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1、高中英语单词天天记pain素材 pain v.pen( pains; pained; paining ) 双解释义 vt. & vi.(使)疼痛,(使)痛苦 cause suffering; give pain; (cause to) feel painful 基本要点 1.pain用作动词的意思是“使疼痛”,此为陈旧用法,仅限于书面语体。用于比喻可表示“使痛苦”。2.pain多接表示人的名词或代词作宾语; pain作“作痛,觉得痛”解时,主语通常为身体的某部分,可用于进行体,表示持续地疼痛。3.pain表示身体某部位疼痛时不用于被动结构。4.pain的过去分词pained可用作形容词,主要用

2、来指精神上的痛苦,在句中可用作定语。 词汇搭配 +名词 pain ones parents使双亲难过 +副词 pain acutely刀割似地疼痛 pain agonizingly令人痛苦地疼痛 pain cruelly极度痛苦 pain deeply深为痛苦 pain intolerably令人难忍地疼痛 pain poignantly令人心碎地痛苦 pain sharply剧烈地疼痛 +介词 pain by为而感到痛心 句型例句 用作不及物动词S+(+A)My tongue is paining.我舌头痛。用作及物动词S+n./pron.Her injured arm pained her

3、 sharply.她那受伤的手臂使她感到剧烈疼痛。Does your ankle still pain you?你的脚踝还痛吗?The childs constant tantrums pained his mother.孩子经常发脾气,他母亲感到很烦恼。Such remarks always pained him.这些话总是使他痛苦。Your laziness pains your parents.你的懒惰使父母很痛苦。It pains me deeply.这使我深为痛苦。 用于be ed结构She was pained when you refused her invitation.你拒绝

4、接受邀请时她十分痛苦。She looked pained when I refused to help.当我拒绝帮助时,她显得很痛苦。It s/ed+n./pron.+to-vIt pained me to see him thinner from illness.看到他因病而日渐消瘦,我心里很难受。It pains him to have to go there.不得不去那儿使他很烦。It s/ed+n./pron.+that-clauseIt pained him that his father talked like that.他的父亲那样说使他痛苦。其他v-ed as Attrib.H

5、e had a pained look.他露出痛苦的神情。After they had quarrelled there was a pained silence between them.他们吵架后,彼此难堪地一言不发。 正误解析 1.我的腿还在疼。误 I am still paining the leg.正 The leg is still paining me.析 pain作及物动词时,表示“使疼痛”“伤害”,其宾语一般是人。2.我经常喉咙痛。误 My throat aches me very often.正 My throat pains me very often.撇下子女不管(这种

6、做法)使他很痛心。误 It ached him to leave his family behind.正 It pained him to leave his family behind.析 ache只用作不及物动词,不能后接宾语,故应改为pain。 补充资料 同义词 n. ache, bother, hurt, trouble v. annoy, disquiet, grieve, hurt, irritate, worry, wound反义词 v. gratify, please词源 古法语peine拉丁语poena希腊语poine(处罚) pain n.pen( pains ) 双解释义

7、 U疼痛; 痛苦suffering; great discomfort of body or mind C身体某部分的疼痛或不适feeling of suffering or discomfort in a particular part of the body S令人厌烦的人或事物annoying or boring person or thing P劳苦,辛劳,烦劳trouble; effort 基本要点 1.pain的基本意思是“疼痛,痛苦”,可指肉体上的疼痛,也可指精神、感情上的痛苦或悲痛,泛指疼痛时是不可数名词,特指身体某部位疼痛或pain前有形容词修饰时是可数名词。引申可作“劳苦,

8、辛劳,烦劳”“麻烦”解,是可数名词,多用复数形式,用作主语时,其谓语动词也用复数形式。2.pain前可加不定冠词修饰,疼痛部位可用介词in引出。表示阵阵疼痛或各种疼痛时也可用复数形式。3.在口语里pain还可表示“令人厌烦的人或事物”,常用于单数形式。 词汇搭配 动词+ aggravate pain加剧疼痛痛苦 allay pain减轻疼痛痛苦 bear pain忍受痛苦 cause pain引起痛苦 combat pain与疼痛作斗争 cry with pain痛得叫喊 deaden pain止痛 ease pain减轻痛苦 endure pain忍受痛苦 experience pain经受

