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5、lsarepreparedforthesecond grade studentinprimaryschool.ThesestudentsalreadyhavethebasisoflearningEnglishandtheyhaveastrongcuriosity toEnglishandenthusiasmforlearning.Thechildrenatthisageliketoplay. Theyconcentrateonthingsforaveryshorttime.Teachers shoulddesignalivelyanddiverseformofactivitiestoattra

6、cttheattentionofchildrenintheclass.Thelevelofunderstandinghasbeengreatlyimproved.Teachersshouldactivatethe childrensthinkingandmaketheclasscontentsbecloserto lifeandmoreinteresting.学期计划:上课总周数:20讲授新课周数:16复习考试周数:3第一周 第二周 Chapter 1第三周 第四周 Chapter 2第五周 十一第六周 第七周 Chapter 3第八周 第九周Chapter 4第十周 Revision & E

7、xam第十一周 第十二周 Chapter 5第十三周 第十四周 Chapter 6 第十五周 第十六周 Story time第十七周 Revision第十八周 Revision第十九周 Revision第二十周 Exam单元计划:本单元分为六个课时第一课时: PartA& B第二课时:Review Part A Part C第三课时: Part C & D第四课时:Part E第五课时:Part F & Phonics第六课时:Revision Chapter 1Coming to school Teaching Aims:Aims of the knowledge:1. To introdu

8、ce pupils to different means of transport in Hong Kong.2. To encourage pupils to ask and answer about the ways they come to school.3. Use interrogative pronouns to find out specific information about transport in Hong Kong.4. Use nouns to identify transportation.5. Use the simple present tense to ex

9、press opinions.Aims of the abilities:1. To obtain and provide information in simple classroom situations and through activities such as interactive games and role-play.2. To provide or find out and present simple information on familiar topics.3. Use simple sentences to communicate with others .Aims

10、 of the emotion:1. Develop confidence in using English through performing tasks on their own or in groups.2. To encourage pupils to ask and answer about the ways they come to school.3.Develop participatory, cooperative ,love and caring attitudesKey points:1. How pupils come to school .2. Pupils lear

11、n the names of different means of transport in Hong Kong.3. pupils learn to ask and answer about the ways they come to school.4. They learn to make a chart .Difficult points:1. Pupils learn the names of different means of transport in Hong Kong.2.pupils learn to ask and answer about the ways they co

12、me to school.Process and method:提出问题法(Question -Answer activity)独立完成法(Individuals)小组合作法(Group work)直接教学法(Direct Method)互动式教学法(Interactive Learning)情境教学法(Situational Language Teaching)听说教学法(Audio-Lingual Method)肢体反应教学法(Total Physical Response)沟通式教学法(Communicative Language Teaching)自然教学法(Natural Appro

13、ach)字母拼读法(Phonics)歌谣韵文教学法(Songs & Rhymes Teaching)电脑辅助教学法(CAI)The 1st PeriodTeaching aims:Aims of the knowledge:1. To introduce pupils to different means of transport in Hong Kong.2. To encourage pupils to ask and answer about the ways they come to school.3. Use interrogative pronouns to find out sp

14、ecific information about transport in Hong Kong.4. Use nouns to identify transportation.Aims of the abilities: 1. Use simple sentences to communicate with others2. Use interrogative pronouns to find out specific information about transport in Hong Kong.Aims of the emotion: 1. Develop participatory,

15、cooperative ,love and caring attitudes2.Appreciate the beauty of the language through enjoying reading simple conversations.3. Develop confidence in using English through performing tasks on their own or in groupsKey points: 1. To encourage pupils to ask and answer about the ways they come to school

16、.2. Pupils learn the names of different means of transport in Hong Kong.Difficult points:1. To introduce pupils to different means of transport in Hong Kong.Resources checklist: Flash card , CD , super E-bookB.D:Chapter1 Weather Date Group A B Cby bus by school bus by ferry by minibus by MTR by LRT

17、by tram by train PROCEDURETEACHERS ACTIVITIESSTUDENTSACTIVITIESPURP-OSETI-ME.Warm-up1. Greetings2. Warm-up activities.3.Talk with the Ss1.class orders2.Drill the orders通过教授课堂指令让学生掌握课堂常规,调动课堂气氛及学生积极性。5Presentation 1. Good morning class! Nice to meet you .Whats the weather like today? What day is it t

