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1、高考英语必背短语高考英语必背短语 a bit 一点儿;有点儿 a few 少数;几个 a good/great many 许多的;很多的 a great /good deal of 很多;大量 a group of 一群(组) a large /great quantity of 大量的;许多 a little 一点;少许 a large /great number of 许多的 a large amount of 大量的 a lot of 许多;大量 a number of 一些;若干 a pair of 一双(对,副.) a pile of 一堆;很多 a small amount of

2、少量的 a small number of 少数的 a small quantity of 少量的 a variety of 种种;多种多样 above all 尤其是;最重要的 according to 根据;按照 act as 充当;担当.的角色 add up to 合计达. after all 毕竟 after class 课后 agree and again 反复地;再三地 agree on 就.取得一致意见 agree with sb 同意某人的看法 ahead of time 提前 all kinds of 各种各样的 all of a sudden 突然;出乎意料地 all ov

3、er 遍及;到处 all right 比较满意(的);健康的;好吧 all sorts of 各种各样的 and so on 等等 an only child 独生子女 apart from 除去;除了 apply for 申请(工作,签证,许可等) apply oneself to 致力于 approve of 赞成;同意;赞许 argue against 据理反对 argue for 据理力争;为.争辩 arm in arm 手挽手地 around /round the corner 即将来临 arrive at (in )到达(某地) as a matter of fact 事实上;其实

4、 as a result 因此;结果 as for至于;关于 as soon as 一.就.as soon as possible 尽快地 as to 至于;说到 as usual 像往常一样 as well as 同;和;既.又 as /so far as (表示范围)据.;依. as /so long as 只要 ask for 要求得到;请求 ask for leave 请假 at all 全然;根本 at breakfast 早餐时 at first 首先;开始的时候 at hand 将来到了;为期不远 at home and abroad 国内外 at last 最后;终于 at l

5、east 至少;起码 at night 在晚上 at once立刻;马上 at one time 曾经,一度 at present 目前;现在 at school 在上学 at table 在进餐 at the age of 在.岁时 at the end of 在.尽头 at (the )most 至多;最多;充其量 at the risk of 冒.风险 at the sight of 一看见.就 at the thought of 一想到.就 at work 在工作;从事于 be about to do sth. 正要;即将做某事 be absent form 缺席;未到场 be abs

6、orbed in 专心于;精神贯注于 be afraid (of ) 恐怕;害怕 be after sb/sth 寻找;搜寻;追求 be angry with 生.气 be anxious about 担心be attached to sb/sth 喜欢;喜爱 be aware of 知道.;意识到. be busy with 忙于 be careful with 细心;谨慎;当心 be connected with 和.有联系 be curious about 对.好奇;想知道 be different form 与.不同 be dying for 极想;渴望 be equal to 等于;

7、应付 be familiar with 熟悉;通晓 be fit for 适合;胜任 be fond of 喜好;爱好 be friendly with sb. 与.友好 be friends with sb. 和.交上朋友 be full of 充满;装满 be good at 善于;擅长 be good for 对.有好处 be hungry for 渴望. be interested in 对.感兴趣 be late for 迟到 be make form 由.制成 be make of 用.制成的 be make up of 由.制成,由.构成 be no good 不中用;没有用 b

8、e none of ones business 不关.的事 be of use 有用处 be of value 有价值 be on business 办事;因公出差 be out of date 过时的;失效的 be popular with 受.欢迎 be prepared for 已经准备好了;愿意. be proud of 以.自豪 be related to 和.有关 be rich in 富含;充满 be satisfied with 对.严格要求 be surprised at 对.感到惊讶 be tired from 因为.感到疲劳 be under way 在进行中 be un

9、fit for 不合适;不胜任 be in love with 爱上某人(物) be /get ashamed of 感到惭愧 be /get short of 缺少;不足be /get tired of 对.感到厌倦(厌烦) because of 因为;由于 before long 不久 begin with 以.开始 behave oneself 守规则;行为良好 believe in 信赖;信任 believe it or not 信不信由你 belong to 属于 both .and 既.又.;.和.break away form 脱离.;解除 break down 出毛病;(关系)

10、破裂 break in 插嘴;打断;闯入 break into 强行闯入 break off 折断;突然停止 break out (战争,火灾等)突然发生 break the law 犯法 bring up 教育;提出;培养 build up 增进;加强;积累 burst into 突然.起来 by accident 偶然(=by chance) by air /sea 乘飞机/船 by all means 尽一切办法;务必 by hand 用手;手工(做) by means of 靠.方式 by mistake 有疏忽所致;错误地 by oneself 单独;独自 by the end of

11、 在.结束时;到.末为止 by the way 随便说 by this means 通过这种办法 by turns 轮流地;逐个地 call in 拜访某人的家;请来;找来 call on拜访;号召;呼吁 call up 打电话;想 calm down 使.平静;使.安静 cant help doing sth 禁不住 care about 关心;介意 care for 照顾;喜欢 carry on 继续下去;继续开展 carry out 开展;执行;进行 catch (a )cold 伤风;感冒 catch hold of 抓住 catch sight of 一眼瞥见;看见 catch up

