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1、译林版英语9A期末易错题含答案和解析九年级英语期末考试易错题整理1. - Finding information is not a big deal today. -Well,the_ishowwecantellwhethertheinformationisusefulornot.A.courage B.message C.challenge D.knowledge【考点】:名词辨析【错因分析】:句意语境理解不清晰【答案】:C【解析】:A 项“勇气”,B项“消息”,C项“挑战”,D项“知识”,根据前面句意“找到信息在今天已经不是一个大问题了”,回答中应当是指区分信息是否有用才是挑战,因而选择C

2、项恰当2.-The fire _at around 3 a.m. local time while people were celebrating with fireworks. - Im sorry to hear that. A. broke out B. put out C. came out D. went out.【考点】:动词短语【错因分析】:对短语含义记忆混淆【答案】: A【解析】:break out 爆发; put out 扑灭; come out 出版、出来、开花(发芽);go out 出去,根据句意应当为“当人们正在燃放烟花庆祝的时候,当地时间凌晨三点左右爆发了一场大火”,

3、因而选择A项恰当3. _ green or _ in a light green room _ good for us. A. Wear; sleep; is B. Wearing; sleeping; are C. Wear; sleep; are D. Wearing; sleeping; is【考点】:固定搭配及固定句型【错因分析】:学生对固定搭配掌握不好【答案】:D【解析】:动名次作主语后面谓语动词用单数,be good for sb/sth表示“对好,有益处”4. -Dont forget to give my best wishes to your parents. - _.A.

4、No, I dont B. No, I wont C. Yes, I do. D.Yes, I would.【考点】:反意疑问句【错因分析】:学生对反意疑问句掌握不好【答案】:B【解析】:考查祈使句的回答方式,如果祈使句是肯定句,就回答Yes/OK, I will. 如果祈使句是否定句,就回答No/OK, I wont.所以选B。5.-May I speak to Ms Luo, please? -Sorry, she is not in right now. Ill tell you as as soon as she_ back tomorrow. A. comes B. coming C

5、. will come D. come【考点】:时间状语从句【错因分析】:不知道as soon as主将从现这一原则【答案】:A【解析】:考察时间状语从句的时态,根据as soon as引导未发生的事情时,主将从现横线部分应为从句,因而使用一般现在时。6.-Its very kind of you to lend me a dictionary. - _.A. All right. B. Dont mention it. C.Never mind D. It doesnt matter.【考点】:情景交际【错因分析】:常见用语不清晰【答案】:B【解析】:考察情景交际,A指好的,用来回答提建议的

6、句型,B指不客气,回答谢谢,C/D指没关系,用来回答表歉意的句型。7. Mr. Smith always makes his class _ and keeps his students _ in class.A.alive; interesting B.lively; interesting C. alive; interested D.lively; interested【考点】:形容词辨析【错因分析】:对于词义记忆不清【答案】:D【解析】:考查形容词词义辨析。alive是活着的,lively是生动活泼的,interested修饰人感兴趣,interesting修饰物或人,表达令人有趣的。

7、根据句意史密斯老师总是使他的课堂生活活泼并且保持他的学生在课堂上感兴趣,所以选D。8.During the National Holiday, I prefer staying at home _ to places of interest with a sea of faces. A. rush B. to rush C. rushing D. to rushing【考点】:考察固定搭配【错因分析】:固定句型掌握不扎实【答案】:D【解析】:本题考察prefer doingto doing注意横线之后的to为rush to固定搭配9.-Can you tell me if the sports

8、 meeting _ this Friday?-I think so. Itll be held on time if the weather _ fine. A. take place; is B. takes place; will be C. will take place; is D. will take place; will be【考点】:if的用法【错因分析】:学生对if如果和是否两个用法分不清【答案】:C【解析】:if表示如果,遵循主将从现原则;if表示是否,实际情况来看。由题意第一空考察if如果,第二空考察if是否,故选C10. Running is _ great fun

9、that he enjoys it very much. He has become _ excellent runner.A.such; such an B. so;so an C. such; an such D. so; such【考点】:状语从句such和so用法【错因分析】:对结果状语从句连词掌握不扎实【答案】:A【解析】:考查so和such的区别,so+adj./adv.;such+名词短语。第一个空横线后是great fun是名词短语,又因为fun不可数,用such;第二个空后面是runner也是名词短语,并且可数,所以用such an。所以选A。11.People could

10、_ control their feelings when they were watching the film about Nanjing Massacre. They couldnt stop crying. A.hardly B. nearly C. simply D. clearly【考点】:副词词义辨析【错因分析】:对hardly词性词义分不清【答案】:A【解析】:hardly是副词,表示几乎不。由题意选hardly。其他选项nearly表示几乎;simply简直;clearly清楚地,句意为“当人们观看电影南京大屠杀时几乎难以控制自己的情绪,他们情不自禁的大哭”12.-Do yo

11、u think the book Hunger Games is worth _?-Yes, he died of illness.A. read B. to read C. reading D. of reading【考点】:固定句型【错因分析】:学生对上述句型掌握不扎实【答案】:C【解析】:本题考察be worth doing的用法,做题时需进行认真观察,故选C13.-Why not stay and have dinner with us, John?-Good idea! Im feeling _hungry, too. A. a bit B. much C. a bit of D.

