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高一上期末 英语.docx

1、高一上期末 英语上海市东昌中学09-10学年高一上学期期末测试英语试卷 (2010.1.)Part OneI: Listening comprehension: (20分)Part A Short Conversations:Directions: In part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the

2、 questions will be spoken only once. After you here a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. In a reading room. B. In a theater. C. In a physics lab. D. In a school garden.2. A

3、. She is the mans sister. B. She is the mans wife.C. She is the mans neighbor. D. She is the mans daughter.3. A. 15 minutes. B. 9 minutes C. 10 minutes. D. 5 minutes.4. A. 40 dollars. B. 50 dollars. C. 160 dollars. D. 200 dollars.5. A. He should look for a battery at the drugstore.B. The drugstore m

4、ay not be open at this hour. C. He should have tried the radio earlier.D. She doesnt know how to open the radio.6. A. He wonders if something happened at the coffee shop.B. He doesnt know why the coffee tastes bad. C. He only wants coffee because he isnt hungry.D. He thinks that they ought to go to

5、the coffee shop.7. A. Yes, because she would stay at the Childrens Palace. B. Yes, because she will have a lecture on Wednesday afternoon. C. No, because she will do the other thing. D. No, because she had got nothing to do that afternoon.8. A. She doesnt know where the bicycle is. B. She cant lend

6、the bicycle out. C. Nancy has ridden the bicycle out. D. Nancy has a bicycle.9. A. He asked her to learn his lesson. B. He wants to know what she hates to do. C. He learns his lessons very well. D. He wants to know whether she will help him.10. A. He doesnt have to do the project. B. The woman still

7、 has time to finish the project. C. Hell help the woman to finish the project. D. The semester will end in two weeks.Part B PassagesDirections: In Part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions in each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questio

8、ns will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.12. A. By putting it up i

9、n the hot air. B. By leaving the animas where they were killed. C. By putting it over their fires. D. By leaving the meat on the bones.13. A. How to Pickle (腌制) Meat. B. Finding Enough Meat. C. Ancient Man. D. Man Learns to Preserve Meat.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14.

10、 A. Attending lectures on management. B. Preparing reports for the company. C. Making plans for a journey. D. Arranging a flower shop.15. A. 8 days. B. 12 days. C. 20 days. D. 22 days.16. A. Take a pre-test. B. Pay for the program. C. Sign on a piece of paper. D. Make a phone call.Part C Longer Conv

11、ersations:Directions: In Part C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you hear. Write your answers on the answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the

12、 following conversation.What section does the man want?The _17_ section.Whats the mans seat number?Its seat _(18)_. How many times has the man taken planes?This is the _(19)_.What does the airhostess ask the man to listen to the intercom for For further _(20)_.Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each bl

13、ank.Part TwoI: Grammar and vocabulary: ( 26分)Section A21. There is still 30 minutes _, so we _ hurry with supper.A. going, neednt B. left, dont need C. leaving, neednt to D. to go; neednt22. _cleans the blackboard is to be praised.A. Anyone B. Those who C. Whomever D. The one who23. Every time _ I w

14、ent to my uncles, I _ him lots of presents.A. whenwas used to bring B. /used to bringC. thatused to bringing D. in whichwas used to bringing24. The students appeared _ with my explanation.A. that they were confused B. that they confusedC. to confuse D. to be confused25. Not to waste time searching,

15、Alex kept everything just _ he could get his hands on it.A. where B. as if C. when D. as long as26. - Since when have you been a vegetarian?- Since I _ Professor Wangs nutrition class.A. have taken B. take C. took D. was taken27. The poor lady is _ with her use of salt when cooking.A. economy B. eco

16、nomics C. economic D. economical 28. The employees _ the introduction of the new technology and greatly improved their efficiency.A. accounted for B. benefited from C. compared with D. decided on29. He _ away. We dont see him anywhere around.A. might have gone B. must goC. could go D. must be going3

