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1、英语短语与常考词汇 一.核心搭配(翻译必考)(阅读所需) accuse sb. of 指控某人 adapt to(使)适应,(使)适合attach importance to 重视 act as 充当 break ones word 食言,失信 beware of 注意,留心bear in mind 记住 behave oneself 守规矩bring home to 使深刻认识到 bringunder control 控制住burst into laughter 放声大笑 break into tears 放声大哭bring to mind 回忆起 bringto an end 使结束bri

2、ng into use 采用 catch fire 着火 catch a glimpse of 瞥见catch hold of 抓住 catch sight of 看见catch ones breath 喘一口气 come in sight 出现come to an end 结束 come in for criticism/blame 挨批评/责备come into being 开始形成,产生 come to terms with 屈服come to oneself 苏醒,恢复知觉 come true 实现,成为现实cut short 中断 come to a conclusion 得出结论c

3、ount as 看成,视为 deny sth. to sb./deny sb.sth. 拒绝给某人某物 deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺某人某物draw closer 临近 draw sb.s attention 使某人注意drive home to 使人理解到 do damage to 损坏do one good 对人有益 draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论 entitle sb. to sth. 给某人权利/资格/所有权 equatewith把与等同起来 fall in love with 开始爱上 fall ill 病倒fall into step 步调

4、一致 fall victim to 成为的受害者/牺牲品fall short of 缺乏 不符合 find fault with 挑剔fill in for sb. 替代某人的工作 flash a smile 笑容一闪fool sb. into doing 哄骗某人干 follow sb.s example/lead 以某人为榜样fill an appointment 践约 gain access to 取得使用/接触 机会 greet. sth. with 对某事作出某种反应go out of business 停业 get/run/slip into debt 负债get along wi

5、th 与相处 get out of hand 无法控制get rid of 摆脱,去掉 gain experience in 获得经验gain/have an advantage over 胜过, 优于 get in touch with 与联系 get in the way of 妨碍,阻碍 give birth to 引起,使产生givecredit for 因赞扬/尊重 give an account of 叙述,说明give rise to 引起 give way to 让位于give a hand 给帮助 go out of ones way to do 特地,不怕麻烦go too

6、far 做过头,做过分 go without saying 不言而喻 have a mind to do 很想做 have a fancy for 热衷于hail sb./ 热情赞扬某人/ 某事 have a capacity for 有的能力havein common 在有共同之处 have/take interest in 对有兴趣have no alternative but to do 除了别无选择 have no choice but do 除了别无选择have nothing do with 与无关 have something to do with 与有关have n

7、o option but 除别无他法 have sth. at heart 关心某事hit on an idea of 偶然想起主意 holdin high regard 对极为重视hold true 适用,有效 jump to a conclusion 草草下结论 keep in mind 记住 keep an eye on 照看,注视keep in touch with 保持接触 keep sb. company 与某人做伴keep in order 保持整齐 keep pace with 与保持一致keepto oneself 对秘而不宣 keep tabs on 密切注意keep to

8、 the point 切题 keep diary 记日记keep track of 了解的情况 kill time 消磨时间keep record of 记录 keep watch over 监视 lay stress on 注意,重视 lay the blame on sb. for sth. 因某事责怪某人leave alone 不管,别惹 lend a hand 帮忙let go of松手,放弃 look to sb. for 指望、仰仗某人lose heart 扫兴,灰心 lose ones mind 精神错乱lose ones sense 昏过去 lose ones temper 发

9、脾气lose touch with 与失去联系 lose track of 与失去联络 make room for 为腾出地方 make up ones mind 下决心make acquaintance with 结识 make a fortune 发财meet demands 满足要求 make a thing of 认为重要make a point of doing 坚持做,一定要做 make sense 有意义,是明智的make light of 不把当回事 make sure 确信make a habit of 形成/养成习惯 measureagainst 拿与比make an at

10、tempt 试图 make friends with 与交朋友make fun of 取笑 make use of 利用 make mention of 提到,说到 make do with 勉强对付make no difference 没有关系 make peace with 与讲和miss the point 没有抓住要领 make a /some difference 有/有些作用或影响make inquiries about 询问,打听 matchagainst 使与较量make a/the case that 提出理由、事实证明 make ones way 前进,进行make ref

