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1、秋上海牛津六年级英语期中复习题期中考试复习一 重要语法点:1. 情态动词can may must shall shouldCAN 表示能力 表示允许,建议或请求许可 表示可能 May 表示请求或许可 表示可能或许 表示祝愿引导的一般疑问句否定回答_Must 表示主观瞧法意为“必须绝对”否定形式must not=mustnt 意为“禁止不许” 表示肯定的推测 引导的一般疑问句,其否定回答为_Shall 表示征求对方意见意为“好不好,可以” Should 表示劝告义务, 意为“应该” 2. 频度副词/时间副词1、 - _ does Tina go to see her grandparents?

2、- Once a week、A、 When B、 How many C、 How often D、 Why2、 He is a good student, but _ he makes mistakes、 A、 always B、 usually C、 sometimes D、 often3. 一般现在时( )1、 _you often go to school by bus? A、 Are B、 is C、 Do D、 Does( )2、 - Are you sure? - _、 A、 Yes, I do、 B、 Yes, I am、 C、 No, I dont、 D、 Thats righ

3、t、( ) 3、 _Mr Li _ Rose Garden School? - Yes, he is、 A、 Isvisiting B、 Doesvisit C、 Dovisit D、 Doesvisits( )4、 Beijing is our capital、 Have you _ yet? A、 been to there B、 been there C、 go to there D、 go there( )5、 What do you usually do _ Sundays? A、 about B、 at C、 in D、 on( )6、 Some boys always _ com

4、puter games very late at night、 A、 play B、 plays C、 to play D、 playing( )7、 Simon sometimes _ his little brother English、 A、 teach B、 teaches C、 taught D、 has taught( )8、 John is a good student、 He _ tells a lie、 A、 always B、 often C、 never D、 usually ( )9、 This boy is not honest、 He _ lies、 A、 neve

5、r says to B、 always tell C、 sometimes tells D、 usually talk about ( )10、 She is an honest girl and never _ lies、 A、 speaks B、 says C、 talks about D、 tells4. 一般过去时1、 He put up his coat, _ he?A、 doesnt B、 didnt C、 did D、 does 2、 Which place _ you _ (visit) yesterday?3、 The firemen _ a big fire in our

6、housing estate last Monday、 A、 put out B、 puts out C、 puts off D、 put down4、 The firemen _ a big fire last week、 A、 put out B、 put down C、 put on D、 put up5. 一般将来时1、 There _ a new film on TV tonight、A、 is going to have B、 will haveC、 is going to be D、 has 2、 There _ a class meeting next week、 A、 is

7、B、 will be C、 be D、 will 3、 Where _ they _ their holidays next year? A、 dospend B、 willspend C、 arespending D、 havespent 4、 I _ a picnic with my friends in the park next week、A、 have B、 had C、 will have D、 am6. 现在完成时1、 Where have you been_ Beijing? A、 in B、 to C、 / D、 on 2、 I have _ been to Hong Kon

8、g、 I will go there next week、 A、 just B、 yet C、 already D、 never3、 _ you ever _ America yet? A、 Have、 been to B、 Have、gone to C、 Have、 been in D、 Have、gone in 4、 - Why not go to see the dolphin show with me? - Because I _ it、 A、 saw B、 will see C、 see D、 have seen 5、 My family and I _ Hangzhou twice

9、、 A、 go B、 have go C、 have gone to D、 have going6、 时态综合练习、 Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs、 1、 A: How much _ (be) two bottles 0forangejuice? B: Twenty yuan、2、 A: Who usually _ (catch) fish in the river? B: The fisherman、3、 John is a good boy and he never _ (tell) lies、4、

10、Look, John and Mary _ (ride) bicycles、5、 They _ (have) an autumn outing tomorrow、6、_ your father often late for work? (be)7、Look, it _ hard 、(rain)7、 介词的用法 1、 Please tell me the story _ English、 A、 in B、 by C、 at D、 with2、 Lets help _ each other and learn _ each other、 A、 from、, from B、 /、from C、 wi

11、th、from D、 with、/ 3、 Shall we go to _ U、S、A、 _ next weekend? A、/, / B、 the, / C、 /, at D、 the, at 4、 - What would you like to have _ dinner? - Id like Io have fried vegetables _ garlic、 A、 for, by B、 on, with C、 for, with D、 on, by 5、 Thanksgiving Day is _ the fourth Thursday of Nov、 in America、 A、

12、from B、 on C、 in D、 at 6、 Make a birthday card _ one of your family members、 A、 to B、 at C、 for D、 of 7、 I usually go shopping with my aunt _ weekends、 A、 at B、 by C、 in D、 for 8、 _ a very cold morning, the boy was born in a poor family、 A、 In B、 On C、 At D、 From 9、 You can buy some fish _ the fish

13、stall、 A、 for B、 in C、 at D、 on 10、 I live far _ school so I always _ the underground to school、 A、 away, by B、 from, take C、 away, take D、 from, by 11、 I want to make a card _ my teacher on Teachers Day、 A、 to B、 of C、 for D、 from12、 Lets meet them _ the entrance _ one thirty、 A、 atin B、 inat C、 at