9、痛苦 feel pain觉得痛,感到痛苦 give pain产生痛苦 have pain疼痛 inflict pain使受痛苦 intensify pain加剧痛苦 kill pain解除痛苦 know pain了解痛苦 lull pain减轻痛苦 occasion pain引起疼痛 reduce pain减少痛苦 relievepain减轻痛苦 remove pain消除痛苦 save pains不必费心 share pain分担痛苦 show pain表现出痛苦 spare no pains不辞劳苦 stand pain忍受疼痛 suffer pain遭受痛苦 take pain忍受疼痛

10、take pains about meals操心伙食 undergo pain经历痛苦 形容词+ a lot of pain非常痛 accepted pain可接受的惩罚 aching pain痛 bodily pain肉体的疼痛 ceaseless pain无休止的疼痛 constant pain持续的疼痛,慢性疼痛 dull pain钝痛 eternal pain永久的痛苦 extreme pain极端的痛苦 fearful pain可怕的疼痛 frightful pain可怕的疼痛 great pain剧烈的疼痛 helpless pain无助的痛苦 hopeless pain绝望的痛苦

11、 immediate pain骤然疼痛 infinite pain无限的痛苦 local pain局部疼痛 lonely pain孤独的痛苦 mental pain精神痛苦 momentary pain瞬间的疼痛 mortal pain致命的疼痛 mutual pains共同的努力 needless pain不必要的痛苦 non-stop pain持续不断的疼痛,疼痛不止 peculiar pain特殊的疼痛 persistent pain持续的疼痛 physical pain肉体的痛苦 pure pain单纯的疼痛 severe pain剧烈的疼痛 sharp pain剧烈的疼痛 sleep

12、less pain难眠的痛苦 slight pain微痛 some pain有点痛 steady pain持续的疼痛 stubborn pain难以消除的疼痛 sudden pain突然发作的疼痛 tender pain敏感的疼痛 terrible pain可怕的痛苦 tolerable pain可忍耐的痛苦 unbearable pain难以忍受的痛苦 violent pain剧烈的疼痛 yearning pain思念的痛苦 名词+ back pain背部疼痛 chest pain胸痛 +名词 pain killer止疼药 pain phosphorus磷状药 介词+ at pains尽力,

13、下苦功 for pain因痛苦而 from pain减轻痛苦 in pain在痛苦中 of pain疼得 on pain (of death)违则(处死) out of pain结束痛苦 under pain of如果违反则以论处 with pain由于疼痛 with great pains煞费苦心 +介词 pains about为操劳 pain in the back背痛 pain in the ear耳朵痛 pain in the knees膝盖痛 pain in the mouth嘴痛 pain in the nose鼻子痛 pains of (v-ing)刻苦(做) 常用短语 a pa

14、in in the neck讨厌或可恶的家伙,使人厌烦的责任 sb/sth that is always a nuisanceAs a friend he is not bad, but as an employer, he is a pain in the neck.作为朋友他不坏,但作为雇主,他是个讨厌的人。Dont tell me Christopher is coming, wherever he goes hes a pain in the neck.不要告诉我克里斯托夫要来,不管他到哪里,他总是个令人讨厌的家伙。Its a pain in the neck having to me

15、et them at the airport.必须到机场去接他们,真是烦人。 be at (great)the pains尽力,用心,下苦功 take much troublebe at (great) pains to-vHe is at pains to find facts.他正在努力了解事实真相。He was at great pains to point out my mistake.他极力指出我的错误。be at the pains of v-ingWe are at the pains of quickening our steps.我们正努力加快步伐。 feel no pain

16、醉倒 be drunkenI feel no pain.我喝醉了。After a few drinks, the man felt no pain and began to act foolishly.喝了一些酒之后,那人便醉了,开始做傻事。 for ones pains作为辛劳的酬报; 费尽苦心的结果 as a response to ones effortsI spent two hours mowing her lawn and all she gave me for my pains was a cup of tea!我花了整整两个小时刈她的草地,而她给我辛勤劳动的报酬只是一杯茶。Th

17、e enemy got a heavy blow for their pains.尽管敌人费尽心机,还是遭到了沉重的打击。She looked after her sick mother for 5 years and all she got for her pains was ingratitude.她母亲生病,她照顾了5年,到头来却是费力不讨好。 go to great pains努力,下工夫 take much troublego to great pains to-vHe went to great pains to show how horrifying the war was.他极

18、力指出战争是多么的恐怖。She went to great pains to see that all her guests were provided with whatever they needed.她努力确保使每位客人都得到他们各自的需求。 in (great) pain很疼痛 aching severelyIm wounded and in pain.我受伤了,而且很疼。The patient is in great pain.病人疼得很厉害。 on (the) pain of death冒受处罚的危险 at the risk of severe punishmentThey wer

