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1、中考英语语法综合测试试题三中考英语语法综合测试题(三)1Nobody told me _ , so I need your helpAhow to doBhow should I do Cwhat to doDWhat should I do2We are going to lean _ tomorrow. ALesson TenthBLesson TenCTenth LessonDThe Lesson Ten3I cant get on the bus, because there is _ on itAnot any roomsBno roomsClittle roomDfew room4

2、The League _ in May, 1922. AfoundBwas foundCfoundedDwas founded5-Wheres your headmaster? -He _ Beijing. He wont be back _ next weekAwent to; afterBhas gone to; until Chas been to; untilDhas been to; after6-Do you know if he _ to play basketball with us? -He will if he _ free. Acomes; isBcomes; will

3、beCwill come; isDwill come; will be7-I have lost my dictionary. - _. AWhat a pity!BIts nothingCIt doesnt matterDNot at all8-Would you like to play football with us? - _. Ayes, Im gladBYes, Id love toCNo, I dont likeDNo, I cant9-Hello! may I speak to Bill? - _. AWho are you?BYes, Im BillCSorry, hes o

4、utDthank you10-Dont make faces in class! - _. ASorry, I wont do it againBCertainly, I willCThats OKDExcuse me, Im wrong11-Happy New Year to you! - _. AThank youBme, tooCThe same to youDAll the same12-Hello, may I speak to Lily? - _. ANot Lily but LucyBThis is LilyCYes, speakDIm Lily13After they wash

5、ed their hands, Mother gave each of her children _ apple. AtheB/ CaDan14-May I see your ticket please, madam? -Certainly _. AHere it isBHere is itCHere are youDYoure here15You can see many beautiful shop windows _ both sides of the street _ your way to school. Aat; atBfrom; fromCon; onDalong; along1

6、6_ this kind of question often _ in your class, Ann? ADoes; askBIs; askedCHas; askedDWill; ask17-Your English is very good. -But my brother knows it much _ than I do. AgoodBwellCbetterDbest18-Which is the way to the No, I middle School? -Go down this street _ you reach the second traffic lights. The

7、n turn right. AtillBbutCifDbecause19-What do you usually have for breakfast? - _ milk and _ eggs. AA little; a littleBA few; a littleCA few; a fewDA little; a few20How nice youve come! Weve waited for you for about two hours. Where _ , Jim? Aare youBhave you beenCare you fromDhave you gone21-What di

8、d your mother say, Tom? -She asked me _. Awhy my sister is cryingBwhy my sister was cryingCwhy is my sister cryingDwhy was my sister crying22The man always says his meat looks _ and sells _.Agood; goodBwell; wellCgood; wellDwell; good23-What shall we do now? -_ for a walk?AHows about to goBWhat abou

9、t to goCHows about goingDWhat about going24- _ have you been at the university? -More than five months. AHow manyBHow muchCHow soonDHow long25-Dont you think her radio is too loud? -Tell her to _ it _ , please. Aturn; upBturn; downCput; upDput; down26-Has Lily bought the books _ ? -No, she hasnt bou

10、ght any _. Ayet; yetBalready; alreadyCtoo; tooDeither; either27-Would you like _ tea?-Yes, and _ milk too, I think. Aany; anyBsome; someCsome; anyDany; many28You _ to school tomorrow if you go to look after your mother in the hospital. Adont need comeBdont comeCneednt to comeDneednt come29-Whore fis

11、hing over there? - _. ABrownsBBrownCThe BrownsDThe Brown30-Whos the best football player _ in Taishan Team? -Sorry. I dont know. Aat the momentBfor a momentCjust a momentDa moment later31-Is that a boy swimming in the lake? -I cant find out _ its a boy _ a girl. Aif; andBthat; andCwhether; orDeither

12、; or32His father is _ English teacher. He works in our school. AaBanCtheD/ 33I often go shopping with my mother _ Sundays. AonBinCatDto34Could you give me _ , please?Atwo piece of paperBtwo piece of papersCtwo pieces of paperDtwo pieces of papers35“Is this your shirt?”“No, its not _. ”AmeBmyCmyselfD

13、mine36“What are you going to buy?”“Im going to buy _ bananas. ”Aa littleBa fewClittleDfew37September is _ month of the year. AnineBninethCthe ninthDthe nineth38John drives as _ at Tom. AcarefullyBgoodCniceDfine39Which is the _ city, Shanghai, Beijing or Tianjin? AlargeBlargerClargestDmore large40“Ma

