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大学英语B试题辅导 Test 1.docx

1、大学英语B试题辅导 Test 1大学英语(B)试题辅导Test 1答案: 21-25 A C A D C 26-30 A B D C B31-35 C D C D B 36-40 C C A B C41-45 D D D B A 46-50 C C C A D51-55 A D B A C 56-60 B D B A C61-65 A B B D A 66-70 C A D C DPart I Use of English21从本题的对话可看出,第一说话人想见校长,但校长此时无法见他,礼貌的回答需表示歉意,并说明理由,因此最佳答案是A。22本题的提问者是想借用对方的词典,如果对方乐意出借自己的

2、词典,最佳的回答是C。Help yourself在这里的意思是“尽管用吧”。23本题的问句是在询问对方是不是罗伯特李先生,如果回答是肯定的,最佳的选择是A。这是电话里的一种惯用语。24本题的提问者在礼貌地用“Excuse me,sir”询问布朗博士的办公室在哪里,因此回答也需要有礼貌。如果是否定的回答,不知道布朗博士的办公室在哪里,最好要向提问者提及什么地方可得到帮助,所以最佳的选择是D。25本题的提问者在赞扬玛丽的连衣裙很漂亮,同时也询问约翰的情况,对赞扬的典型回答是thank you,同时还需要提供有关约翰的信息,因此选择C。26从本句的问句和回答看,该句是出现在服务场所,说话人在询问对方

3、想买什么,因此选择A。27本题的第一说话人想请对方去喝咖啡。如果不接受邀请,礼貌的方式是要表示歉意或感谢并说明理由。如果回答是肯定的,通常礼貌的方式是要表示感谢,并表示自己接受对方的邀请,因此最佳的选择是B。28本题的提问者在询问对方是哪里人,用的动词是mind。如果对方不介意,最佳的选择是D。29从本题的第一说话人说的话看,情景是在餐馆。说话人想看菜单,并抱怨已经等候多时。服务员在递菜单时常说here you are,因此最佳的选择是C。30从本题的第一说话人说的话看,说话人曾担心自己的化学考试成绩,但却得了A,显得很高兴。对方听了这消息时会给予祝贺,所以选择B。Part II Readin

4、g ComprehensionPassage 1attempt 常用词汇. 企图,试图 v. try to do something, esp. something difficult.用法:attempt to do sth 例子:1.In this chapter I will attempt to explain what led up to the revolution.在这章里我要尝试解释是什么导致了革命 2.You have attempted a difficult task.你已尝试做了一项困难的任务。n. an act of trying to do sth, esp. st

5、h. difficult.用法:attempt to do sth.例子:All attempts to control inflation have failed.所有控制通货膨胀的努力都失败了。He made no attempt to resist arrest.他没做出尝试抵抗逮捕。his first unsuccessful attempt to become an MP(下院议员)做下院议员的首次失败的尝试in an attempt to do sth.attempt at (doing) sth. his feeble(无力的)attempt at humor尝试幽默at the

6、 first/second etc attempt She passed her driving test at the first attempt.她首次尝试就通过了驾驶考试。suicide/murder attempt自杀尝试make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图做They made no attempt at escaping/to escape.他们没有试图逃跑。base sth on/upon 基于be based on / upon 基于例子:Their relationship was based upon mutual res

7、pect.他们的关系是基于相互尊重。 an economy based on farming以农业为基础的经济 On what do you base your theory?你的理论以何为基础? (主动形式)military/naval/air base 军事基地/海军基地/空军基地on the basis of 根据, 在基础上discrimination on the basis of sex/race/religion性别/种族/宗教歧视on the basis of these theories以这些理论为基础little:限定词,代词 少许Theres very little mo

8、ney left.剩的钱廖廖无几。I paid little attention to what the others were saying.我几乎不在意别人说什么。adv.副词 很少,稍微a little= a bit He was a little surprised at her request.对她的要求他有点吃惊。The situation has improved very little.情况已经稍稍改变了一点。little by little Little by little he became accepted by the family.渐渐地他被家庭接受了。in fact

9、:事实上I know the mayor really well. In fact, I had dinner with her last week.我和市长很熟。实际上上周我还和她吃过饭。They told me it would be cheap but in fact it cost me nearly $200.他们告诉我很便宜,但实际上我差不多花了200美元。have difficulty (in) doing sth.有困难做They had great difficulty in finding a replacement.他们很难找到可替换的。in difficulty有困难,

10、处境困难 The business is in financial difficulty.生意处在财务困境。approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good/ right) 赞成Her parents now approve of her marriage.她父母现在赞同她的婚事。 I dont approve of cosmetic surgery.我不赞同美容手术。approve vt. 批准 The conference/committee approved a proposal for the

11、 reform.委员会批准了改革的建议。反义词:disapprove ofa while= a period of time, esp. a short one.一会儿in a while 过一会儿He will be with you in a while.再过一会儿我就和你在一起。for a while At last, he could relax for a while.最终,他可以休养一段了。Wait a little while before deciding.不要急于做决定。We talked for quite a while (=a fairly long time)on t

12、he phone.我们电话聊了好一会儿。all the while She continued working, all the while keeping an eye on the clock.她继续干,一直用眼睛瞄着钟。(every) once in a while =sometimes, although not often偶尔,间或I do get a little anxious once in a while.有时我会有点焦虑。I saw her in the shop every once in a while.我偶尔会在商店里看到她。after a while不久, 过一会儿

13、 After a while the train stopped at a station.不一会儿火车在车站停下了。shorten:缩短, 变短The days are shortening now.现在白天在变短。 His name is often shortened to Pat.他的名字经常被缩写成Pat.反义词:lengthen变长构词法:形容词+en 变成动词举例:sweet + en=sweeten变甜 white + en=whiten变白support: v. 支持,拥护,赡养support sb in (doing) sth We need to support our

14、teachers.我们要支持老师。 We strongly support the peace process.我们坚决拥护和平。support sb by (doing) sth She supports her family by teaching evening classes.她靠在夜校上课养家糊口。 support of 支持,支援 They signed the paper in support of the pay claim.他们签了文件支持涨工资的要求。He had the full support of the general committee.他得到了委员会的全

15、力支持。The organizers are hoping to drum up竭力争取 support (=get many peoples approval)from local businesses.筹办者们希望竭力争取地方企业的支持。32.draw up:词组 草拟,开出,制定Draw up a list of all the things you want to do.开出单子列出你所要做的所有事情。draw up plans/ proposals制定计划He was asked to draw up proposals for reforming the law.他被邀请草拟法律改革的建议。The contract was drawn up last year.合同是去年制定的。A taxi drew up at the gate.(车辆等开近,走进,停下来) 一辆出租车停在大门口。3l答案C。细节推理题。见原文第一段中第一句话“We dont know if either story is true”,意思是我们不知道这两个故事是否真实,因此选项C“作者不能确认故事是否真实”是正确选项。32答案D。细节题。见原文第二段第二句“he had difficulty reading and w

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