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1、有关500字英语美文摘抄欣赏 有关500字英语美文摘抄欣赏阅读是人生的一种美好享受。阅读经典美文可以让学生的心灵得到滋润和净化,穿越时空与作者展开灵魂的交流,在不断提升的精神境界中让生命之树得以枝繁叶茂。 整理了有关500字英语美文,欢迎阅读!Happiness is a journey幸福是个过程We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, than another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't

2、 old enough and we'll be more content when they are. After that we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage.我们总是说服自己,认为当我们结婚、生子后日子会过的更加舒心些。然后我们又被那些小鬼的不懂事搞得不顺心,当他们大了些后,情况会好些吧。当孩子到了青春期的时候,(有时)对于如何跟他们好好交流又会使我们很无措。我们都深信当他们过了那个年

3、龄段后,事情就会有些转机。We always tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together. When we get a nice car, and are able to go on a nice vocation when we retire. The truth is, there's no better time than right now. If not now, when? Our life will always be filled w

4、ith challenges. It's best to admit this to ourselves and decide to be happy anyway.我们总是对自己说,当另一半有条理的过活时,(我们的)人生就会很圆满。当我们买了一台漂亮的车子后,我们认为可以在年老退休后开去度假。可事实上,再也没有比当下更好的时间段了,要不是现在这时,那么还能是什么时候呢?我们的人生满是各种神奇的未知数。不管怎么说,对你我而言,最好是承认活在当下里的意义然后及时“自己给自己找乐”。One of my favorite quotes comes from Alfred Souza. He

5、said, "for a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, someting to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that thes

6、e obstacles were my life."我最看中一段尔弗雷德;苏泽说过的话。他说“一直以来,我感觉的是真正的生活就要来了。但是在前面总有些东西拦在那里,一些问题必须先被搞定后才能进行下一项,比如未完成的工作,(做事时)等着轮到自己的那段时间、等待着交钱的帐单。当这些事解决后你才能开始自己的一天。后来我才觉悟到解决这些生活琐事的时候就是我的人生。”This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure every mo

7、ment that you have.这样的想法使我认识到,幸福是没有方式去追求寻找的。因为寻找幸福的过程本身就是幸福。所以珍惜你所拥有的点点滴滴。And remember that time waits for no one. So stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school; until you get married, until you get divorced; until you have kids; until you retire; until you get a new car or ho

8、me; until spring; until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy…而且还要牢记时光不会等待垂青你我。于事莫等到你毕业之后、重返校园之时再去等待(幸福);莫身陷围城之中,来来往往,进进出出后才去等待(幸福);莫等到你膝下饶子、莫等到你老来归园、莫等到你了自己的新车、莫等到你乔迁新居、莫等到早春迟来、莫等到你重获新生后才认识到人生本是‘莫待来日,及时行乐 ’……Happiness i

9、s a journey, not a destination. So, work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one's watching.寻找幸福的过程本身就是幸福,这条路上没有终点站。那么,你就要像不愁薪水那般去工作;敞开心扉那般去欢爱;旁若无人那般去歌舞。有关500字英语美文篇二We often close ourselves off when traumatic events happen in our lives; instead

10、of letting the world soften us, we let it drive us deeper into ourselves. We try to deflect the hurt and pain by pretending it doesn’t exist, but although we can try this all we want, in the end, we can’t hide from ourselves. We need to learn to open our hearts to the potentials of life

11、and let the world soften us.生活发生不幸时,我们常常会关上心门;世界不仅没能慰藉我们,反倒使我们更加消沉。我们假装一切仿佛都不曾发生,以此试图忘却伤痛,可就算隐藏得再好,最终也还是骗不了自己。既然如此,何不尝试打开心门,拥抱生活中的各种可能,让世界感化我们呢?Whenever we start to let our fears and seriousness get the best of us, we should take a step back and re-evaluate our behavior. The items listed below are s

12、ix ways you can open your heart more fully and completely.当恐惧与焦虑来袭时,我们应该退后一步,重新反思自己的言行。下面六个方法有助于你更完满透彻地敞开心扉。1. Breathe into pain直面痛苦Whenever a painful situation arises in your life, try to embrace it instead of running away or trying to mask the hurt. When the sadness strikes, take a deep breath and

13、 lean into it. When we run away from sadness that’s unfolding in our lives, it gets stronger and more real. We take an emotion that’s fleeting and make it a solid event, instead of something that passes through us.当生活中出现痛苦的事情时,别再逃跑或隐藏痛苦,试着拥抱它吧;当悲伤来袭时,试着深呼吸,然后直面它。如果我们一味逃避生活中的悲伤,悲伤只会变得更强烈更

14、真实——悲伤原本只是稍纵即逝的情绪,我们却固执地耿耿于怀。By utilizing our breath we soften our experiences. If we dam them up, our lives will stagnate, but when we keep them flowing, we allow more newness and greater experiences to blossom.深呼吸能减缓我们的感受。屏住呼吸,生活停滞;呼出呼吸,更多新奇与经历又将拉开序幕。2. Embrace the uncomfortable拥抱不安We