18、oday?2. Teach different means of transport using the flash cards.Whats this? Its a bus.Whats this?Its a ferry etc.3.Teach the question form. Then go round the class asking questions and eliciting answers.I come to school by bus.How do I come to school? I come to shool by bus.How do you come to schoo

19、l,Tony?By train?You come to school by train.4.Write tram on the board.Show pupils an easy way to remember the difference between tram and train; put a dot above the first stroke of the m in tram to make a chimney on a train.5. Practise the question and answers by giving key words.How do you come to

20、school? Bus. I come to school by bus.How do you come to school? By train. I come to school by train.6.Teach on foot. Use your fingers to mime legs walking to illustrate the meaning.Write on foot = walk on the board.How do you come to school? On foot. I come to school on foot.7.Give out the flash car

21、ds to different pupils. Ask each of them to answer according to the picture on his/her card.T; How do you come to school,Tony?P; I come to school by ferry、T; OK. Show me your card.Yes. Youre right. You come to school by ferry.8.Ask one or two pupils to come out and act the teacher, asking the questi

22、on around the class.Ok ,listen to the E book again and describe the pictures by using some questions .9 .Little teacher10.Boys and girls read ,11.Individuals1.Lisen to T carefully try to response2. Look at the board try to listen and respond .3.Look at the board try to listen and respond .4. Ss answ

23、er the Ts question T will give heshe a prize .5.Let the Ss read it together ,group by group ,one by one .通过师生对话,生生对话,进行知识点教授。15.Practice1.Let the Ss talk with their partner by using the questions they have learned.2. Have a competition(let each of a group come to the board to have a competition ,who

24、 is quicker ,I will give a star )Work in pairs 随机性的操练,掌握学生理解的情况。10. Production.Ask who can make a sentence with How do you ? T and Ss find the skills .用激励的方式调动学生的积极性,发掘学生的潜能10HomeworkMake a sentence with How do you ?Preview part A 反思:今天是开学第一节课,孩子们还处在假期状态,心还没有收回来,由于今天是第一节课,有些孩子的作息时间还没有完全适应,出现个别学生打瞌睡的

25、现象,所以,这节课即使我做了大量的PPT和图片,效果仍然没有想象的那样好,接下来对学生的收心工作要加强。The 2nd PeriodTeaching aims:Aims of the knowledge:1. To develop pupils reading skills and stimulate their critical thinking ability.2. To teach the blends/tr/and/fr/for the letters tr and fr respectively.3.To interpret and use simple given informat

26、ion through processes or activities such as labeling, matching, sequencing, describing, classifying; and to follow simple instructionsAims of the abilities:1. To recognize some obvious features of the English language in simple spoken and written texts such as the direction of writing in English, th

27、e characteristics of an alphabetic script and the sound patterns of English and apply this awareness to ones initial learning and use of the languageAims of emotion: 1. Develop participatory, cooperative, love and caring attitudes2. Appreciate the beauty of the language through enjoying reading simp

28、le conversations.3. Develop confidence in using English through performing tasks on their own or in groupsKey points: 1. To encourage pupils to ask and answer about the ways they come to school.2. Pupils learn the names of different means of transport in Hong Kong.Difficult points:1. Pupils learn th

29、e different ways they come to school.2. To provide or find out and present simple information on familiar topics.Resources checklist: Flash card , CD , super E-bookB.D:Chapter1 Weather Date Group A B C How do you I come PROCEDURETEACHERS ACTIVITIESSTUDENTSACTIVITIESPURP-OSETI-ME.Warm-up1. Greetings2

30、. Warm-up activities.3.Talk with the Ss1.class orders2.Drill the orders通过教授课堂指令让学生掌握课堂常规,调动课堂气氛及学生积极性。5Presentation 1. Good morning class! Good morning. Whats the weather like today ? What day is it today?2.Ok ! you did a nice job ,who can answer my question ? look at the screen .(PPT).Review the sentence by How do you I come 3.Teach the new vocabulary using the flash the words,then cover them and ask pupils to spell them keep rep

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