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新人教版必修四 Unit 1 Women of achievement教案.docx

1、新人教版必修四 Unit 1 Women of achievement教案Unit one Women of achievement【单元教学目标】本单元主要学习为人类作出巨大贡献、取得巨大成就的女性。学生要了解这些女性的成就以及她们因此而付出的巨大的努力。本单元warming up部分介绍了六位伟大女性,分别是:Elizabeth Fry, Song Qingling, Jane Goodall, Judy Williams, Joan of Arc, Lin Qiaozhi。要让学生知道这些伟大女性的生平及其巨大成就。在阅读理解的第一篇里介绍了Jane Goodall为研究黑猩猩的生活习性

2、而在非洲所进行的野外考察活动。要引导学生思考:为什么她要进行野外考察?为什么要保护黑猩猩?这篇课文也是进行环境保护教育的好题材。阅读理解的第二篇则介绍了医学科学家、妇产科专家林巧稚的成就。【重点与难点】 本单元阅读课文所接触的两位伟大女性,学生都比较陌生。因此,要进行详细的背景的介绍。 本单元主要学习句子的主谓一致。这也是本单元的难点。因为汉语动词里面没有单复数的变化,因此,如何让学生掌握“数”的概念,当某些集体名词或连词出现时,如何判断使用单复数?这是一个关键问题。Period One【教学目标】本课时主要对课文中出现的六位伟大女性及其成就进行简要介绍。【重点与难点】课文里边出现了一些名词,

3、如Quaker, China Welfare Institute, campaign等,估计学生不知其意,要进行适当的解释说明。【教学过程】Step 1 单词复习、听写。 Elizabeth Fry, answer:Step 2 Pictures and QuestionsAsk Ss read the introduction of Elizabeth Fry and answer:What did she do to help the prisoners?Soong Qingling: Who is she? Whats her great achievement?Jane Goodall

4、: Whats her achievement in the study of Chimps?Jody Williams: What did she get in 1997?Joan of Arc: Do you know the name of the girl in ancient China whose experience was similar to her? Lin Qiaozhi: Whats her major?【homework】Recite the new words【课后小结】本课时基本能完成预定的教学任务。学生对所讲内容有一定的了解。尤其是对宋庆龄、圣女贞德的故事相当熟

5、悉。Period Two【教学目标】本课时主要进行阅读训练。要求学生通过阅读,掌握课文内容。【重点与难点】本课的教学重点,是对课文细节的阅读。要求学生通过阅读训练,对Jane Goodall有更进一步的了解。知道她为什么要进行研究。【教学步骤】Step 1. 单词听写Step 2. Warming upShow the pictures of Jane GoodallStep 3. Read and Answer:1. Where did Jane Goodall suggest the chimps be left?A.In the wild B.In the zoo C.In cages

6、D.In Africa2. Which of the following is true according to the text?A. Jane Goodall is the first person to understand chimps behaviour fully.B. Nobody had studied the chimps before Goodall.C. Goodalls duty is to watch chimps wake up in the morningD. Goodall has been hoping the world to understand and

7、 respect great women.3. What can we infer from the text?A. Jane Goodalls mother lived with herB. Jane Goodall loves animal and tries to protect them.C. Jane Goodall looks down upon them.D. Jane Goodall didnt like to work with other women of her age.【课后小结】本课时基本能完成阅读任务。但学生由于对单词相当不熟悉,故阅读起来觉得比较困难。似乎要增加一

8、个阅读课时。Period Three【教学目标】本课时是在学段考试后开的。故本课时应该是复习课时,要求学生通过听课文录音、完成阅读练习等方法,回忆课文第一段内容。【重点与难点】阅读课文,掌握第一段大意。【教学过程】Step 1 UNIT 1单词听写:Step 2 听录音,回答问题: Read 1st paragraph and answer the following questions in complete sentences. Where did they do their research? They did their research in the Gombe National P

9、ark. Whats the first activity they did? Watching a family of chimps wake up is their first activity of the day. What did the chimps do most of the time? Most of the time, chimps either feed or clean each other as a way of showing love in their family.【Homework】熟读课文【课后小结】本课上得很一般。基本能达到教学目标Period Four【

10、教学目标】本课时重点掌握课文第一段语法知识。【重点与难点】部分语法知识应该深入讲解。【教学过程】Step 1 UNIT 1单词听写:Step 2 language points: Our group are all going to visit the chimps in the forest. 思考:group是单数形式,后面为什么要用are? 填空: The team_ organized by 12 boys who are from 16 to 18 years old. The enemy _ entering our village! The couple_ English tea

11、chers. After the bell rang, the whole class_ rushing to the bus stop. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. 动名词短语作主语,谓语动词要用单数: Seeing is believing. Studying is a hard work to students. Driving the bus from JM to GZ for 4 turns is his everyday work. 注意:不定式也可以作主语,但动词原形不

12、能作主语! To get up at 5:00 in the morning is impossible to me. This means going back to a place mean-meant-meant Guess the meaning: A dictionary tells you what words mean. The thunder rain means summer has come. He means what he says./Dont laugh! I mean it! When I was a student, 20yuan means a lot to m

13、e. 常见用法:mean sth. to sb. Most of the time, chimps either feed or clean each other as a way of showing love in their family. 注意eitheror的用法: 用在肯定句中,不是就是;或者或者 用在否定句中,既不也不 注意: Either you or me _ wrong. Either Mr. Lee or you _ to be chosen to take part in the competition.【课后小结】本课时感觉可以。但听写占用的时间太多。语言知识方面所用

