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武汉大学 翻译硕士英语.docx

1、武汉大学 翻译硕士英语武汉大学2012年翻译硕士英语考研真题I. Grammar and VocabularySection A Multiple Choice (120=20 points) Directions: there are 20 questions in this section. Beneath each question there are FOUR choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best answers the question. Mark your answer on your answers shee

2、t. 1. The form and physiology of leaves vary according to the _ in which they develop: for example, leaves display a wide range of adaptations to different degrees of light and moisture. A. relationshipB. speciesC. patternsD. environment2. One theory about intelligence sees _ as the logical structur

3、e underlying thinking and insists that since animals are mute, they must be _as well. A. behaviorinactiveB. instinctcooperativeC. hereditythoughtfulD. languagemindless3. By _scientific rigor with a quantitative approach, researchers in the social sciences may often have _their scope to whose narrowl

4、y circumscribed topics that are well suited to quantitative methods. A. underminingdiminishedB. equatingenlargedC. vitiatingexpandedD. identifyinglimited4. The new _of knowledge has created _people: everyone believes that his or her subject cannot and possibly should not be understood by others. A.

5、specializationbarriers betweenB. declineassociations amongC. redundancycomplacency inD. disreputeconcern for5. Far from being _, Pat was always _ to appear acquiescent. A. unctuousloathB. brazenreluctantC. ignobleconcernedD. obsequiouseager6. Those who fear the influence of television deliberately _

6、its persuasive power, hoping that they might keep knowledge of its potential to effect social change from being widely disseminated. A. promoteB. underplayC. excuseD. laud7. Because the high seriousness of their narratives resulted in part from their metaphysics, Southern writer were praised for the

7、ir _bent. A. technicalB. discursiveC. hedonisticD. philosophical8. Her _should not be confused with miserliness; as long as I have known her, she has always been willing to assist those who are in need. A. intemperanceB. intoleranceC. apprehensionD. frugality9. Unfortunately, his damaging attacks on

8、 the ramification of the economic policy have been _by his wholehearted acceptance of that policys underlying assumptions.A. supplementedB. underminedC. divertedD. redeemed10. In the machinelike world of classical physics, the human intellect appears _, since the mechanical nature of classical physi

9、cs does not_ creative reasoning, the very ability that had made the formulation of classical principle possible. A. anomalousallow forB. abstractspeak toC. anachronisticdenyD. contradictoryexclude11. Documenting sciences _philosophy would be_, since it is almost axiomatic that many philosophers use

10、scientific concepts as the foundations for their speculations. A. distrust ofelementaryB. influence onsuperfluousC. reliance oninappropriateD. dependence ondifficult12. The sheer diversity of tropical plants represents a seemingly_ source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized. A.

11、exploitedB. quantifiableC. controversialD. inexhaustible13. The state is a network of exchanged benefits and beliefs, _between rulers and citizens based on those laws and procedures that are _to the maintenance of community. A. a compromiseinimicalB. an equivalenceprerequisiteC. a reciprocityconduci

12、veD. a counterpointincidental14. To have true disciples, a thinker must not be too_: any effective intellectual leader depends on the ability of other people to_ thought processes that did not originate with them. A. populardismissB. idiosyncraticreenactC. self-confidentrevitalizeD. pragmaticdiscour

13、age15. The paradoxical aspect of the myths about Demeter, when we consider the predominant image of her as a tranquil and serene goddess, is her_ search for her daughter. A. extendedB. agitatedC. comprehensiveD. motiveless16. Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so_

14、 Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly two decades in _the Western Hemisphere.A. decimatedabeyanceB. corruptedquiescenceC. ravagedsecretD. terrorizedcontention17. Parts of 17th century Chinese pleasure gardens were not necessarily intended to look_, they wer

15、e designed expressly to evoke the agreeable melancholy resulting form a sense of the _of natural beauty and human glory. A. beautifulimmutabilityB. cheerful transitorinessC. colorfulabstractnessD. luxuriantsimplicity18. Since it is now _to build the complex central processing unit of a computer on a

