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1、大学英语四级听力原文卷一2021年12月大学英语四级听力原文(卷一)2020年7月英语四六级考试即将进行,各位小伙伴准备好了么?大家在备考时一定要多做真题,这样才能更好地把握题目难度和重点词汇等等。今天松鼠哥为大家带来2021年12月大学英语四级听力原文(卷一),希望对你有所帮助注:采用多题多卷模式,各卷试题不一样,供参考使用!News report one(1) The British government has called for more men to consider a career innursing. Figures show the number of male nurse

2、s has fallen in the last threeyears. Now, the number of men working in the nursing sector has reached usseven year low. Numbers of male nursesincreased between 2020 and 2021 and reached a peak of 7168. This figure hasdropped to only 6924 in 2021. (2)The UK Health Secretary said this isclearly a cult

3、ural problem, and probably one that exists in many parts of theworld. But we can make efforts to change that now. We want to persuademales to think about career options of going into nursing. There is absolutelyno reason why men cant go into this profession. The health secretary said thatthe governm

4、ent already has plans to attract a more varied workforce intonursing. She stated, we are leading the way on workforce planning. We willbecome the first nation in europe to publish a national health and careworkforce plan.Questions one and two are based on the news report you have just heard.1. What

5、problem is Britain facing?2. What is the cause of the problem according to the UKHealth SecretaryNews report two(3) A man from Libya was enjoying a walk along the sands at southport beach.When he was about half a mile out from the dark, he felt a bit tired. So he laydown and fell asleep, but the tid

6、e swept in quickly at the beach. And theman was shocked to wake up and find the tide had come in and completelysurrounded him, cutting him off from the shore. Fortunately for him, the beachlife guards were quickly on the scene to stop him from drowning. The actorprofessionally to ensure the man was

7、comfortable until an ambulance arrived. Hewas then taken to hospital. He is now in a stable condition. (4) Wheninterviewed Keith porter of the southport beach said, our beach is so flat thatits very common for the tide come around the back of people and cut them offfrom the beach. Thankfully the eme

8、rgency services have again worked well togetherto ensure a positive outcome. And we wish the gentleman a speedy recovery.Questions three and four are based on the news report you have just heard.3. What does the news reports say about the Libyan man?4. What did Keith Porter say at an interview?News

9、report three(5)A raccoon, a small cat like animal climbed to the top of a 25-storysky scraper early on Wednesday. It was captured after becoming an online staracross the world.At a little before three am, the animal made it to the roof of the building,after it took a long break on a 17th floor windo

10、w edge. At the top of thebuilding, animal control officers put cat food in traps and captured theraccoon.(6)A private wildlife management company will release the animalinto the wild. The raccoons upward journey began on Monday. The brownanimal was spotted stuck on a narrow window edge of the office

11、 tower. OnTuesday, the raccoon slowly climbed the building. It reached the 23rd floor,and its legend continued to grow on social media with every floor it climbed.As it went up, people gathered on the sidewalk below to take photos andcheer for its safety. Online office workers posted photos and vide

12、os of theraccoon, resting on window edges and climbing up the buildings concreteexterior. (7) One online post said that the raccoon has succeeded in unitingthe country the way no politician could.Questions five to seven are based on the news report you have just heard.5. What does the news report sa

13、y about the raccoon, a smallcat like animal?6. What will the wildlife management company do with thecaptured raccoon?7. What did one online post say?Conversation 1W: (8) I have reallyamazing news. I just got a text message from my bank, saying my salary has beendeposited in my account.M: Getting pai

14、d asgood. But I dont understand why youre so excited. It happens every month.W: Well, Ive beenworking for a few years. In fact, I worked all through university, but I onlyhad part time jobs then. (8) So this is the first time Ive ever been paidfor a month of full time work.M: Well, then you mustfeel

15、 great. (9)I mean, its been two decades, but I can still remember whenI got my first real salary. I was happy for day. I felt like it was a smallfortune, even though it wasnt.W: Ive never earned somuch money before. And theres so many things Id like to do with it.What didyou do with your first pay?M

16、: (10) I bought a newsuit for work and took my parents to a nice restaurant to celebrate. Maybe youcould do the same.W: I have enoughprofessional clothes. And my parents are across the country. So seeing them isimpossible. But some people from the office are members of a gym. I want tojoin. And my university classmates are arranging a trip to visit our oldcampus, and Id

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