11、erence to 谈及 make the most of 尽量利用 nameafter 照命名 owe it to sb. to do 认为自己有必要为某人做 pay a visit to 访问 pay attention to 注意pay ones respects 表示敬意 pay duty on 付关税perceiveas 把看作 persuade sb. of 使某人相信play a part in 参与,起作用 play a trick/joke on 捉弄,开的玩笑pride oneself on 以为自豪 put emphasis on 重视,强调pull oneself to

12、gether 振作起来 put an end to 结束putinto effect 实行,使生效 put into use 使用,利用put right 恢复正常,纠错 put/keep/get/considerin perspective 恰当不夸大地看待 regardas 把看作 rise to ones feet 站起来range fromto从到 reduceto 使简化成refer toas 把称作 restrictto 把限制在之内remind sb. of 使某人想起 rest assured that 请放心reach an agreement 取得一致意见 run shor

13、t of 缺少,快用完 seeas 把看作 seek/take shelter from 寻找庇护setapart from 使与不同 stand a chance of doing 有可能做stand to reason 合乎情理 strike sb. as 在某人看来似乎see to it that 确保 take into consideration 考虑 take/run risks 冒险take effect 奏效 take pains to do 费尽力气做take advantage of 利用 takefor granted 认为当然take care of 照顾 take c

14、harge of 掌管,负责take delight in (特别)喜欢 take possession of 占有take pity on 怜悯 take the liberty of 擅自take measures 采取措施 take notice of 注意,留心take into account 考虑 take part in 参加take precedence over 比重要 take steps 采取步骤take the place of 代替 take pride in 以为自豪 take a short cut 走捷径 take offense 被惹祸take sb. to

15、court 把某人告上法庭 take sth. seriously 认真对待某事take revenge on sb. 报复某人 take the initiative 采取主动take too far 做得过火 take heart 受到鼓励,树立信心take account of 考虑,重视 take pleasure in 以为乐taketo heart 对深为感动 take root 确定,建立take shape 成形 take a chance(on sth.)冒险,投机,碰运气turn sb. against sb. else 使某人转而反对某人 watch ones step

16、严谨行事 wave good-bye to 告别weigh sth. against sth. else. 掂量某事,权衡某事 B.以介词开头的短语 以at开头的短语 at all costs 不惜任何代价 at/behind the wheel 在驾驶at a disadvantage 处于不利地位 at a profit 获利at ease 不拘束,自在 at fault 有毛病at great length 长久地,详细地 at a loss 不知所措at hand 就在手边,附近 at heart 本质上,实际上at ones expense of 以为代价 at the moment

17、 此刻;那时at the point of 就要 at intervals 时时at ones expense 由某人付费 at ones request 应某人请求at ones best 处于最佳状态 at ones wits end 不知所措at once 立刻 at ones service 听候某人吩咐at random 任意,随意 at sight of 一看见at short notice 一接到通知就 at the bottom of 在根底上at the rate of 以的速度 at the cost of 以为代价at the risk of 冒的危险 at the fi

18、rst opportunity 尽快at the hands of 出自之手 at times 有时候at will 随意,任意 at the mercy of 完全受支配 以by开头的短语: by accident 偶然 by aid of 借助于by and large 总的说来 by appearance 从外表by chance 偶然,碰巧 by day/night 白天/黑夜by far 得多;最 by mistake 弄错by and by 不久以后 by all means 毫无疑问,当然by means of 用,依靠 by name of 名字叫by nature 生性 by

19、 no means 决不by oneself 单独 by surprise 突然by virtue of 靠,由于 by request 应邀by turns 轮流 by way of 经由by the way 顺便说 以for开头的短语: for a change 改变一下 for ages 很久for anything 无论如何 for certain/sure 肯定地for fear of 免得 for lack of 缺乏for nothing 免费 for one thing 第一,首先for another 第二,其实 for short 简称for the benefit of

20、为利益 for the better 好转for the purpose of 为了 for want of 缺乏for the most part 多半,通常 for the moment 暂时for the present 暂时 for the sake of 为缘故for the time being 暂时 以in开头的短语 in a happy mood 心情愉快 in a way 在某种程度上in advance 事先 in a good/bad light 从好/坏的角度in accord with 与一致 in action 在活动,在运行中in addition to 除外 i