16、 single silicon chip using photolithography and chemical etching, it seems plausible that other miniature structures might be fabricated in _ways. A. difficultrelatedB. permitteduniqueC. mandatorycongruentD. routinesimilar19. Laws do not ensure social order since laws can always be_, which makes the

17、m _unless the authorities have the will and the power to detect and punish wrongdoing. A. contestedprovisionalB. circumventedantiquatedC. repealedvulnerableD. violatedineffective20. Ironically, the party leaders encountered no greater _their efforts to build a progressive party than the _of the prog

18、ressives already elected to the legislature. A. benefit fromsuccessB. support foradvocacyC. obstacle toresistanceD. threat topromiseSection B Error Correction (110=10 points) Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered li

19、ne. You are required to change a word, add a word or delete a word. If you add a word, put an insertion mark () in the right place and write the missing word in the corresponding blank on your answer sheet. If you delete a word, cross it and put a slash (/) in the corresponding blank on your answer

20、sheet. If you change a word, cross it and put your word in the corresponding blank on your answer sheet. Remember to write the correct number beside each blank on the answer sheet.Gifts giving is according to different cultures. Today lets see business gifts (21) _giving in the U.K. Giving gifts is

21、a normal part of British business culture. (22) _indeed, British business colleagues are quite likely to feel embarrassing to (23) _receive any gift at all. The only duty may be at the conclusion of a deal (24) _when it might be appropriate to give a unique commemorative item to have (25) _the occas

22、ion. Small gifts such as inscribed pens or books, would suitable (26) _tokens of genuine gratitude, and flowers or wine or champagne suffice to thank junior colleagues for their services. Do not, however, appear patronizing or undue forward, (27) _especially if the recipient is a woman. Alternativel

23、y it will often be appreciated if you invite your hosts, or others you wish to think, out for a meal or to the theater or opera. (28) _Business gifts are never exchanged at Christmas but it may be appropriate to send a card, particularly as an express of thanks to your business associates but also (

24、29) _as means of maintaining valuable contacts. Bear in mind the that U.K postal service was foundedat about the same time as the old railway, so much that your cards are mailed (30)_in good time.II. Reading ComprehensionSection A Multiple Choice (215=30 points) Directions: Read the following passag

25、es and answer the questions. Choose the most appropriate answer for each question and circle the letter on the answer sheet. Remember to write the letter corresponding to the question number.Questions 31-34 are based on the following passage:Traditional research has confronted only Mexican and Unite

26、d States interpretations of MexicanAmerican culture. Now we must also examine the culture as we Mexican Americans have experienced it, passing from a sovereign people compatriots with newly arriving settlers to, finally a conquered peoplea charter minority on our own land.When the Spanish first came

27、 to Mexico, they intermarried with and absorbed the culture of the indigenous Indians. This policy of colonization through acculturation was continued when Mexico acquired Texas in the early 1800s and brought the indigenous Indians into Mexican life and government. In the 1820s United State citizens

28、 migrated to Texas, attracted by land suitable for cotton.As their numbers became more substantial, their policy of acquiring land by subduing native populations began to dominate. The two ideologies clashed repeatedly, culmination in a military conflict that led to victory for the United States. Th

29、us, suddenly derived of our parent culture, we had to evolve uniquely Mexican-Mexican modes of thought and action in order to survive.31. The authors purpose in writing this passage is primarily to _.A. suggest the motives behind Mexican and United States intervention in TexasB. bring to light previ

30、ously overlooked research on Mexican AmericansC. provide a historical perspective for a new analysis of MexicanAmerican cultureD. document certain early objectives of Mexican- American society32. The author most probably uses the phrase “charter minority” to reinforce the idea the Mexican Americans

31、_.A. are a native rather than an immigrant group in the United StatesB. played an active political role when Texas first became part of the United StatesC. have been misunderstood by scholars trying to interpret their cultureD. identify more closely with their Indian heritage than with their Spanish heritage33. According to the passage, a major difference between the colonization policy of the United States

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