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1、初中英语语法练习题及答案初中英语语法练习及答案1There is _ old woman in the car。 A/ Bthe Ca Dan 2We often go to the park _ Sundays。 Aon Bin Cat Dfrom 3My book _ on the desk。 Ais Bam Care Dbe 4Which language is _ ,English, French or Chinese? Adifficult Bthe difficultCmore difficult Dthe most difficult 5- _ book is this? -It

2、s Kates。 AWhen BWhy CWhere DWhose 6-Can you write a letter in English? -No, I _。 Amay not Bmustnt Ccant Dneednt 7I _ my homework when Mike came last night Ado Bwas doingCam doing Dhave done 8He began to _ English three years ago。 AlearnBlearnsClearnedDlearning 9Jim is a driver, _ he? AdoesBdoesntCis

3、Disnt 10“Whats wrong _ you?the doctor asked。 Afrom BwithCforDat 11He is rich, _ he isnt happy。 AorBsoCandDbut 12Where is Alice? She _ to the library。 Agoes Bwill go Chas gone Dhad gone 13“Help _ to some meat, Mary, ”my aunt said to me. AthemselvesBourselves Cyourself Dhimself 14Well stay at home if

4、it _ tomorrow. Arain Brains Cis raining Dwill rain. 15The students _ on a farm for ten days。 Then they _ to a factory。 Though they _ back at school, they still remembered those farmers and workers。 Ahave stayed; went; were Bhad stayed; go; are Chave stayed; go; have beenDhad stayed; went; were 16Joh

5、n is _ English boy。 We are in the same class Aa Ban Cthe D/ 17Please give _ the apple. Ame BICmyDmine 18“ _ old are you?”“Im twelve。 ” AWhoBWhatCWhereDHow 19“Can you answer this question, Sam?”“No, I _。 AcantBneedntCmustntDmay not 20They usually have a meeting _ Monday. Ain Bfor Con Dat 21There _ th

6、ree balls in the box。 AisBareCisntDam 22Kate was late for school yesterday, _ she? AisBisntCwasntDwas 23Who is _ , Tom, Mike or Jack? AcarefulBmore carefulCvery carefulDthe most careful 24Can you _ English, Li Lei? AspeakBsayCtellDtalk 25Mr Li asked me _ fishing with him。 AgoBto goCgoesDgoing 26He _

7、 in this school since 1995。 Astudy Bstudying Chas studied Dwill study 27English isnt easy, _ we like it. AbutBandCorDso 28I _ my homework when my father came in. AdoBwill doCwas doingDdoes 29“How about coming to my party if you have time tomorrow?”Ill ask my mother right away if she _ me come. AletB

8、letsChas letDwill let 30“Where are your new shoes?”“Ive thrown them away, though they _ only one month. ” AlastBlastedCwere lastedDare lasted 31There are many _ in the fridge。 AfoodBfruitCeggsDbread 32They usually have the traditional turkey _ Christmas Day。 AfromBatCinDon 33Grandma prefers tea _ co

9、ffee。 Aabout Bto ConDof 34_ of the apples in the fruit bowl are soft and sweet. ATwothird BSecondthird CTwo-thirds DSecondthirds 35Taxi doesnt run as _ as an underground train. AfastBfasterCfastestDmore fast 36After a long walk, the old man _ be tired now. AcanBmustChas toDneed 37A: Is this _ pocket

10、 calculator? B: No。 Its _. Ayour; hisByours; hisChers; mine 38There are twenty teachers in this grade。 Eight of them are women teachers and _ are men teachers。 Athe otherBthe othersCothersDother 39Yangpu Bridge is one of _ in the world。 Abigger bridgeBthe biggest bridgeCthe biggest bridgesDbigger br

11、idges 40Shanghai is in _ east of China. A/ BanCaDthe 41_ great day July 1, 1997 is! AHow aBWhat aChowDWhat 42_ human beings _ animals can live without air. ANot only; but alsoBBoth; andCEither; orDNeither; nor 43We are going to have a sports meeting this coming Sunday. Have you _ any events yet? Ata

12、ken part inBjoined inCentered forDjoined 44The old man wondered _。 Awhether the American pilot had seen UFOBwhether had the American pilot seen UFO Chow had the American pilot seen UFO Dthat the American pilot had seen UFO 45The museum is quite far。 It will take you half _ hour to go there by _ bus.

13、 Aan; /Ban; aCa; /D/; / 46There is _ milk left。 We have to go and buy some at once。 Aa littleBa fewCfewDlittle 47American takeaway food is quite different from _。 AWeBoursCusDour 48Wei Fang is young, but she plays ping-pong _ her mother。 Aas good asBas well asCas better asDas best as 49How did you make the child _ while he was crying? AsmileBto smileCsmilesDsmiling 50It is _ today。 The radio says it wont stop raining until next week。 AfineBwetCwindyDcloudy 51English people use Mr, Mrs or M

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