21、n all probability 很可能,十之八九in an attempt to do 企图做 in any event 无论如何in answer to 作为对的回答 in a manner of speaking 可以说in a flash 迅速,立即 in authority 有权in bloom 开着花 in good condition 情况良好in bulk 大量 in circles 毫无进展in case of 万一 in comparison with 比较in conclusion 总之,最后 in connection with 与有关in contact with

22、接触,联系 in disrepute 声名狼藉in due course 适当时候 in effect 实际上in fact 事实上 in favor of 赞同,支持in full accord 一致的 in large supply 大量in itself 本身 in that 既然,因为in line with 与一致 in nature 在本质上in need of 需要 in no way 决不,一点也不in ones name 以某人的名义 in ones opinion 在某人看来in particular 尤其 in place 在原处in public 公开 in place

23、 of 代替in private 私下 in proportion 成比例in preference to 优先 in question 所谈论的;质疑in respect of 关于;涉及 in stock 存货in support of 支持,拥护 in the event of 万一in the right 有理 in time 及时in honor of 为纪念 in possession of 占有in other words 换句话说 in reality 事实上in response to 响应 in retrospect 回想起来,事后看来in return 回报 in ses

24、sion 在开会in shape 处于良好的健康状况 in short 总之in sb.s own right 凭自己的条件/能力 in spite of 尽管in succession 接连的 in terms of 按照;用的术语in the interest of 为利益 in the meantime 与此同时in turn 依次 in the hope that 希望能in the company of 与一起 in the first place 首先in the final/last analysis 说到底,归根结底 in the light of 鉴于,由于in the lo

25、ng run 从长远来看 in the presence of sb. 当着某人in view of 由于,考虑到 以on开头的短语 on a basis 以某种方式/方法 on ascale 以规模地on average 平均 on bad/good terms with 与关系不好/友好on behalf of 代表 on business 因公on credit 以赊账的方式 on demand 一经请求on fire 着火 on guard 警戒on leave 在休假 on no account 决不on ones own 独自 on ones own initiative 主动地,

26、自发地on purpose 故意的 on schedule 准时on the basis of 根据 on the brink of 在边缘on the contrary 相反 on the increase 正增长on occasion 偶尔 on second thought 仔细考虑on the decline 在下降 on the grounds of 根据,以为理由on the move 在移动中,在奔波中 on the occasion of 在之际on the spot 当场,立即 on short notice 一接到通知就on the strength of 根据,凭借 on

27、 the threshold of 在的开始/初期on that account 由于那个缘故 on the whole 总的看来 以of和out of 开头的短语: of ones own choice 自己选择 of ones own accord 出于自愿地,主动地out of breath 上气不接下气 out of balance 失去平衡out of harmony with 与不直协调 out of stock 脱销out of date 过时 out of hand 失去控制out of order 出了故障 out of patience 不耐烦out of pity 出于怜

28、悯 out of proportion to 与不相称out of control 失去控制 out of business 破产out of practice 久不练习,荒疏 out of style 过时,不时髦out of work 失业 out of step 与他人不协调out of the ordinary 不寻常的 以to开头的短语 to and fro 前后,回来 to the best of ones knowledge 就某人所知to a certain extent/degree 在某种程度上 to ones satisfaction 使某人满意to ones credi

29、t 值得赞扬 to ones belief 令某人相信的是to ones benefit 对某人有益的 to ones delight 令某人高兴的是to ones disappointment 使某人失望的是 to ones liking 合某人的胃口to ones surprise 使某人惊讶的是 to ones relief 使某人欣慰的是to ones shock 令某人震惊的是 to ones taste 合某人胃口to the good 有好处 to the point 切题to the best of ones potential 尽其所能 to the utmost 尽力 以u

30、nder开头的短语 under age 未成年 under arrest 逮捕under sb.s signature 经某人签名 under control 被控制under consideration 在考虑中 under discussion 在讨论中under a false name 用假名 under the circumstances 在情况下under the color of 以的借口 under on circumstances 决不,任何情况不都不under the impression 记得 under the influence of 在影响下under the pressure of 在压力不 under the sun 世界上;究竟under the weather 有病 under way 进行着under the care of 由照看 under treatment 在治疗under repair 在修理中 以with, within 和 without 开头的短语 with certai

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