12、 with 赶上(或超过) change into 转换成;把.变成 change ones mind 改变主意 check in 报到;登记;签到 check out 办退房手续;结账离开 come about 发生;产生;出现 come across 偶然发现或碰到 come form 出生于;来自;源于 come into being 出现;存在 come true 实现;成真 come up with 赶上;追上;想出 compare .to . 把.比作 compare .with . 和.相比 congratulate sb on 祝贺. cut off 阻断;切断(水,电等) d

13、ay and night 日日夜夜 deal with 处理;对付 depend on /upon 依靠;依赖 devote oneself to 献身于;致力于 die out 灭绝;消亡 divide .into . 把.分成. do harm to 伤害;损害 do ones best尽最大努力 do sb good 对.有好处 do the cleaning /cooking 做清洁/做饭 do well in 在.方面干得出色 do wrong 做坏事;做错事 do /take exercise 做运动 dozens of 几十;许多(通常少于一百) draw a conclusio

14、n 得出结论 dress up (as ) 化妆打扮(成.) drive sb mad 使某人发狂 drop in 顺便拜访(某人) due to 由于;因为;归功于 earn ones living 谋生 either .or 或.或;不是.就是 end up 救赎;告终 enjoy oneself 过得快乐 even if /though 即使;尽管 even so 即便如此 even since 自.以来 every other day (week ) 每隔一周(周) except for 除了.外 face to face 面对面 fall asleep 入睡; fall ill 患病

15、;病倒 fall behind 落后;掉队 fall in love with (突然)爱上. fasten on 把(目光,注意等)集中于 figure out 计算(出);估计;理解 fill in 填写 find out 发现;查明;弄清楚 first of all 首先 focus on 集中于;聚焦于 for ever 永远 for example 例如 for sale 代售;供出售 forget oneself 忘乎所以 from now on 从今以后;今后from time to time 不时地;间或 from .to 从.到. get ahead of 超过;胜过 get

16、 back 取回;收回 get close to 接话;靠近 get in 到达;收进;收获 get in a word 插话 get in touch with 与.取得联系 get into 卷入;陷入;对.发生兴趣 get off 下来;出发;脱下 get on with 与.相处;取得进展 get out of bed 起床 get over(从震惊,疾病等中)恢复过来 get rid of 除掉;去掉 get sb into trouble 给某人惹上麻烦 get the message 明白;领悟 get through 完成;度过(时间) get to 到达;触及 get tog

17、ether 搜集;相聚;聚集 get up 起床;站起来 get /be used to 习惯于. give a talk 演讲;作报告 give in 屈服;让步;呈交某物 give up 放弃;戒除;让出 glare at 向人瞪眼;怒目注视go after 追赶;追求;寻求 go by 经过;(时间等)流逝 go down on ones knees 跪下 go fishing /jogging(去)钓鱼/慢跑 go for 去干;偏爱;试图获得 go for a walk 去散步 go in for 参加;从事;喜欢 go /be on a diet 节食 go on with sth

18、 继续做;接着做(某事) go on holiday 休假 go on to do sth 接下去做(下一件事) go over仔细检查;重复,温习 go through 仔细检查;审阅;完成 go to college 上大学 go to sleep 入睡;就寝 go to the cinema 去看电影 go wrong 出毛病;(机械等)坏了 had better 最好 hand in 上交;提交 hand in hand 手拉手地 hand out 分发 hand over 交出;送交 hang on 不挂断(电话);等待(片刻) hang up 挂断电话 have (sth) to

19、do with 和.(有点)关系 have a cold 患感冒 have a cry 哭一场 have a gift for 对.有天赋 have a good time 玩得高兴;过得愉快 have a headache 头疼 have a match 进行比赛 have a word with 和某人谈谈 have an effect on 对.有影响 have fun 玩得高兴 have nothing to do with 与.无关 have /hold a meeting 开会 have /take a look 看一看 have /take a rest 休息一下have /ta

20、ke a test 进行测验 have /take lessons 上课 head for 朝.方向走去 hear from 收到某人来信或电话等 hear of 听说;知道 heart and soul 全心全意;尽心尽力 help oneself to 请随便吃点 help out 帮助;尽力协助 here and there 各处;处处 hold back 阻止 hold on 稍等;抓住 hold ones head high 趾高气昂 hold ones breath 憋住气;屏住呼吸 hundreds of 几百;成百上千 hunt for 搜救;寻找 hurry up 走快点;赶