14、的时间较少。 Period Five【教学目标】要用两课时进行课文第二、第三段阅读以及语言知识的讲解。【重点与难点】1、 阅读课文,掌握课文大意2、 掌握课文语法知识。【教学过程】Step 1课文句子听写 Step 2 阅读课文,回答以下问题: Read 2nd and 3rd paragraph and answer the following questions in complete sentences. What did Jane spend many years doing? Jane spent many years observing and recording the chim

15、ps activities. Whats the effect of Janes work? Janes work changed the way people think about chimps. Whatre Janes viewpoints about the animals? Animals should not be used in entertainment, advertisements or laboratories. They should be left in the wild.Step3 语言知识: She did not study at a university b

16、ut she was determined to work with animals in their own environment. Be determined to do sth.下决心做某事 Determine:决心、决定(make up ones mind) I have determined to fire you. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. Only在句首修饰作状语的副词、介词或状语从句时,主句倒装: 思

17、考: Only when you tell the truth _ set you free. (will I, I will) Only thinking deeply alone _ feel happy. (can he, he can) She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system. Communicate with sb: exchange informatio

18、n The policemen communicate with each other by radio. The teacher communicate his requirements to students. Communicate sth to sb/sth:make sth known Please work out this question. How will this incident(事件)work out? I work out regularly to keep fit. I have worked out a plan. She has argued for them

19、to be left in the wild Argue with sb for/over sb/sth Dont argue with your neighbor. We argue with the bus company for more bus in busy hours. Argue辩论:give reasons Quarrel争吵:louder voice or fight, no matter you have reasons or not. Discuss:讨论find a good result. It affects me when I watch the wild chi

20、mps. affect影响(v.) The rising of oil price affects all of us. Smoking affects lung cancer. Yang Liweis success affects the whole Chinese people. 注意:effect(n.)【Homework】熟读课文第二、三段。【课后小结】本课时因为句子听写占用时间太多,并没有完成预定的教学任务。Period Six【教学目标】本课时考查UNIT 5重要句子,并进行语言点的讲解。 【重点与难点】1 考查unit 5重要的单词、短语。 2 如何引导学生进行讨论?【教学过程

21、】Step 1 本课时主要进行语法讲解:主语从句。【重点与难点】1 复习以前所学的从句的知识;2 主语从句中的连接词与其所表示的意义;3 形式主语的用法;【教学过程】1. Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the _ coast.2. As you go _, you will see mountains, and pass thousands of lakes, forests and wide rivers as well as cities.3. Vanc

22、ouver is _ by mountains on the north and east and the Pacific Ocean on the west. 4. They can ski in the Rocky Mountains and sail in the _.5. It is so wet there that the trees are _ tall.6. That afternoon in the train the cousins _ _ in their seats.7. _ come from all over North America to compete in

23、riding wild horses.8. Many of them _ _ _ _ working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars in prize.9. Most Canadians live _ 320 kilometres of the USA _.10. The population of Canada is only _ over thirty million.11. This city is at the top end of the Great Lakes, and it is a very busy _.语

24、言点讲解: That afternoon in the train the cousins settled down in their seats. Settle down:1) sit down for a long time She has settled down in her seat for an hour, saying nothing. 2) begin to live in a place It is said that the ancient Chinese settled down in G.D. more than thousands of years ago. Many

25、 of them have a gift for working with animals Have a gift for: have intelligence in learning sth. I dont have a gift for calculating, so I got low grades in mathematics. When she was a little child, she had shown her gift for music. Most Canadians live within 320 kilometers of the USA borders. Withi

26、n: not more than: My birthday is within two days, you should prepare a gift for me! You should appear in my office within 30 seconds! The door opened within. Border: the areas between two countries. Border with与相邻 The fact that ocean ships can go there surprises many people. 这里出现了一个同位语从句。试把它改为一个其他类型

27、的从句 What surprises us is the fact that ocean ships can go there. It is the fact that ocean ship can go there surprises many people. 【homework】【课后小结】本课由于复习用的时间不多,时间利用得很好。但语法解释不全面,估计要增加一节练习课。Period Eight【教学目标】本课时结合上两课时所讲语法知识的情况,进行适量的复习练习。主要目的是帮助学生掌握【教学过程】 He likes nothing _ than this one.( good, well,

28、 better, best) 他比这个班的其他学生都聪明。 He is clever than _ _ students in his class. 她比这个小组的其他任何人都唱得好。 She sang better than _ _ in the group. 他买的东西比其他人买的都便宜。 What he bought is cheaper than _ _. China is _ largest country in the world. (three, third, the third) 这就是我们这样做的理由。 These are our reasons _ doing it. (o

29、f, for, to, how)- Do you think the stars will beat the Bulls?-Yes, they have better players, so I _ them to win. 【NMET 99】Hope, prefer, expect, want 他坐汽车而不是坐飞机去那里。 He went there by bus _ _ by plane. 【NMET94】Rather than _ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _ a bicycle. (ride)【NMET92】-Shall we go ska

30、ting or stay at home?-Which _ do yourself?A. Do you rather; B. would you rather; C. will you rather; D. should you rather John as well as his classmates _ at home. The old worker has knowledge and experience _( well, as well, as well as) This book is _ than that one. (as well as, as well, as good as) 【NMET94】John plays football _, if not better than David.A. As well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as as, because, since, for Because表示直接具体的原因,可以用来回答why引起的提问;we stayed at hom

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