15、all know what that twinge of anxiety feels like. We know how fear feels in our bodies: the tension in our necks, the tightness in our stomachs, etc. We can practice leaning into these feelings of discomfort and let them show us where we need to go.我们都经历过焦灼的煎熬感,也都感受过恐惧造成的生理反应:脖子僵硬、胃酸翻腾。其实,我们有能力面对这些痛苦

16、的感受,从中领悟到出路。The initial impulse is to run away — to try and suppress these feelings by not acknowledging them. When we do this, we close ourselves off to the parts of our lives that we need to experience most. The next time you have this feeling of being truly uncomfortable, do yourself a favo

17、r and lean into the feeling. Act in spite of the fear.我们的第一反应总是逃避——以为否认不安情绪的存在就能万事大吉,可这也恰好妨碍了我们经历最需要的生活体验。下次感到不安时,不管有多害怕,也请试着勇敢面对吧。3. Ask your heart what it wants倾听内心We’re often confused at the next step to take, making pros and cons lists until our eyes bleed and our brains are so

18、re. Instead of always taking this approach, what if we engaged a new part of ourselves that isn’t usually involved in the decision making process?我们常对未来犹疑不定,反复考虑利弊直到身心俱疲。与其一味顾虑重重,不如从局外人的角度看待决策之事。I know we’ve all felt decisions or actions that we had to take simply due to our “gut” impuls

19、es: when asked, we can’t explain the reasons behind doing so — just a deep knowing that it had to get done. This instinct is the part of ourselves we’re approaching for answers.其实很多决定或行动都是我们一念之间的结果:要是追问原因的话,恐怕我们自己也道不清说不明,只是感到直觉如此罢了。而这种直觉恰好是我们探索结果的潜在自我。To start this process, take fe

20、w deep breaths then ask, “Heart, what decision should I make here? What action feels the most right?”开始前先做几次深呼吸,问自己:“内心认为该做什么样的决定呢?觉得采取哪个方案最恰当?”See what comes up, then engage and evaluate the outcome.看看自己的内心反应如何,然后全力以赴、静待结果吧。有关500字英语美文篇三In this life, what did you miss?在生活中,你错过了什么?The wife asked the

21、husband when she was 25. Despondently, the husband replied: 'I missed a new job opportunity.'妻子25岁的时候这样问丈夫。丈夫沮丧地回答:“我错过了一个新的工作机会。”When she was 35, the husband angrily told her that he had just missed the bus.35岁时,丈夫生气地说他错过了公交车。At 45, the husband sadly said: 'I missed the oppotunity seein

22、g my closed relative before his last breath.'45岁时,丈夫悲伤地说:“我错过了见至亲最后一面的机会。”At 55, the husband said disappointingly: 'I missed a good chance to retire.'55岁时,丈夫失望地说:“我错过了一个退休的好机会。”At 65, the husband hurriedly replied: 'I missed a dental appointment.'65岁时,丈夫匆匆地回答:“我错过了和牙医的预约。”At 75,

23、the wife did not ask the husband anymore, the husband was kneeling in front of the very sick wife. Remembering the question the wife used to ask him, this time he asked the wife the same question. The wife, with a smile and peaceful look, replied: 'In this life, I did not miss having you!'75

24、岁,妻子不再问丈夫同样的问题,丈夫跪在病重的妻子面前,想起以前妻子常常问起的那个问题,这次他也问了妻子同样的问题,妻子笑了笑,一脸平静地说:“我这一生,没有错过你!”The husband was full of tears. He always thought that they could be together forever. He was always busy with work and trifles. So much so he had never been thoughtful to his wife. The husband hugged the wife tightly

25、and said: 'Over 50 years, how I had allowed myself to miss your deep love for me.'丈夫满眼泪水,他总是认为可以和妻子白头到老,于是总是忙于工作和琐事,从没在意过妻子。他紧紧地抱住妻子说:“这50多年来,我怎么能允许自己错过了你对我的爱呢。”In the busy city life, there are many people who are always busy with work. These people revolve their lives around their jobs, the

26、se people sacrifice all their times and health to meet the social expectations. They are unwilling to spend times on health care. They miss the opportunity to be with their children in their growing up. They neglect the loved ones who care for them, and also their health.在繁忙的城市生活中,有人总是忙于工作。他们整天围着工作转

27、,甚至为了达到社会的标准,牺牲了自己的健康。他们不愿花时间来关注自己的健康,在孩子成长的过程中错失了与之共享天伦之乐的机会。他们忽视了那些关心他们的人,以及他们的健康。Nobody knows what is going to happen one year from now.没有人知道一年后会发生什么事情。Life is not permanent, so always live in the now. Express your gratitude to your loved ones in words. Show your care with actions. Treat everyday as the last episode of life. In this way, when you are gone, you loved ones would have nothing to feel sorry about.生命不是永恒的,所以活在当下吧。把你对爱人的感谢说出来,用行动证明你关心他们。把每一天当作人生的最后一个篇章,只有这样,当你离开时,你爱的人们才会没有遗憾。

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