21、快行动 hurt ones fellings 伤害某人感情 if necessary 如果必要的话 if possible 如果可能的话 in a hurry 匆匆忙忙地 in a low voice 低声地 in addition to 除了.之外 in advance 预先;事先 in all 总计;全部 in anger 愤怒地 in brief 简言之;简单地说 in case 万一;以防. in charge (of ) 负责;主管;照管 in common 相同;共用的 in danger 处于危险状态 in debt 欠债 in English 用英语(说或写) in fact

22、事实上;实际上 in favour of 赞成;支持 in front of 在.前面 in general 总的来说;通常 in half 成两半 in honour of 为纪念;为庆祝 in need of 需要 in no time 马上;立即;很快 in ones eyes 在某人看来 in order 按顺序;井然有序 in order to 为了 in other words 换句话说 in particular 特别;尤其 in peace 平静地;安宁地 in place of 代替 in principle 原则上;基本上 in public 当众;公开 in rags 穿

23、着破衣服 in reality 事实上;实际上 in return 作为回报 in search of 寻找;寻求 in short 简言之;总之 in surprise 惊讶地 in the course of 在.过程中 in the distance 在远方 in the end 最后;终于 in the future 在将来 in the open air 在户外;在露天 in time 及时;及早 in trouble 有麻烦 in turn 依次地;轮流地 in vain 徒然;白费力 instead of 代替;而不是 join in 参加;加入 join .to . 把.和.连

24、接起来 just now 刚才;刚刚 keep an eye on 留意;照看 keep back 控制;阻止;保留 keep in touch with 与.保持联系 keep ones word 守信;遵守承诺 keep up with 赶上;追上 knock at /on 敲(门,窗等) knock down 将.击倒或撞倒在地上 laugh at 嘲笑;蔑视 lay aside 储存 lead to 导致;导向 learn about /of sth 获悉;得知 learn from 向.学习 learn ones lesson 吸取教训 leave for 动身去;前往 let ou

25、t 放出;泄露 little by little 一点一点地;逐渐地 live on 以.为主食;靠.为生 look after 照料;关心 look ahead 展望未来;预料 look down upon /on 看不起;轻视 look for 寻找;寻求 look forward to 盼望 look into 调查;仔细研究 look on .as 把.看作是;认为是 look out 留神;当心 look out for 留心;留意;警惕 look through 浏览;快速阅读 look up (在词典,书或计算机中)查阅 lose heart 灰心;气馁 lose weight

26、减轻体重 make a face 做鬼脸;扮怪相 make a mistake 犯错误 make a promise 许下诺言 make friends with 与.交朋友 make fun of 取笑;嘲弄 make money 赚钱;挣钱 make ones way 前进;行进;发迹 make oneself understood 清除表达.意思 make out 理解某事物 make progress 取得进步;进展 make sense 能理解;合乎情理 make sure 确保;肯定 make the bed 整理床铺 make the best of 充分利用 make up 编

27、造;组成;化妆 make up ones mind 打定主意;决定 make use of 利用 many a 许多 meet with 偶遇 millions of 无数的;许多的 mistake .for . 误将.认作. more and more 越来越. more or less 或多或少;大约 neither .nor .既不.也不. next to 挨着;靠着;仅次于 no doubt 无疑地;一定 no longer 不再 no more 不再;不复存在 no sooner .than 刚一.就 not .till /until 直到.才 not .any more /long

28、er 不再 not only .but (also ). 不但;而且. not so /as .as 不如.那样. nothing but 仅仅;只不过 now and again /then 有时候;间或 now that 由于.;既然. on account of 因为;由于 on average 平均;平均来看 on behalf of 代表.;为了. on duty 值日;值班 on foot 走路;步行 on ones own 独自一人;单独地 on purpose 故意;有意 on sale 上市;出售 on show 展览;陈列 on the contrary 正相反 on th

29、e whole 总的来说;大体上 on time 准时 on vacation 在度假 once again (=once more )再一次 one after another 一个接一个;相继地 one another 互相;彼此 operate on 给.动手术 or else 否则;要不然 or rather 更确切地说 or so 大约;左右 out of breath 上气不接下气 out of control 失去控制 out of doors 在户外 out of the question 不可能 out of work 失业 over and over again 反复;多次

30、重复 owe sth to 将某事物归因或归功于 owing to 由于;因为 participate in 参加 pass away 去世 pass by 忽略;从.旁走过 pay a visit to 访问.;去见. pay attention to 注意 pay back 还钱;还债;报复 pay for 付钱;因.而付出代价 pay off 付清;使人得益;报复 pick out 辨认出;分辨出 pick up (用车)接某人;学会 place of interest 名胜 play a joke on sb 开某人玩笑 play a part in 在.方面起作用 play a trick on sb 作弄某人 plenty of 充足;相当多的 point out 指出 point to 指向;指明;表明 prefer .rather than 宁愿.而不愿. . 喜欢.胜过. prepare for 为.做好准备 prevent .from 妨碍;防止;预防 put away 放好;把.收起来;放弃 put down 放下来;记录 put off 推迟 put on 穿戴(衣物) put out 扑灭(

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