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1、交际用语 课堂讲义大学英语B统考研究 课程讲解交际用语日常交际用语是大学英语B统考试题中的第一部分,目的是检测考生在不同的情境中运用英语进行交际的能力。这部分是考试中比较简单的一个题型,要求同学们掌握一些基本的交际用语,接下来我为大家详细讲解这部分的解题技巧及交际用语常用句型。一、解题技巧在学习、使用和复习交际用语部分时,大家要掌握使用交际用语的三个原则+一个方法:A. 礼貌原则无论在任何场合、表达什么看法/情感,发话/发问和应答都要有礼貌,即使表达不同看法或批评意见,也要委婉间接表达,使对方听起来不刺耳,例如: Do you think I can use your car for one

2、day? .A. Im afraid not. B. No, you cant.C. I wont let you do that. D. Absolutely not.解析:此题第一说话人向对方提出请求“想借车一用”,对方如果不能答应,应该委婉地表示拒绝。因此选A。礼貌原则还表现在拒绝一个请求的方式上:一种是委婉地回绝,上面例子 “Im afraid not” 就是这种情况;另一种是先表同意,然后用“but”来个转折,表达出不同意的意思。例如:I would like to, butThats a good idea, butB. 利他原则在日常交际中,英语国家人民形成了一种习俗,即要尽可能

3、为对方提供帮助和方便,对别人遇到的好事/成功要表示高兴,坏事要表示难过/惋惜,因此在交际用语中也要体现出来这种倾向,例如: I am going to the City Hall, can you tell me how to get there, madam? .A. No, you dont know.B. I dont know.C. Yes, you will.D. Sorry, I am new here too. But you can ask the policeman over there.解析:此题第一说话人在向对方询问道路,按照利他原则,应尽可能为对方提供帮助和方便,所以选

4、D。首先表示歉意,自己也不知道,同时给出一些有帮助的建议。C. 习惯原则在选择交际用语时,大家要有跨文化视角,也就是说,要克服本民族的习惯思维和应答模式,要使用得体的、符合对方习惯的方式来应答。例如:Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John? . A. Thank you very much. B. No, no, John is not bad.C. Thank you. He is fine. D. Dont say that. Its ugly. John is good.解析:按照英美国家的文化,当受到他人的赞扬时,应该真诚地表

5、示感谢,这也是对说话人的尊重。如果一味谦虚说“不、没有、还差得远”等,反而就不礼貌了,这与中国人的习惯和思维不太一样,所以选C。排除法我们发现,交际用语部分试题的选项中,错误选项不但错得比较明显,而且有一定规律可循,这为我们在解题时使用排除法提供了机会。错项的类型大体有:A. 选项本身语法错误;B.选项议题与谈话主题无关;C.选项明显违反上述三原则;D. 选项虽然与谈话主题有关,但不能提供发问者要求的信息、态度或观点;例如:1) Mary, are you and your husband busy this weekend? . A. This weekend we may go to ci

6、nema. B. No, were not.C. Oh, its none of your business. D. Welcome to our party.解析:Mary 的问题包含了“忙不忙”的询问,她可能想邀请对方作点什么。选项A属于上述D 的情况,虽然与提问句的主题有关,但并未直接提供“忙”还是“不忙”的信息;C 回答很不客气,显然违反礼貌原则;D 与谈话主题无关,最后只剩下B是答案。2) You are not the manager here, are you? . A. Yes, Im not. B. No, I am. C. Yes, I am. D. No, not at

7、all.解析:选项A,B 都属于本身语法错误,不看发问句也可以排除。D 语法无错,但不能提供发问句要求的信息,属错项,答案是C。通过对近几次统考试题的分析,我们发现交际用语的考查形式多样:既有给出第一句问语,选答语的情况;也有给出答语,选第一句问语的情况(当然前者居多)。还有一些新的考查形式:如给出问语或答语的一部分,让考生补充完整问语或答语。事实上,这就给了考生更多的提示,缩小了选择的范围,在一定程度上降低了试题的难度。在做类似考题时,应抓住题干中已有文字提供的信息,选择最符合题意的选项,排除干扰项。例如:3)Would you like another slice of Christmas

8、 cake? Im full.A. Yes, please. B. No more, thanks.C. Why not? D. Nothing more.解析:第一说话人询问对方“你要不要再吃一块圣诞蛋糕?”,根据答者的第二句话Im full.“我吃饱了”,推断出前一句的答语应该是No more, thanks“吃不下了,谢谢”。而选项A,C表示接受邀请,D表示“没有什么(要说/做)的了”,均不符合题意,可直接排除。所以选B。二、例题讲解交际用语在统考试题中,考察题型主要可分为以下三类:询问类试题,约占该部分考题36.7%; 看法类试题,约占该部分考题26.7%;功能类用语试题,约占该部分考