14、at D、 inin8人称代词与所有格1、 _ can help each other after school、A、 She B、 He C、 I D、 They 2、 Miss Guo is a good teacher and she teaches _ (we) English well、 3、 The little girl is crying、 Lets go and help _、 (she)4、 Ben is _ friend and I love _ very much、 A、 Ihe B、 Ihim C、 myhe D、 myhim 5、 This is a photo o

15、f my family and _、 We are visiting the Expo Park, A、 my B、 mine C、 me D、 I6、 Now they are introducing _ to the foreign friends、 (they)7、Look, this is a photo of his family and _ (he)、8、Miss Chen teaches _ Maths this term、 (they) 9、Now they are introducing _ to the foreign friends、 (they)9. 13-100的基数

16、词表达与序数词表达以及时刻表达1、 Tomorrow is my cousins _ (twelve) birthday、2、 Our maths teacher is_ years old、 A、 forty one B、 fourty-one C、 fourteen D、 forty-one3、 What time is it? Its 10:45、 It reads _、 A、 a quarter to eleven B、 a quarter to ten C、 a quarter past ten D、 a quarter past eleven4、 Two _ parents wil

17、l come to our school on the Open Day、 A、 hundred B、 hundreds C、 hundred of D、 hundreds of5、 Mr、 Green is going to visit Garden City for the _ time、 (three) 6、 It is my _ time to travel by plane、 (one)10. 表示建议的句型l、 Shall we go to the cinema tonight? (保质句意不变) _ _ go to the cinema tonight? 2、 What abou

18、t _ this afternoon? I dont want to stay at home、 A、 to see a film B、 seeing a film C、 see a film D、 not see3、 What about _ a picnic this Sunday? A、 to have B、 have C、 having D、 Will have4、 How about _ bicycles this weekend? A、 ride B、 to ride C、 riding D、 rides 22、 -What about a barbecue today? - _、

19、 A、 Whats the matter? B、 Anything important? C、 Thats a good idea、 D、 How is the weather?11. Say speak talk tell的区别1、 I sometimes _ my cousin about my school and friends、 A、 say B、 speak C、 talk D、 tell2、 We must _ English in an English class、A、 say B、 speak C、 tell D、 talk ( )36、 Dont _ your deskma

20、te in class、 A、 talk B、 talk to C、 speak D、 say12. 动词后接to do /doing /do形式 1、 They promise _ friendly to others、 A、 be B、 will be C、 to be D、 to will 2、 Sorry, Sir、 I promise _ again、 A、 to not be late B、 not to be late C、 be not late D、 not to late 3、 We promise _ ( not eat) in class、 4、 We must fin

21、ish _ the picture before eight oclock、 A、 to draw B、 drawing C、 drew D、 draws 5、 Let the old lady _ the bus first、 A、 get on B、 gets on C、 got On D、 getting on 6、 Would you like _ a policeman? - Yes, I _、 A、 to bewould B、 bewould C、 to bedo D、 be、do 8、 We promise _ less rubbish、 A、 make B、 making C、

22、 to make D、 made9、Let the baby _ the bottle of the juice by himself、 (drink)10、Tom enjoys _ (surf) the internet、13. 肯定句变否定句1. She did some exercise yesterday morning、 (改为否定句)She _ _ any exercise yesterday morning、2. My father has already had his dinner、 (否定句) My father _ had his dinner _、3. I have a

23、lready been to Beijing、 (改为否定句) I _ been to Beijing _、4. We have six classes every day、(改为否定句) We _ _ six classes every day、5. He had a meeting in the meeting room just now、(改为否定句) He _ _ a meeting in the meeting room just now、 6. We have a school meeting every week、(改为否定句) We _ _ a school meeting e

24、very week、 14. 肯定句变一般疑问句1. Alice usually goes shopping at weekends、 (改为一般疑问句) _ Alice usually _ shopping at weekends?2. John has already been to Ocean Park、(改为疑问句) _ John been to Ocean Park_?3. I have already been to Beijing、 (改为一般疑问句) _ you been to Beijing _? 4. Id like to be a teacher、 (改为一般疑问句) _

25、 you _ to be a teacher?15. 就划线部分提问1、 My father often helps my mum to do the housework、 (对划线部分提问) _ _ your farther often help to do the housework?2、 This new book will cost me 40 RMB、 (对划线部分提问) _ _ will this new book cost?3、 Id like to be a doctor because I want to make sick people better、 (划线提问) _ _

26、 you like to be a doctor?4、 This book cost me 10 yuan、(划线提问) _ _ _ this book _ you?5、 We must use tile escalator on the left、(对划线部分提问) _ _ must we use?6、 The little girl will stay in Beijing for two weeks、 (对划线部分提问) _ _ will the little girl stay in Beijing? 7、 They are going to Shanghai by bus、 (对划线

27、部分提问) _ _ they going to Shanghai?8、 Id like to be a cook because I like cooking、 (划线提问) _ _ you like to be a cook?9、 I have stayed in Shanghai for ten years、 (划线提问) _ _ have you stayed in Shanghai?10、 Mr、 Brown is tall and thin with dark hair、 (对划线部分提问) _ does Mr、 Brown _ like?11、 He comes from Britain、 (对划线部分提问) _ _ he come from?12、 They play basketball for half an hour every day、 (对划线部分提问) _ _ do they play

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