12、a lot of 【考点】:短语用法辨析【错因分析】:对于a bit和a bit of的用法掌握不扎实【答案】:A【解析】:a bit修饰形容词、副词、动词;a bit of修饰名词。因而句中横线之后跟着形容词hungry,所以应用A项14. Mike likes football a lot. He is _ tired _ enjoy the football matches.A.too; to B. so; never C. never too; to; that【考点】:固定句型【错因分析】:学生简单句五种基本句型掌握不扎实【答案】:C【解析】:考查too.to句型和so.t

13、hat句型的区别。注意so.that,that后加句子,而too.to需用谓语动词。句意为Mike非常喜欢足球。他从不会太累而不能享受足球比赛。故选C。15. - Its nice of you to tell me the way to the museum. -_.A.It doesnt matter B.Never mind C.Thank you D.Its my pleasure【考点】:情景交际【错因分析】:答语理解不明【答案】:D【解析】:考查情景对话,A项是没关系的,回答对不起;B是没关系,也是回答对不起;C是谢谢;D是这是我的荣幸,回答别人对你的感谢。注意区分with ple

14、asure用在帮助别人之前。句意为:“你告诉我去博物馆的路,实在太好了。”所以选D。16. Dont get _ when you are in trouble. You try to calm down. (耐心的)【考点】:单词拼写及适当形式变化【错因分析】:句意理解不清【答案】:impatient【解析】:考查形容词反义词。耐心的是patient,根据句意当你陷入困境时应该是不要急躁,所以填impatient。17. Tu Youyou is one of the greatest _ in the field of science. Lets learn from her. (先锋)【

15、考点】:单词拼写及复数变化【错因分析】:单词拼写有误【答案】:pioneers【解析】:本题考查名词复数,尤其注意单词拼写,为常考难点。one of是名词复数的标志词。18 Because of the loss of the living areas, dinosaurs _ millions of years ago. (出现)【考点】:单词拼写及时态【错因分析】:未注意到单词适当变形【答案】:disappeared【解析】:考查动词的反义词和时态。句意为由于生存区域的消失,恐龙在几百万年前就消失了,应该填appear的反义词,并注意时态。19. The engineer made the

16、 wonderful _ yesterday. We were all deeply moved by them. (speak)【考点】:单词适当形式变化【错因分析】:未进行复数变化【答案】:speeches【解析】:考查可数名词复数。wonderful是形容词,后加名词。speak的名词是speech,又根据后面them指代演讲,可知要加复数。20._(connect) the two countries, the government will build a high-speed railway between them.【考点】:不定式【错因分析】:句子含义理解不清【答案】:To c

17、onnect【解析】:考查不定式做目的状语。句意:“为了连接这两个国家,政府将在它们之间修建一条高铁。”可知表目的,需要填写to connect。21. Tom and Jerry is my favorite, though there isnt too much_(对话) in it. 【考点】:单词拼写【错因分析】:拼写有误【答案】:dialogue【解析】:注意单词拼写,容易出错而且其为不可数名词不能变复数。 ( )22. Mr. Brown always makes his class and keeps his students in classA. alive: interest

18、ingB. lively; interestingC. alive: interestedD. lively; interested【考点】: 形容词【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: D【解析】: alive活着的; lively生动的; interesting有趣的; interested感兴趣的;课应该用生动的来修饰;学生应该是对感兴趣;故选D( )23.Thanks a lot for the new chairperson.A. recommend me asB. recommending me asC. recommend me forD. recommending me for

19、【考点】: 非谓语动词【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: B【解析】: 句意:感谢你们推选我当新主席。 recommend sb as推选某人做; Thanks for doing sth谢谢做某事,所以选B( )24. I will recommend Daniel because he never at all times.A. gives outB. gives up C. gives inD. gives away【考点】: 考查动词短语。【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: B【解析】:句意:我会推荐 Daniel,因为在任何时候他都不会放弃。give out分发,发表;give