9、题36.6%。在下面的讲解中,我们按照这种分类,先总结每类交际用语的常用句型,然后列举典型示例。(一) 询问类1、请求允许和应答 第一:A. 提出请求 May /Can /Could I use (borrow/take/ask/see) ?(我可以用/借/问/看吗?) I wonder /I am wondering if? (不知道我能否?) Would you please? (能请你吗?) Do you think ? (你是否认为?)B. 回答请求 同意 Sure./Certainly./Of course. / By all means./ Yes, do please. / He

10、re you are. / Help yourself. (可以/当然/拿去/请便。) 回绝 Im afraid (我恐怕) Im sorry, but (对不起,但是) Im sorry you cant. /Youd better not. (很抱歉,不行。/你最好别这样。) 【典型示例】 1) Could I borrow your car for a few days? . A. Yes, you may borrow. B. Yes, go on. C. Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey. D. It doesnt matter. 答案:C

11、 2) I wonder if I could use your computer tonight? Im not using it right now. A. Sure, go ahead. B. I dont know. C. It doesnt matter. D. Who cares 答案:A第二:A. 提出请求 Do / Would you mind if I / my doing (你是否介意?)B. 回答请求 同意 No, I dont mind./ Of course not. / Not at all. (不介意./当然不介意/一点也不介意) Please do. / Go

12、ahead, please. / OK. (行,做吧。) 不同意 Yes, I do. (我介意) 【典型示例】 1)Would you mind changing seats with me? . A. Yes, you can. B. Of course, I like to. C. No, I dont mind. D. Certainly, please do. 答案:C 2)Do you mind my smoking here? . A. No, thanks. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, Id rather not. D. Good idea. 答案:B 3)Do

13、 you mind if I read the newspaper on the table? . A. Good news for you. B. Go ahead, please. C. Yes, sure. D. No, I cant. 答案:B。在用mind句型征求对方的意见时,如果表示同意,也可明确表示“please do/做吧,Go ahead, please./行”。 2、邀请与应答 A. 提出邀请 Would you like to ? Will /Can you come to ? (你能来参加吗?) Id like to invite you to . (我想邀请你) B.

14、 回答邀请 同意 Yes / thank you, Id love to. (谢谢,我愿意。) Yes, its very kind of you. (愿意,你太好了。) That would be very nice. (那太好了。) 回绝 Thanks/Sorry,I (非常感谢/抱歉,我) Id like to but/ Id love to but (我很愿意去,但是) 【典型示例】 1)Can you go to the concert with us this evening? . A. No, I already have plans. B. Id love to, but Im

15、 busy tonight. C. No, I really dont like being with you. D. Im ill, so I shouldnt go out. 答案:B 2) We are going to have a dancing party tonight. Would you like to join us? . A. Yes, its very kind of you. B. Of course not. I have no idea. C. No, I cant. D. Thats all set. 答案:A3、提供帮助及应答A. 提供帮助 Can I hel

16、p you / What can I do for you? (有什么可以为您效劳吗?) Would you like me to help you with ? (我能帮您做吗?)B. 应答 接受帮助 Thanks. That would be nice. / Its so nice of you. (多谢,那太好了) Thank you for your help. (感谢你的帮助) 礼貌地回绝 No, thanks./ Thats ok, I can manage it myself. (谢谢,不用了。我能处理) 【典型示例】 1)This box is too heavy for me

17、 to carry upstairs. . A. You may ask for help. B. Let me give you a hand. C. Please do me a favor. D. Id come to help. 答案:B 2)Can I help you with your suitcase?. . A. Thats OK. I can manage. B. Its not very light. C. I can help you with it. D. Put it down on the ground. 答案:A 4、问路 A. 询问道路 Excuse me,

18、can you tell me the way to ? Excuse me, where is / how can I get to? (抱歉,请问去怎么走呢?) Is this right(the right way to)? (请问这是去的路吗?) B. 回答 当知道对方询问的道路,就一定要给出具体信息。 Go down(up)the street. /Turn right(left) (顺着街道往上/下走。在右/左转。) Go straight ahead till you see (往前直走直到你看见) Its on the right(left) corner just ahead

19、. (在前面右边/左边转角处。) 当不知道对方询问的道路,抱歉地说明原委 Sorry,I dont know. Sorry, Im a stranger here. (抱歉,我不知道。) 【典型示例】 Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the post office? . A. Dont ask that. B. Sorry, Im a stranger here. C. No, I cant say that. D. No, youre driving too fast. 答案:B5、询问具体信息A. 询问 询问的主题为:时间、地点、距离、费

