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1、高中英语听力训练技巧解析高中英语听力训练技巧解析技巧的训练1. 听前预猜这是一种把整体意思的听(Global Listening)识,建立信息框架,帮助学生弄清文章的类型、结构和大意。(1) 根据标题进行预猜。学生猜测的内容越是不同,其听的愿望就越强烈。(2) 根据听力材料设置的相关练习进行预猜。通过一2. 听中猜测猜测关键词,也可以是猜测上下文之间的逻辑关系的。如在这段对话中:Tom: Did you stay in a hotel?Sue: No, we camped in the mountains, near Snowtown. We cooked all our meals over

2、 an open fire.测试题:Where did Sue spend the night in the country?A. In a farm house. B. In the open. C. At a hotel. D. In the snow.在听上述对话中,很有可能camped一词语速方面的原因一时听不清,但根据cooked all our meals over an open fire 可得知烹调不在室内进行,因此,B选项符合题意。3. 抓主题句、关键词和信号词主题句揭示整个语篇的主要内容。关键词通常指听力材料中 的实意词,抓住关键词有利于对语篇的理解。信号词可分为表示转折的

3、but, however, yet等;表示顺序的 first, second, then, finally等;表示原因和结果的 because, as, for, as a result等;表示强调的 indeed, in fact等。例如,这样一段录音材料: Life was hard, but it was simple and people were happier。测试题: What can we learn from what the speaker said?A. He is a retired teacher of history.B. He thinks children we

4、re happier in the past.C. He lives on a farm far away from cities.D. He thinks life is happier today.根据材料中but的这一信号词,可以得知昔日的生活尽管艰苦,但人们却生活在快乐之中,因此选择B选项顺理成章。在有些听力对话材料中,教师可提示学生关注答句,因为许多对话材料的主要内容都由对话者以回答的形式予以表达的。如:Jackie: What was the jeep like?Nancy: Very cheap! It is second-hand.It is about twelve year

5、s old and its not very goodJackie: Tell me more.Nancy: First of all, one of the front lights doesnt work and the drivers window is broken.测试题: What do you know about Nancys jeep?A. It is really expensive.B. It is in quite good condition.C. Its front lights dont work.D. It is 12 years old.根据答语的信息,Ver

6、y cheap, one of the front lights doesnt work, 确定选项为D。4. 听后推断从说话人的语调变化或对话、独白的上下文关系上可以推断出正确的结论。如从Happy, glad, nice, wonderful, sad, surprised, depressed, angry等词可推断出说话人 高兴、赞扬、伤心、惊讶、失望、愤怒等的情绪,从 sure, believe, agree, disagree, like, dislike, hate, wonder, doubt, oppose等词的使用可推断出说话者的肯定、相信、同意、不同意、喜欢、不喜欢、讨厌

7、、纳闷、怀疑、反对等个人意见。推断既可借助有代表性的词语来做出,也可根据上下文的关系来决定。如:Tom: Did you like the people there?Sue: Yes, they were great. We met some farmers and had tea in their houses.测试题: What did Sue think of the people in the country?A. They were tall. B. They were strange. C. They were friendly D. They were happy.尽管录音中没有

8、friendly一词,但从great, had tea in their houses等信息中可推断出那儿的人们十分友好,所以选项为C.2014高考英语听力提分六大法则一、成语和习惯用法成语和习惯用语是听力中最让人头疼的。一方面,它们都是简单而常用的词汇,诸如 dog 、 cat 之类;另一方面,这些熟悉的词经过固定组合之后,往往让你不知所云。例如 be on ones ball( 谨慎小心、愉快胜任地从事某事 ) , be in the air( 没有确定,悬而未决;到处传播的 ) 。此外,部分短语、词汇在口语中往往有特殊的表达,也需要留心掌握,例如 wanna = want to , go

9、nna = going to 等。英汉有别的一些表达有些句子汉语和英语的表达很不一样,甚至截然相反。例如下面这组对话:You wont go shopping with her this afternoon , will you ?No , I wont.( 是的,我不去 )Yes , I will.( 不,我会去的 )这个句子印在卷子上,多数同学还是能理解,但一旦放到听力中去,许多人大概一听到 No 就理解为否定的意思,但这是中文习惯:回答针对的是对方的话语观点而非事实,因此你说对了,我就回答 是 ,你说错了,我就回答 否 。但英语的习惯则是针对对方所说的事实只要是肯定性事实,我就回答 Ye

