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1、福建中考英语八年级情景交际1. 你想知道对方能否帮你,你可以这么问:_?2. 你想知道对方是否介意教你游泳,你可以这么问:_?3. 你想再试一次,不知道对方是否介意,你可以这么问:_?4. 你为你刚才说过的话向对方道歉,可以这么说:_.5. 你和朋友约好定在六点半,你可以这么说:_.6. 看到同桌捂着嘴巴,你建议他最好去看牙医,你可以这么说:_.7. 得知你同桌看病刚回来,你想知道他现在感觉怎样,你可以这么问:_?8. 看到同桌无精打采地趴在桌上,你想知道他怎么啦,可以这么问:_?_?9. 看到你表弟一直咳嗽,你想知道他像这样子已经多久了,你可以这么问:_?10. 医生拿着一包药,让你一天服两

2、次,他会这么说:_.11. 看到有同学在校园里乱扔垃圾,你可以这么说:_.12. 你表弟昨晚又熬夜了,你认为这样做有害健康,可以这么说:_.13. 你想找Tina,电话接通后你可以这么说:_?14. 有人打电话找你父亲,刚好他手头忙,你可以这么说:_.15. 你打电话没找到李老师,想留个口信,可以这样对他家人说:_?16. 你喜欢在业余时间听音乐,你可以这么说:I enjoy _.17. 你哥过去喜欢流行音乐,但现在不喜欢了,你可以这么表达:_18. 你十岁时就兴趣打篮球,你可以这么说:_at the age of ten.19. 你妹妹一点也不喜欢背诵诗歌,你可以这么表达:_.20. 你喜欢

3、踢足球胜过于游泳,你可以这么表达:_.21. 你想知道你爷爷年轻时是否喜欢表演,你可以这么问:Were you _, grandpa?22. 你不同意对方的观点,你可以这么说:_.23. 同桌提了一种看法,你也这样认为,你可以这样说:_.24. 你表姐说这幅画很漂亮,但你认为它只是一般般,你可以这样说:_.25. 你想知道对方更喜欢植物还是动物,你可以这么问:_?26. 我们和动植物共享同一个世界,你可以这么表述:_.27. 在乡下人们可以欣赏到大自然的美,你可以这么说:_28. 你无法跑得像Jack那么快,你可以这么说:_.29. 你认为乡下比城市要安静得多,你可以这么表述:_.30. 你发

4、现蓝色的那副画和墙上的那副画是一样的,你可以这么说:_.31. 你坚信互联网将会越来越重要,你可以这么说:_.32. 你不能确定网上购物是否有益,你可以这么说:_. 33. 你想知道在互联网上我们还可以做些别的什么,你可以这么问同桌:_?34. 互联网让世界更小了,你可以这么表达:_.35. 互联网使得我们的生活更加便捷、有趣,你可以这么说:_.36. 你坚信互联网有助于人们更快速地查找信息,你可以这么说:_.37. 当你听说同桌将无法参加你的生日聚会,你可以这么表达遗憾:_!38. 李老师似乎有点不高兴,你可以这么告诉同桌:_.39. 昨天你父母一起去看电影很开心,你可以这么表达:_.40.

5、 看到同桌一脸疲惫状,你可以这么问:_?41. 妹妹在为明天的考试而担心,你可以这么安慰她“_.42. 得知明天全班一起去春游,你可以这么表态:_! 43. 听到邻居说他家的狗因车祸死亡,你可以这么说:_.44. 你想劝表弟勇敢些听从牙医的意见,你可以这么说:_.45. 如果我们心情一直不好,我们可能会生病,你可以这么表达:_.46. 如果我们对自己不自信,我们也许会觉得沮丧,你可以这么表达:_.47. 你表弟想知道去北京的费用,你建议他可以上网了解相关信息,你可以这么说:You can _.48. 你想了解乘飞机去泰山要花费多少钱,你可以这么问:_?_?49. 得知你叔叔一家人要去海南度假,

6、你可以这么说:_!50. 你想预订一张明天去武夷山的火车票,你可以这么说:_.51. 你想预订一间下周一用的单人房,你可以这么说:_.52. 你想知道筹钱的最佳方式是什么,你可以这么问:_?53. 周末卖花是筹钱的最佳方式,你可以这么表述:Selling flowers _54. 别人问你台湾位于哪里,你可以这么回答:_._.55. 莆田位于福州的西南面,你可以这么表达:_. 56. 如果每个人都遵守交通规则,交通事故将会减少,你可以这么表达:_.57. 如果我们违反交通规则,我们会受到处罚,你可以这么表达:_.58. 你表弟喜欢骑行,你劝他夜间骑行最好穿浅色衣服,你可以这么说: If you

7、 ride at night,_.59. 你认为保持安全的最好方法就是小心谨慎,你可以这么表述:_.60. 你想邀请你朋友参加你们的美食节,你可以这么说:May I _?61. 你班上新来了一位同学,你想让他跟你讲一些有关他的情况,你可以这么说:Will you please _?62. 看到你表弟成功地表演了一个魔术,你可以这样夸他:_!63. 得知同桌将无法参加你的生日聚会,你可能会这样说:_.64. 你想为对方提供帮助,可以这么问他:_?_?65. 你想向对方学习包饺子,不知道她是否介意,可以这么问:_?66. 购物结账时服务员找钱给你,他可能会这么说:_.67. 你想电话订餐,你可以这