19、e forbidden to leave, on pain of death.他们被禁止离开,违则处死。Yes, you can go to the party, but you come late on the pain of death.好,你可以去参加舞会了,但你回来晚了得小心挨罚。 take (great) pains下工夫,花气力 try hard (to do sth); take much troubletake (great) pains to-vHe took pains to make me realize my mistake.他费了很多力气,让我认识到自己的错误。The

20、y took great pains to build up their influence there.他们花很大气力在那里培植他们的势力。take (great) pains with sthMary took great pains with her English lessons and got high marks.玛丽在英语课方面狠下了工夫,因而考了高分。 under pain of如果违反则以论处 at the risk of suffering (some punishment)You must sign the confession under pain of death.你

21、必须在这份坦白书上签字,否则就处死你。 with great pains费力地 with great effortsWith great pains and much patience,I at last managed to get from the information I wanted.我费了很大劲和很大耐心,最后总算得到了我想要的情报。 句型例句 Her back gives her a lot of pain.她背痛得厉害。He was crying with pain after he broke his arm.他折断手臂后疼得大叫。Mother has a pain in h

22、er chest.母亲胸口疼。As Jim leaned to the ground to pick up the pen, he felt a sharp pain in his back.吉姆弯腰拾钢笔时,感到后背一阵剧痛。He has pains in the arm.他手臂痛。The old patient has shooting pains in the head.这位老病人脑部有放射痛。Some patients dont refer to the discomfort of angina as an ache; rather they describe it as sudden

23、 sharp pains.有些病人不把心绞痛叫做钝痛,而说成阵阵剧痛。The doctor was associated in the childs mind with injections and pains.在孩子的脑子里,医生总是使他联想到打针与疼痛。She asked after the aches and pains of all the old people.她询问了所有老人的各种病痛。His unkind behavior caused his parents a great deal of pain.他那不仁慈的举止使其父母极为伤心。You may save your pain

24、s.你不必费心。He spared neither pains nor expense.他既不辞劳苦也不惜费用。We shall spare no pains to support the oppressed people.我们要全力支持被压迫人民。He lavished enormous pains on the choice of every word.他选用每个词都煞费苦心,推敲再三。Shes a real pain.她真是个讨厌的人。You give me a pain.你真叫我讨厌。Weve missed the last buswhat a pain!我们没赶上末班公共汽车真倒霉!

25、 词语辨异 at pains, at the pains这两个短语都可作“努力”“下苦功”解。其区别在于:at pains搭用动词不定式短语,而at the pains则要搭用介词of引起的动名词短语。 for pain, with pain这两个短语都可作“由于疼痛”解。其区别在于:for pain常用在否定句里,而with pain常用在肯定句里。例如:I couldnt sleep for pain.我由于疼痛而不能入眠。The boy was crying with pain.那男孩疼得在哭泣。 pain, ache, sting, stitch参见ache条。 pain, pang,

26、 smart这三个词都可指肉体上的疼痛,也可指精神上的疼痛。其区别在于:pain所表示的疼痛可以是剧烈的,也可以是轻微的; 而pang和smart表示的都是强烈的、剧烈的疼痛。例如:He was anxious about an off-and-on pain in the abdomen.他因腹部时隐时现的疼痛而忧虑。She felt a sudden pang of regret.她突然感到痛悔不已。He felt his eyes smart with fatigue.他因困倦而感到两眼剧痛。 pain(s), bid, effort(s), endeavour(s), exertion

27、(s)参见effort条。 下面两个句子的意思是一样的:Its a pain to get up so early in the morn-ing.Its a pain getting up so early in the morn-ing.这么早起床,真叫人讨厌。 正误解析 1.她头痛。误 She has a headpain.正 She has a headache.析 pain一般不可与表示“身体部位”的单词构成复合词。2.我的脚疼。误 My foot is pain.正 I have a pain in my foot.析 表示人“身体某个部位疼痛”要用have a painpains

28、 in.,其中pain是可数名词,表示具体的疼痛部位。3.这妇女在分娩阵痛中。误 The lady was in severe pain.正 The lady was in severe pains.即使用刑罚也不能禁止这种习俗。误 Even pain and penalties wouldnt put a stop to such a practice.正 Even pains and penalties wouldnt put a stop to such a practice.这位老师很辛苦地批改学生们的考卷。误 The teacher took great pain in correcting the pupils papers.正 The teacher took great pains in correcting the pupils papers.析 pain作“产妇的阵阵疼痛”“刑罚”“辛苦”等解时,习惯上用复数形式。

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