10、s ;只要是否定性事实,回答就是 No 。这些地方往往需要格外警惕。二、数字、日期、时间等常用表达方式填表和填空题型中会出现有关数字、日期等的听写。目前常见的以下词汇和表达必须注意:复杂的基数 ( 如 35476) ;序数 (10th) ;分数 ( one eighth 、 three eighths) ;小数 (0.65nought point six five) ;集合数字 (1 / 4 : one quarter 、 6 : half a dozen 、 20 : one score) 等。电话号码的读法,年代、日期和时间的读法,常见计量单位等,也要熟悉。三、连读和吞音连读和吞音是语速较

11、快时的一种自然现象。考研英语听力中出现的是一些比较容易识别或稍加注意就能够识别的连读。吞音难度较大,一般不会涉及很多,主要是口语中/ p /、/ t /在重音/ s /之后的爆破等。考生平时除了做专项训练,自己也应该进行一些朗读、会话训练,体会发音中的这些自然过程。四、语气、语调和重音俗话说 听话听音 ,英语也不例外。在英语听力,特别是会话中,语气和语调起着很重要的作用,很多时候只有通过它们才能准确判断说话人的意图和态度,而且其中常常含有隐义。例如:I must admit I have learned much from the lectures given by Dr. Smith.Wha

12、t did I tell you ?回答者得意的语气语调表明其对于自己的建议获得认可而感到自豪,如果听不出这弦外之音,那就真的不知所云了:难道自己说过什么都忘了,还要问别人?重音也很重要,某些情况下,对重音的捕捉会直接影响到对句意的判断。例如下面这两个句子,发音一样,但重音落在不同的音节上,句意完全不同:I havent seen my parents four years !I havent seen my parents for years !五、美式英语及其发音现在的考生在中学阶段主要学的是标准英式发音,大学阶段又更多地接触了美式发音。美式发音和英式发音的区别虽然很不明确,但还是有一些规

13、律可循的,例如,英式读法中 r 不发音 ( 如 arm 、 poor 等 ) ,美式读法却要发音。解决这个问题除需要系统了解外,主要靠平时多听多说,养成耳朵的适应性。需要注意的是,英式英语和美式英语之间在用词上也有区别。例 秋天 ,英式英语常用 autumn ,美式英语则多使用 fall 。六、英美与中国文化习俗的差别文化决定语言,语言又反映文化。例如,中国人说话时喜欢拐弯抹角,最后才亮出底牌,还常常留有三分余地;而英美人、尤其是美国人,则喜欢直来直去,开门见山。因此英语口语中表明态度、观点、建议都很直截了当,而且多半在开头部分,许多时候只要听懂第一句话甚至前几个词,整体意思就能抓个八九不离十

14、,一些题目就能做对或者猜对。【总结】:“2014高考英语听力提分六大关键” 一文已经介绍完了,希望同学们各个金榜题名,小编在这里提前为你祝贺了。 1 预测技巧1.对话预测在听取对话,尤其是Part AShort Conversation时,考生可以按照下例wh-问题进行预测:(1)Who are the two speakers?(2)What is the possiblere lationship between them?(3)When did they have the conversation?(4)Where did the conversation take place(5)Wh

15、y do they have the conversation?(6)What did they plan to do?2.语篇预测在Part B,Longer Conversation的听力过程中,考生按下列问题展开预测:(1)What is the topic of the passage?(2)Who is the speaker?(3)What facts did the speaker offer?(4)What facts did the speaker fail tooffer?3.依靠开篇句预测英语听力的第一句话通常会透露整篇的主题,所以考生要善于抓住听力材料的首句信息。例如:

16、Americans have a popular saying“Time is money。”从这一句开篇句我们可以预测的信息范围:(1)这是一篇关于时间的话题。(2)涉及的对象是美国人。4.根据打印在试卷上的听力试题内容预测。例如:(A)Husband and wife.(B)Waiter and customer.(C)Student and teacher(D)Receptionist and guest根据听力试题,考生可以预测到该对话肯定是侧重于对话人的身份,所以在听力过程中抓住透露双方关系的关键词即可。5大技巧助高考英语听力2 识别关键词的技巧1.透露说话人身份的关键词如果考生可以