20、in投降,屈服,让步; give away捐,泄露,give up放弃,根据句意所以选B( )25.His uncle would rather the old bike than a new one.A. repair; to buyB. to repair, buyC. repair; buyD. to repair; to buy【考点】: 考查动词词组。【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: C【解析】:句意:他的叔叔宁愿修理一辆旧自行车也不愿买一辆新的。would rather do sth than do sth意为“宁愿做什么也不愿做什么, repair意为“修理,buy意为“买,

21、都用其原形。故正确答案为C( )26. We must get up early we can catch the first bus to school. A. so that B. such that C. in order to D. in order【考点】: 考查连词【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: A【解析】:句意:我们必须早起,以便于能赶上第一辆公交车去学校。so that连在一起引导目的状语从句,没有such that连用情况,可以分成suchthat表示如此以致于,引导结果状语从句;in order to后接动词或动词短语相当于so as to,引导目的状语从句,可以转换

22、成in order that或so that引导的从句。故选A( )27.He solved the problem _ from others.A. was different B. differently C. different D. difference【考点】: 考查副词【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: B【解析】:根据前面的谓语动词solved可知用副词differently修饰。was different是不同的;differently副词,不同地;different形容词,不同的。difference名词,不同,故选B( )28.Would you like to go f

23、or a walk with me? . But I have to clean the living room first. A. Yes, I would B. No, I wouldnt C. Sorry D. Yes, Id love to【考点】: 考查情景交际【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: D【解析】:句意:你想和我一块去散步吗?是的,非常想去。但是我不得不先清理起居室。对would like to do答语,肯定用yes,Id love/like to do。否定句用sorry,外加理由,故选D( )29. We should go to school by bus ins

24、tead of by car. Yeah, cars the use, pollution there will be. A. fewer, less B. less, fewer C. the less, the fewer D. the fewer, the less【考点】: 考查形容词比较级【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: D【解析】:句意:我们上学应该坐公交代替坐小汽车。是的。小汽车用的越少,污染就越少。此处考查the+比较级,the+比较级,表示越,就越。Few修饰可数名词复数,little修饰不可数名词,cars是复数名词,故用few的比较级fewer;pollution不可

25、数名词,故用little的比较级less修饰。故选D( )30.Which of the following words has the same sound as the underlined letters of the word “theirs”? A. though B. third C. throat【考点】: 考查字母组合的发音【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: A【解析】:句意:下列哪个单词中划线部分的发音与theirs中的th发音相同?由theirs e(r)z;though ;third (r)d;throat rt可知答案为A( )31. Why do you so up

26、set? Because I didnt get the first place in the English competition. A. look B. sound C. smell D. feel 【考点】: 考查动词辨析【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: A【解析】:句意:为什么你看起来如此沮丧?因为在英语比赛中我没获一等奖。look 看起来;sound听起来;smell闻起来;feel感觉。根据句意强调表情,应是看起来,故选A( )11.Lets go out for dinner. Great! But Clean-Up Day is two weeks from now. W

27、e cant making a plan. A. take off B. see off C. put off D. cut off【考点】: 考查动词短语【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: C【解析】:句意:我们去吃晚饭吧。太好了!但是清理日距今只有两周了。我们不能推迟制定计划。take off脱下,起飞;set off送行;put off推迟,拖延;cut off切除。计划只能用推迟,故选C( )32. Have you heard of TFBoys? Certainly. About teenagers love them very much in our school. A. hu

28、ndreds B. two hundreds of C. two hundreds D. two hundred【考点】: 考查数词用法【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: D【解析】:句意:你听说过TFBoys吗?当然了。在我们学校大约二百名青少年非常喜欢他们。hundred、thousand等数词前有数字用原形,变复数其后接of,如:hundreds of表示数百的。故选D( )33. There _ some good advice about how to reduce air pollution on the Internet.A. are B. is C. have D. has【

29、考点】: 考查固定句型【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: B【解析】:根据there可知考查there be 句型。主语是advice,视为单数,be动词用单数is。句意:在网上有一些关于如何降低空气污染的好建议。故选B( )34. You never miss one minute in class. You know, we must listen to the teacher carefully . A. take notes B. taking notes C. to take notes D. takes notes【考点】: 考查非谓语动词【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: C

30、【解析】:句意:课上你从不错过一分钟。你知道,我们必须认真听老师才能记笔记。to do不定式表目的,故选C( )35. The girl got the only chance to study abroad. _ proud her parents felt!A. How B. What C. What a D. How a【考点】: 考查感叹句【错因分析】: 容易误选 【答案】: A【解析】:根据句末标点可知是感叹句。感叹句结构:How +adj./ adv. + 主语+谓语!What + a/an+adj.+n. +主语+谓语!What + adj.+不可数名词/名词复数 +主语+谓语!根据proud可知对形容词感叹。这个女孩得到了唯一的出国机会。她的

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