8、么说:_.68. 有女生打电话找你哥,你去告诉你哥前可以对她这样说:_.69. 作为一名服务生,你想请客人点菜时可以这么说:_?70. 用餐完毕你想结账,你可以这么对服务生说:_?71. 客人点了一份主食和一份饮料,你想知道他是否还要点些别的什么,你可以这么问:_?72. 你和朋友约好上午八点在学校大门口见,你可以这么说:_.73. 你想向同桌打听哪里可以买到围巾,你可以这么问:_ where to _?74. 有顾客想买毛衣,你想知道她穿多大号的,可以这么问:_?75. 昨天你看到如此酷的一件风衣以至你立刻买下了,你可以这么表述:_.76. 我如此喜欢苹果8以至我爸爸今早为我买了一台,你可以

9、这么表述:_.77. 你坚信合适的校服能显示出良好的风纪,你可以这样表述:Im sure _.78. 大部分学生都认为校服穿在他们身上很难看,你可以这么表述:Most of students think _.79. 你想告诉你表弟在每一个场合穿着得体是很重要的,你可以这么说:_.80. 在操场上学生有必要穿运动衣和运动鞋,你可以这么表述:_81. 中国的时装不同于西方的时装,你可以这么表述:_.82. 我们可以把唐装设计成正装或休闲装,你可以这表表述:_ the Tang costume _.83. 唐装在日本和韩国正变得越来越流行,你可以这么说:The Tang costume _. 1.C

10、ould/Can you help me 2.Would you mind teaching me how to swim3.Would you mind if I try it again 4.Im sorry for what I said just now5.Lets make it half past six 6.Youd better (go to) see a dentist7.How are you feeling (now) 8.Whats wrong with you / Whats the matter with you/Whats the trouble with you

11、 9.How long have you been like this10.Take this medicine three times a day 11.You mustnt/shouldnt throw litter around12.Staying up late is bad for your health 13. (Hello!) Could/May I speak to Tina14.(Sorry,) Im afraid he is busy (right) now 15. Can I leave a message16. listening to music in my free

12、/spare time17.My brother used to enjoy pop music, but now he doesnt like it18.I was interested in playing basketball19. My sister doesnt like reciting poems at all20.I prefer playing soccer/football to swimming 21.fond of acting when you were young22.(Im afraid) I dont agree with you23.I agree with

13、you/Yes, I think so24.I think it/the picture is just so-so25.Which do you like better/prefer, plants or animals26. We share the same world with plants and animals27.People can enjoy the beauty of the nature in the country/countryside28.I cant run as/so fast as Jack29.I think the countryside is much

14、quieter than the city30.The blue picture is the same as that one on the wall31.Im sure the Internet will be more and more important 32. Im not sure whether/if it is good to shop online33. What else can we do on the Internet 34.The Internet makes the world smaller35.The Internet makes our lives easie

15、r and more interesting36.Im sure the Internet can help people find information faster37.What a shame/What a pity38.Mr./Miss Lee seems a little unhappy39. My parents felt happy to see the movie together yesterday40.Anything wrong/Whats wrong/Whats the matter41.Dont worry/Take it easy42.Thats great/wo

16、nderful/How nice/How wonderful43.Im sorry to hear that44.Be brave and follow/take the dentists advice45.If we are in a bad mood all the time, we could become sick46.If we are not confident about ourselves, we may feel upset47.find out/look for the information about the cost (to Beijing) onlineHow mu

17、ch does it cost to get to Mount Tai by air/plane48.Whats the price to fly to Mount Tai49.Have a good/wonderful trip/Enjoy yourselves50.Id like to book a train ticket to Mount Wuyi tomorrow51.Id like/want to book a single room for next Monday52.Whats the best way to raise money53. Selling flowers at

18、the weekend is the best way to raise money54.Taiwan is in the southeast part of ChinaTaiwan is to the southeast part of Fujian55.Putian lies/is to the southwest of Fuzhou56.If everybody obeys the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents57.If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine58.youd b

19、etter wear light-colored clothes59.I think the best way to be safe is to be careful60.invite you to our food festival61.tell me something about yourself62.Wonderful/Well done/Thats good enough63.Its a (great) pity64.Would you like me to help you What can I do for you/May I help you65.Would you mind

20、if I learn to make dumplings from you66.Heres your change67.Id like to order a meal by phone/over the phone68.Hold on, please/Wait a moment/Just a minute69.May I take your order/Are you ready to order70. May I have/look at the/my bill, please71.Any thing else/Would you like anything else72.Lets meet

21、 at the school gate at 8 a.m.73.Could you tell me where to buy a scarf74.What size sweater do you wear75.I saw such a cool windbreaker yesterday that I bought it at once76.I like iPhone 8 so much that my father bought one for me this morning77.Im sure suitable uniforms can show good discipline78.Most of students think school uniforms look ugly on them79.It is important to wear s

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