17、通过关键词很快判断对话者的关系和身份,将有助于考生有目的地集中注意力,并在脑海中搜索相关背景知识,进一步加深对听力材料的理解。例如:I just cant believe you are apolice officer,Kay.I remember in high school,you always wanted to be a lawyer. 如果考生意识到该对话中的关键词为in high school,那么他马上可以意识到这是两个老同学之间的对话。又例如:Good morning,ladies andgentlemen.Welcome to Universal Studio.Id like

18、 to guide you all the way in the amazing park and share the wonderful moments with you.这段话的关键词是guide,park,从中考生可以推断说话人是导游。以下是常见的对话者关系:HusbandwifeteacherstudentBossemployeewaitercustomerDoctorpatient高中英语听力训练测试题1第1节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题,阅读下一小题。每段

19、对话仅读一遍。1. What is the man?A. A waiter. B. A clerk. C. An airhostess.2. How many hours does the woman work every week?A. 40. B. 47. C. 50.3. What is probably the relationship between the speakers?A. Sister and brother. B. Mother and son. C. Teacher and pupil.4. What would the woman like to drink?A. C

20、offee. B. Milk. C. Tea.5. What does the woman plan to do tomorrow?A. Sleeping late. B. Do some washing up. C. Cooking breakfast herself.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段材料,回答第6至第7题。6. Who is “Mr Rice Guy”?A.

21、 A famous cook. B. An actor C. A dancer.7. What can we learn about “Mr Rice Guy”?A. He is good at cooking.B. He likes watching dinnertime show.C. He is learning to cool from his wife.听下面一段材料,回答第8至第10题。8. Where is the man going?A. To Paris. B. To London. C. To Berlin.9. How did the man go to Europe i

22、n World War ?A. By plane. B. By warship. C. By truck.10. How soon will the speakers arrive?A.In 2 hours. B. In 4 hours. C. In 6 hours.听下面一段材料,回答第11至第13题。11. Who is the woman?A. A sportswoman. B. A mountaineer. C. A pilot.12. What caused the accident?A. She hurt her arm. B. She lost her way. C. She l

23、anded the wrong way.13. What can we learn about the woman?A. She is weak.B. She failed only twice. C. Shell recover in about two months.听下面一段材料,回答第14至第16题。14. Where is the speakers apartment?A. On the top floor. B. On a middle floor. C. On the ground floor.15. What can we learn about the house?A. It

24、s far from the street. B. Its well furnished. C. Its pretty small.16. What are the speakers doing next?A. Go to see the house. B. Get a repairman. C. Move house.听下面一段材料,回答第17至第20题。17. Why is the meeting held?A. To make the vacation arrangements.B. To announce the end of the semester.C. To announce a

25、cademic projects.18. What need the audience do now?A. Move their belongings. B. Fill out forms. C. Leave their dorms.19. Which will be closed during the vacation?A. The computer center. B. The library. C. The dining halls.20. Which will be open on regular hours?A. Post office. B. The gymnasium.C. Th

26、e college store.高中英语听力训练测试题1录音稿及答案第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。现在,你有5秒钟的时间阅读第1小题的有关内容。(Text 1)M: Good evening, sir. Good evening, madam. Theres a table for two over there. This way, please.W: Thank you. Could we see the menu, pleas

27、e?(Text 2)M: It seems you are very busy recently, arent you?W: Yeah. I must work ten hours a day from Monday to Thursday, but on Friday I work only seven hours.(Text 3)M: If you touch me Ill tell my father.W: Go ahead and tell him. He has asked me to punish you whenever you interrupt this class.(Tex

28、t 4)M: I expect you could do with a cup of tea, couldnt you?W: Id rather have a cup of coffee, if you dont mind.M: Milk and sugar?W: A milky one without sugar, please.(Text 5)M: What are your plans for tomorrow, Brenda?W: Well, first, Im going to do the washing up.M: Poor you! While youre doing the

29、washing up, Ill be having breakfast in bed.W: Its all right for some people.第一节到此结束。第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。现在,你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。(Text 6)M: Do you know Sam mo Hung, a Mr Rice Guy?W: Of

30、 course. He is now 56 years old. And he started out studying aerobics, singing, dancing and kung fu at the age of nine, and has starred in 140 kung fu films. He has also become an independent producer and director. M: You know only one aspect of him. Do you know what he could do in the kitchen?W: I have no idea. Tell me.M: In the kitchen, with his wife by his side he still puts on quite a dinnertime show.W: What does he do there?M: Imagine a big cook cutting vegetables on fast-forward. Picture a man making a fry, throwing the

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