14、y I smoke here?”“No, you _. ”AmustntBdontCmustDneednt41Mother is ill, I have to _ her at home. Alook aroundBlook forClook upDlook after42When will they _ in Fuzhou? AgetBreachCarriveDgot43“Excuse me. How long may I _ the book?”“Two weeks. ”AborrowBkeepClendDkept44The tiger made the monkey _ him some

15、thing to eat.AbringingBto bringingCbringsDbring45The runner fell, but he quickly got up and went on _. ArunningBrunCto runDran46I think maths _ one of the important subjects.AareBisCwereDwas47_ nice girl Kate is!. AHowBWhatCWhat anDWhat a48“Why did Li Lei use a pencil?”“ _ his pen was broken. ”ABeca

16、useBWhenCUntilDIf49Excuse me. Could you tell me _ our tickets? Awhere do we showBwhere shall we show Cwhere did we showDwhere we shall show50“Happy birthday to you!”“ _ ”AHappy birthday to you!BThank youCThats all right. DThats OK. 51“Whats the date today?”“ _ ”AIts ThursdayBIts windyCIts June 26DIt

17、s cloudy52Mr Smith has two sons. _ is a doctor, _ is a driver. AThis; otherBThis; anotherCOne; anotherDOne; the other53-What are the official(官方的) languages in Hong Kong now?-They are _ and _. AChina; EnglishBChinese; EnglishCChina; EnglandDChinese; England54Before _ breakfast, I always read for hal

18、f _ hourAthe; aBa; anC/; anD/; a55His motorbike is very nice. What about _ ?AyouByourCyoursDtheir56“The year 1997”should be read“the year _ ? ”Aone thousand nine hundred and ninety-sevenBnineteen ninety-sevenCone nine nine sevenDnineteen and ninety-seven57She looks and sings _. Abeautiful, beautiful

19、lyBbeautiful, beautifulCbeautifully, beautifulDbeautifully, beautifully58_ she _ he is good at maths. ABoth, andBEither, norCNeither, orDNeither, nor59Lily worked hard _ her lessons and soon caught up _ the others. Aat, toBin, afterCat, withDwith, with60-Must I finish my lessons now? - _. AYes, you

20、mustntBNo, you mustntCYes, you needDNo, you neednt 61- _ will you stay in America?-About two weeks. AHow longBHow oftenCHow soonDHow62The policeman told us _ football on the street. Adont playBnot playCnot to playDto not play63The film, Kong Fansen was _ all over the country. Aput onBput downCput up

21、Dput away64Theres nothing serious , _ there? AwasntBisCisntDhasnt65Do you know _ ? Awhere was she workingBwhat time is itChow many books she hasDhow can he answer it66There is _ in the lake. Aanything strangeBstrange anythingCstrange somethingDsomething strange67Where _ your son? AamBareCis68Jane is

22、 _ girl. She is English girl. Aa; theBa; anCan; the69After he heard the news, he went to the hospital _ onceAatBinCon70We walk with our _. AfootBfootsCfeet71The lake is far away. But _ people like to swim there.Aa littleBfewCa few72A quarter to six is _. A6:45B6:15C5:4573This city is _ than that one

23、. AbeautifulBmore beautifulCthe most beautiful74Because it was very cold , _ he put on a coat before he went out. AsoB/ Cand75He _ a friend in the country next week. AsawBseesCis going to see76-_ I get up at six tomorrow? -No, you neednt. AMayBCanCMust77I want to know _. Awhat time does the train ar

24、rive Bwhat time will the train arriveCwhat time the train will arrive78If I _ free tomorrow, I will go shopping with my aunt.Awill beBbeCam79Mr Smith has taught in the school _ 1990. AinBforCsince80Can you let me _ home a little earlier. AgoBgoingCto go81-Has Tom started to work in your factory? -No

25、. He is _ in school. AyetBthenCstill82“Happy New Year!”“ _. ”AYes, Im happyBYoure happy, tooCIm glad to hear thatDThe same to you83“Whats the weather like today?”“ _. ”AIts SundayBIts cloudyCIt was coldDI dont like it84“What does your father do?”“ _ ”AHe does wellBHe goes to workCHe is at workDHe is a teacher85“Hi, Mary! You look very beautiful today. ”“ _. ”AThanks a lotBNo, not at allCDont say so, pleaseDI dont think so86“Would you like to go skating with me?”“ _. ”AYes, pleaseBNo, I dont CYes, Id love toDThats right87“What can I do for you?”“Id like some _. ”Abottle of orang

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