17、0. The thing _ he felt very proud was a gold watch given by his retired grandfather. A. which B. of which C. that D. for that31. We have to be patient because it _ some time _ we get the final result.A. has been, since B. has been, until C. is, after D. will be, before 32. No sooner _ the news that

18、Michael Jackson passed away _ the world fell into the mood of sadness.A. hadwhen B. didwhen C. hadthan D. didthan 33. Grandma warned him not to _ that tall tree.A. risk of climbing B. run the risk of climbingC. take risk to climb D. risk to climb34. The lecturer began his speech after the audience _

19、. A. seated B. took their seats C. sitting D. were sitting35. Mandy and Angela are curious about the fainted woman_ the filming of the quiz after the contest.A. who involves herself in B. who involving in C. who was involved D. that was involved in 36. The changing _ in consumer choice can be seen i

20、n other areas of entertainment besides movies. A. trends B. technology C. style D. suit37. Most environment problems remain to be solved because adequate measures for preventing them _taken in the past.A. to be B. were not C. from being D. had not beenSection BA offer B speak C directions D ended AB

21、 changedAC predictions AD obvious BC hopeful BD conditions CD understoodAbout sixty years ago, on a stormy night in 1945, the inspiring American physicist Robert Oppenheimer stepped onto the stage of a movie theatre in the secret city of Los Alamos, New Mexico. He was there to _38_ to hundreds of sc

22、ientists-the men and women who build the first atomic bombs under his _39_. Exploded over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, those bombs had just _40_ the most destructive war in human history-and _41_ the face of war foreverThe world would soon learn what they al

23、ready knew. Oppenheimer warned: Nuclear weapons were surprisingly cheap and easy to make, once you _42_how. Soon he said, other countries would be making them, too. Their power of destruction-“already incomparably greater than that of any other weapons”- will grow, he declared. Despite these unsetti

24、ng (尚未确定的) _43_, Oppenheimer found _44_ benefits in the breakthroughs(突破), calling nuclear weapons “not only a great danger, but a great hope.” What was Oppenheimer thinking? The serious danger was _45_: Hiroshima and Nagasaki lay in ruins, with tens of thousands of killed and thousands more serious

25、ly injured. What “great hope” nuclear weapons might _46_ was hard to imagine, even in victory. Sixty years later it still II. Reading Comprehension( 15+24)分Section ASurveys show that in the United States, about 3,000 teenagers each day become regular smokers-about the same number of adults who _47_

26、smoking each day. Nearly one _48_ ten 14-17-year-old smokes now. In the 1980s, _49_ than one out of twenty smoked. Experts say kids who start smoking usually do so to _50_ grown-up or because they think it _51_ “cool”. Many kids dont _52_ the danger of smoking when they start the bad _53_. They thin

27、k they can stop (at) _54_ they want“Many teenagers start smoking, _55_ they can give it up whenever they want to,” explains Ron Todd, an official at the American Cancer Society. “But then they find out they cant because of the nicotine (尼古丁), and thats a _56_.”Nicotine is a chemical _57_ in all toba

28、cco products. Recent studies _58_ that nicotine is_59_ habit-forming, or addictive (使人上瘾的). People who use tobacco products can become_60_ addicted to the nicotine _61_ in those products.47. A. avoid B escape C leave D stop48. A and B or C in D by 49. A little B less C few D fewer50. A appreciate B

29、feel C express D sense51. A looks B sees C appeared D likes52. A find B realize C master D grasp53. A habit B hobby C custom D leisure54. A any time B each time C all time D every time55. A considering B regarding C thinking D estimating56. A disaster B crisis C misfortune D horror57. A formed B fou

30、nd C made D consisted58. A indicate B mean C present D speak59. A great B largely C effective D highly60. A clearly B simply C easily D obviously61. A contained B comprised C implied D involvedSection BA We are looking for an experienced English-speaking teacher for our kindergarten, for a minimum of one years teaching. Childrens age ranges from 2-12 years. Duties include but are not limited to teaching a variety of subjects such as mat

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