20、用、人物、事件、频率等。 Who/ What/ When/ Where(何人/何事/何时/何地) How long/How often/How many (时间多长或距离多远/频率/数量多少)B. 回答: 直扣主题,提供对方需要的信息。注意: 特殊疑问句的答语通常针对特殊疑问词做出具体的回答。 一般疑问句通常用yes和no来回答,时态人称要一致。 当情态动词must引起一般问句:“必须吗?”,其否定回答通常用“you neednt/dont have to”表示“没有必要”。 选择疑问句是问话者提供两个或两个以上答案供对方择一回答的问句,答语应做出一个明确的选择。 反意问句的答语应根据实际情况

21、确定:内容是肯定的,就用yes,其后则跟肯定句;内容是否定的,则用no,其后则跟否定句。 【典型示例】 1)Paul, ? Oh, thats my father! And beside him, my mother. A. what is the person over there. B. whos talking over there. C. what are they doing. D. which is that. 答案:B 2)How often do you go dancing? . A. I will go dancing tomorrow. B. Yesterday. C.

22、Every other day. D. Ive been dancing for a year. 答案:C。意为“每隔一天去跳一次舞。” 3)Are there any drug-stores around here? . A. Yes, there is one on the left corner. B. Yes, it is. C. No, I am not. D. Oh, you must have a cold. 答案:A 4)Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? . A. Id rather

23、stay here if you dont mind. B. Sorry, I dont like neither. C. Certainly, why not? D. Yes, we like these two places. 答案:A 5)Must I take a taxi? No, you . You can take my car. A. had better to. B. dont. C. must not. D. dont have to. 答案:D(二)看法类 1、表达惊讶,喜悦 第一:惊讶 Really?/ Is that so? / Oh dear! / Good hea

24、vens! (真的?/ 哎呀!/天哪!) 第二:喜悦 Thats nice /wonderful/ great! (真好! ) 【典型示例】 1)Ed said that his boy fell off tree. . A. Oh dear! I hope he wasnt hurt. B. Oh, no. A lucky boy. C. He might have broken his arm. D. Nothing serious. 答案:A 2)You know, I have three kids now. . A. Well, Ive grown a mustache. B. Th

25、ats terrific! C. Say, youve really changed your hair. D. Well, I gave up drinking. 答案:B。意为“太棒了!”2、表示附和、赞同第一:附和与赞同 Yes, I think so. (是的,我也这样认为。) I agree (with you). (我同意你的看法。) I cant agree with you more.。 (我非常同意。)第二:不赞同 No, I dont think so. (我不这样认为。) Im afraid not. I cant agree with you. (我不同意你的看法。)

26、【典型示例】 Is it possible for you to work late tonight? . A. I like it. B. Ill do that. C. Id love to. D. I think so. 答案:D。C表示肯定,否定3、表示肯定与否 Im sure. /Im not sure. (我确定。/我不确定。) Maybe / Perhaps (或许) 【典型示例】 1)Are you sure about that? . A. You neednt worry about that. B. I like the idea. C. Oh, no. Im afrai

27、d of that. D. Oh yes, Im absolutely positive. 答案:D 2)My camera isnt working properly. . A. Maybe theres something wrong with it. B. Here, have a look. C. I have no idea about it. D. There isnt anything at all. 答案:A4、表示喜好、厌恶 I likevery much. (我很喜欢) I dont like(hate) (我不喜欢/讨厌) So do I. / Neither do I.

28、 (我也/我也不) 【典型示例】 1) What do you think about this story? . A. Thank you for telling me about the story. B. Yes, its a real story. C. I like it very much. D. So do I. 答案:C 2)I dont like the sports programs on Sundays. . A. So do I. B. Neither do I. C. So am I. D. Neither am I. 答案:B。当第一说话人对问题的看法是肯定、赞同的

29、,用 “So do I.”表示自己同样赞同的态度;当第一说话人对问题的看法是否定、不赞同的,用 “Neither do I.”表达自己同样不赞同的态度。(三)功能类 1、打电话 A. 发话方 Hello!May/Could/Can I speak to ? Is in/over there? (你好!请找某某接电话好吗?) B. 受话方 当你就是对方要找的听话人时: This is (speaking). Speaking. (我就是某某,请讲。) Who is that (speaking)? (你是哪位?) 当对方要找的人不在场时,需要去叫他/她。 Hold on, please/One

30、moment. (Ill get him/her.) (请稍等,我去叫他/她。) 当对方要找的人不在或不能接电话时, Sorry, he is busy at the moment. Sorry, he isnt here / is out right now. (对不起,他/她不在/现在忙) (Can I take a message for you?) (我能替你捎个话吗?) 当发现对方拨错电话号码时, Im afraid youve got the wrong number. (我想你拨错号码了。) 【典型示例】 1)Hello, Im Harry Potter. Hello, my name is Charles Green, but . A. call my Charles B. call me at Charles C. call me Charles D. call Charles me 答案:C 2)Coul

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