. You can use what who when Then fill in the form.After they finish, the teacher can ask them to read the reports to their partners. Then choose some of them to give rep

17、orts in class. Ask every student to listen to the reports carefully.这一练习主要是让学生通过调查汇报的活动,不但从口头上,也从笔头上操练新句型。Step 6 Presentation. Say: Now I want to know who listens to the reports the most carefully and remembers the most. I want to ask some questions about the reports:1、 Ask one of them:1) Do you kno

18、w XXs vacation plan?2) Is she going to Tibet? San Francisco/Hong Kong/Hawaii3) What is she doing for vacation?4) Is she going hiking there?5) What is she doing there?6) Who is she going with?7) When is she going?8) How long is she staying?When the teacher asks these questions, he should teach Ss the

19、 new words. Then if the student cant answer the last question, the teacher should help to ask XX himself and help XX to answer: Im staying there for XX days. At last the teacher can go on asking XX :Do you like going away for a long time?Can you send me a postcard from XX and show me your photos whe

20、n you get back to school?The teacher should teach students the new words, too.2. Ask more students these questions .Help them to understand the new words.这部分除了引出 新句型How long 以外,还着重针对3a部分中的新单词、词组作了铺垫,引出这些词汇并逐一教援,为下一部分填表作铺垫。Step 7 Section A 3aHave Ss listen and read and the conversation, then fill in

21、the chart. Have Ss practice in pairs.完成3a 可为3b部分的pairwork 提供更好的参考对象。Step 8PairworkHave Ss practice the conversation in 3a .Then make new conversations using the information in 3b. Encourage Ss to ask as many questions as they can.这项练习可检查学生本课所学知识点的综合运用情况。Step 9ActingChoose some of them to act out the

22、ir dialogues.Step 10 A game named Passing on a message.Have Ss form eight lists . The teacher tells the first student of each list a sentence. eg: Han Mei is going to Tibet next Saturday and staying there for two days. The first student should pass the message to the next. In the end. the last stude

23、nt of the list should stand up and tell whole class the message. See which list can pass on the message correctly and quickly.这个游戏可以检验学生知识的掌握情况。Step 11 vacation DreamsSay: Now imagine our dream vacation. on a piece of paper. Write what you are doing for vacation, When you are going and how long you

24、are staying. Lets see who has the best vacation dream.这一练习可帮助学生用所学知识写一篇小作文,将前面的知识连成一个整体。Period Three教学内容与分析教学内容: Section B2c / Section A 3a/3b/ 课外阅读(go camping)/4教学目标:a. 掌握并运用下列单词:ride, bike, sightseeing, fishing, rentb. 进一步熟悉现在进行时表示将来用法及去做某事的go doing的用法教学重点、难点分析:教学重点:熟练运用下列句型。Where are you going fo

25、r vacation?What are you doing there?When are you going there?How long are you staying?教学难点:如何谈论将来假期计划的会话。 课前准备教师准备上课时用的幻灯片和教学图片。教师准备磁带和录音机。 教师设计 教学步骤 建议和说明 Step 1 Warming up Chant (展示幻灯片)Revise: What are you doing for vacation? What are you going? Who are you going with? When are you going? How long

26、 are you staying?展示幻灯片:Ask: Whats he/she doing for vacation?What are they doing for vacation?通过来复习现在分词活跃课堂气氛复习第二课时所学的内容起巩固和强化作用。Step 2 : Lead-inRevise: I like to go swimming on vacation. Do you like to go swimming on vacation?S1: Yes I do. S2: NO,I dont.T: What do you like to do on vacation.S2: I li

27、ke to go hiking. Go shopping/play basketball/play volleyball etcPresent先展示图片T: I like to go fishing. Do you like to go fishing?S1: Yes , I do. Teach fishing.S2: No, I dont. Help them answer.I like to go sightseeing Teach sightseeing.T: Do you like to watch videos? Yes, I do.Do you have any videos?He

28、lp them answer.No, I want to rent videos?Teach rent and the other new words.practiseLook at the pictures and ask them to practise in pairs. Then match new words with the pictures.复习like to do为下一步的导入打下基础。利用图片来呈现更直观,更形象此部分的重点是教学新单词。练习并巩固Step 3: PairworkWork in pairs like this.What do you like to do on

29、 vacation?I like to go bike riding /go sightseeing./take walks/go fishing/rent videosWork in pairs like this;What are you doing for vacation?Im going bike riding /going sightseeing/taking walks/going fishing/renting videos通过两两合作,让学生进一步熟悉此句型强调重点Step 4: ListeningPre-listeningRevise their vacation plan

30、s. Then the teacher says; Your vacation plan sounds wonderful. What about He Yus?ListeningNow play the tape. Ss listen and check the questions the reporter asks, Then listen again and write He Yus answers. Check the result.听力训练,加深对所学内容的巩固,同时训练了学生们的听的能力。Step 5 PairworkMake conversations. SA(the repor

31、ter)interviewSB (He Yu) Ss act it out.Step 6 HomeworkMake a survey like 2c and make two conversations like that.这是本课时的难点,可以先仿照课文,再编会话。Period 4教学内容与分析教学内容: Just for fun/SectionB3a/3b/3c/ Selfcheck1/自编的Selfcheck 教学目标:a. 掌握以下单词:famous. Greece. Spain. Europe. lake. the Great Lake. countryside. nature. tourist.b. 熟练运用What are you doing for va

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